Press Release

IACHR Wraps Up its 151st Regular Period of Sessions

July 30, 2014

Washington, D.C. - The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) held its 151st Regular Period of Sessions July 14-25, 2014, at its headquarters. During this period of sessions the Commission interviewed the six finalists in the process for the post of Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, and selected Edison Lanza for a three-year period, renewable once. The new Rapporteur will take office on October 6, 2014, date when the mandate of the current Special Rapporteur, Catalina Botero, ends.

In addition, the IACHR continued to study numerous individual petitions and cases that allege violations of human rights protected by the American Convention on Human Rights, the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, and other inter-American Instruments. Following is the list of the petitions and cases for which reports of a public nature were approved during this session. Once the parties have been notified, these reports will be published on the IACHR website.

Admissibility Reports
Report No. 70/14, Petition No. 1453-06, Maicon de Souza Silva and Renato da Silva Paixão, Brazil
Report No. 45/14, Petition No. 325-00, Rufino Jorge Almeida, Argentina
Report No. 46/14, Petition No. 714-00, Carlos Jorge Cacece, Argentina
Report No. 47/14, Petition No. 406-99, Mariela del Carmen Echeverría de Sanguino, Colombia
Report No. 48/14, Case No. 11.641, Pedro Julio Movilla Galarcio, Colombia
Report No. 49/14, Petition No. 1196-07, Juan Carlos Martínez Gil, Colombia
Report No. 50/14, Petition No. 779-11, Jineth Bedoya Lima, Colombia
Report No. 51/14, Petition No. 1389-05, Daniel Urrutia Labreaux, Chile
Report No. 52/14, Petition No. 112-09, F.S., Chile
Report No. 53/14, Petition No. 202-03, Luis Bolívar Hernández Peñaherrera, Ecuador
Report No. 54/14, Petition No. 684-14, Russell Bucklew y Charles Warner, United States
Report No. 55/14, Petition No. 818-06, Felipe Matías Calmo, Faustino Mejía Bautista y otros (Inhabitants of the Caserío Tres Cruces), Guatemala
Report No. 56/14, Petition No. 886-04, Ronal Jared Martínez Velásquez and Marlón Fabricio Hernández Fúnez, Honduras
Report No. 57/14, Petition No. 775-03, Juan González et. al, Honduras
Report No. 58/14, Petition No. 644-07, Duvi Alfredo Teixidor Vinjoy, Uruguay
Report No. 60/14, Petition No. 1415-04, Alejandro Nissen Pessolani, Paraguay
Report No. 61/14, Petition No. 1235-07, Georgina Gamboa García and family, Peru
Report No. 62/14, Petition No. 1216-03, Inhabitants of Quishque-Tapayrihua, Peru
Report No. 63/14, Petition No. 519-03, Liliana Velásquez and Marta Colomina, Venezuela
Report No. 64/14, Petition No. 806-06, Laureano Brizuela Wilde, Mexico

Inadmissibility Reports
Report No. 66/14, Petition No. 1180-03, Germán Cristino Granados Caballero, Honduras
Report No. 67/14, Peticiones No. 1352-06 y 580-07, Bernardo Romero Vásquez and Raymundo Gil Rendón, Mexico
Report No. 71/14, Petition No. 537-03, Mayra Espinoza Figueroa, Chile

Friendly Settlement Reports
Report No. 69/14, Case No 12.041, M.M. , Peru
Report No. 65/14, Case No 12.769, Irineo Martínez Torres and Calendario Martínez Damián, México
Report No. 59/14, Case No 12.376, Alba Lucía Rodríguez Cardona, Colombia

Archive Reports
Report No. 68/14, Case No 10.237, Manuel de Jesús Araújo Sánchez, El Salvador

Merits Reports
During this period of sessions, the IACHR approved 5 reports on the merits, which have a confidential character at this stage, and the proceedings will continue. The merits report are made public in subsequent stages.

In addition, it decided to publish the following final merits report (of evaluation of compliance with the recommendations issued in a merits report):
Report No. 44/14, Case No 12.873, Edgar Tamayo Arias, United States

The IACHR is made up of Tracy Robinson, Chair; Rose-Marie Belle Antoine, First Vice-Chair; Felipe González, Second Vice-Chair; and José de Jesús Orozco Henríquez, Rosa María Ortiz, Paulo Vannuchi, and James Cavallaro. The Executive Secretary is Emilio Álvarez Icaza Longoria.

A principal, autonomous body of the Organization of American States (OAS), the IACHR derives its mandate from the OAS Charter and the American Convention on Human Rights. The Inter-American Commission has a mandate to promote respect for human rights in the region and acts as a consultative body to the OAS in this area. The Commission is composed of seven independent members who are elected in an individual capacity by the OAS General Assembly and who do not represent their countries of origin or residence.

No. 80/14