Ambassador Namm with the OAS flag behind.
Adam E. Namm
Executive Secretary, CICAD

Official picture of Angela Crowdy
Angela Crowdy
Assistant Executive Secretary, CICAD
The Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (known by its Spanish language acronym, CICAD) is the consultative and advisory body of the OAS on the drug issue. It serves as a forum for OAS member states to discuss and find solutions to the drug problem and provides them technical assistance to increase their capacity to counter the drug problem.

Since its establishment in 1986, CICAD and its Executive Secretariat have responded to the ever-changing challenges of drug control, expanding its efforts to promote regional cooperation and coordination with and among its member states.
The CICAD Executive Secretariat, led by an Executive Secretary and Assistant Executive Secretary, is composed of two sections with a total of five units (see chart here):

In December 2020, OAS member states approved by consensus the new OAS Hemispheric Drug Strategy and its corresponding five-year Plan of Action 2021-2025. Through the Strategy, OAS member states recognize the importance of efforts made to address the world drug problem, including ratification and implementation of relevant international conventions, and at the same time, acknowledge the need to strengthen drug policies, strategies, and actions.

The Hemispheric Plan of Action on Drugs (2021-2025), a guide for the implementation of the Strategy, supports member states and reiterates their commitment to placing individuals at the core of drug policies and programs and furthering tangible progress in addressing the world drug problem within the framework of the three international drug control conventions and other relevant international instruments, in full respect of the principles of international law, the United Nations Charter, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

CICAD works closely with partners such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the International Narcotics Control Board, the Pan American Health Organization, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, and the Regional Security System. CICAD also maintains strong ties with civil society, including the participation of civil society in all CICAD regular sessions.

Organization chart
Organization chart
The Institutional Strengthening Unit of CICAD's Executive Secretariat promotes the development of institutional capacities in OAS member states by facilitating the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies, plans and strategies. This covers areas such as institutional coordination, alternatives to incarceration, social integration, alternative development, and decentralization of policies.
The Inter-American Observatory on Drugs (OID, by its Spanish-language acronym) is CICAD's research unit and provides support to OAS member states in the collection and analysis of data on the drug problem so that governments can design more effective national drug policies.
The Demand Reduction Unit works to reduce the demand for illicit drugs and other substances of abuse by discouraging and preventing initial use of drugs, intervening early with occasional or non-dependent drug users, and treating the negative health and social consequences of dependency through treatment, rehabilitation and aftercare programs.
The Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism Unit manages the MEM process, which evaluates how each OAS member state is implementing the OAS Hemispheric Plan of Action on Drugs, helping to improve their capacity to control drug trafficking and abuse, and strengthen multilateral cooperation.
The mission of the Supply Reduction Unit is to increase the capacity of member states to counter the production and trafficking of illicit drugs and reduce their availability. Relying on a multidimensional, comprehensive, and evidence-based approach, CICAD supports OAS member states to strengthen their capacities to effectively disrupt the production, trafficking, and distribution of illicit drugs in the region.
More Publications
Highlighted Publications
March, 2024
Hemispheric Brief 2024
8th Round - Institutional Strengthening; Research, Information, Monitoring, and Evaluation; and International Cooperation
Portada con título y logos
November, 2023
Universal Training Curriculum for National Drug Strategies (UC-NDS)
March, 2023
Hemispheric Brief 2023
8th. Round
November, 2022
Report on Drug Supply in the Americas 2022
The report provides an overview of trends and patterns in drug supply across the Hemisphere.
First Page of the document, logos of OAS and CICAD
March, 2022
Hemispheric Brief 2022
8th. Round
Cover of manual with abstract forms in blue and other colors
November, 2020
Manual for Scientific Monitoring and Evaluation: Drug Treatment Courts in the Americas
Manual on guidelines to measure the impact of Drug Treatment Courts
Black and White Cover with Faces of a Young Man and Woman, title of the Report, CICAD and Canada logos
February, 2020
Drug Policies in the Americas and Gender Perspective: Findings from the 7th Round, MEM National Reports
Drug Policies in the Americas and Gender Perspective: Findings from the 7th Round, MEM National Reports
Portada con título y logos
December, 2023
How to Develop a National Drug Policy
A Guide for Policymakers, Practitioners, and Stakeholders
December, 2019
Report on Drug Use in the Americas 2019
Cover with abstract forms in blue and orange, CICAD logo
November, 2019
Reference Framework for the Understanding of the Concept of Comprehensive and Sustainable Alternative Development (DAIS)
English cover with forms in blue and yellow with OAS logo
February, 2019
A Diagnostic Study of the Barbados Drug Treatment Courts: Findings and Recommendations
Diagnostic study conducted to improve the results of the Drug Treatment Courts (DTCs) in the Caribbean