SEDI - DEC - Department of Education and Culture of the OAS
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Organization of American States
Executive Secretariat for Integral Development
SEDI - DEC - Department of Education and Culture of the OAS
Untitled Document

Chronology and Documents

LINEA-CULT I Cumbre de Miami III Cumbre de Quebec Cumbre Extraordinaria de Monterrey II Cumbre de Santiago I Reunión de Ministros de Educación II Reunión de Ministros de Educación III Reunión de Ministros de Educación I Reunión de la Comisión Interamericana de Educación II Reunión de la Comisión Interamericana de Educación Educación para todos, Dakar

LINEA-CULT (Select an event from the timeline)

Second Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Education

The II Plenary Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Education (OAS Headquarters, Washington , D.C. , October 18-19 th , 2004) represents an important milestone on the path to greater cooperation in education in our Hemisphere. At this meeting delegates dialogue d and t ook concrete actions toward achieving the goals set out by their Presidents and Heads of State, their Ministers of Education and their citizenry.

The objectives of this meeting  were as follows:

  1. Review the progress made since the III Ministerial Meeting and lay out the Action Plan to the IV Ministerial in Tobago .
  2. Prepare the Agenda for the IV Ministerial Meeting
  3. Follow-up on the hemispheric and Summit Projects
  4. Establish lines of action with regards to the upcoming IV Summit of the Americas

The Plenary meeting was preceded by a planning meeting of the Authorities and executive committee on Sunday the 17 th at the General secretariat building, Salon Gabriela Mistral .

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©2006 Organización de los Estados Americanos. Derechos Reservados. Descargo
Preparada y mantenida por DDSE
Diseño: Claudia Saidon. Para sugerencias, comentarios y correciones: [email protected]

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