Rafael Parada
Chief of the Supply Reduction Unit
Based on a multidimensional, comprehensive, and evidence-based approach, the mission of the Executive Secretariat of CICAD' Supply Reduction Unit (CICAD/SRU) is to support OAS member states in strengthening their capacity to counter the illicit production, manufacturing, trafficking, and sale of drugs in the region.
In this context, the CICAD/SRU provides specialized training and technical assistance to member states in the following programmatic areas:
- Counterdrug police intelligence capacity building;
- Control of chemical precursors used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
- Maritime, riverine and port narcotrafficking;
- Drug trafficking by air; and
- Promotion of gender equality in counterdrug law enforcement agencies.
Likewise, CICAD/SRU supports CICAD’s Group of Experts on Maritime Narcotrafficking and CICAD’s Group of Experts on Chemical Substances and Pharmaceutical Products.