Freedom of Expression

Costa Rica

Follow-up on the assassination of journalist Parmenio Medina


22.  According to public information, two individuals were included in a criminal case brought by the Office of the Public Prosecutor and the Judicial Investigation Agency (OIJ) as part of an investigation into the murder of journalist Parmenio Medina on July 7, 2001.  The source indicates that the alleged perpetrators of the crimes have been identified as Luis Aguirre Jaime and Andrés Chaves Matarrita.[i]


Positive developments


23.  In March 2002, the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica rescinded article 309 of the Penal Code, which criminalized “insults” against the dignity of the President and other public officials.


24.  On April 25, 2002, a press release by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) welcomed this decision by the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica.


[i]La Nación de Costa Rica, at, 22 January 2003.