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Department of International Law > OAS

Courses, Workshops and Seminars - February 2012

Fifth Course on International Humanitarian Law (CAJP, 2012)

Departamento de Derecho Internacional

The fifth course on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) was held at Organization of American States headquarters, on Thursday, January 26, 2012. The course was commissioned by General Assembly resolution AG/RES. 2650 on the “Promotion and Respect for International Humanitarian Law”, which instructed the Permanent Council to carry out this activity via its Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs. In accordance with said resolution, the course was organized by the Department of International Law (DIL) with the collaboration of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The course was held in English and Spanish, with the participation of over 100 attendees from the permanent missions, staff of the General Secretariat, and other interested persons, with simultaneous interpretation in the four languages of the Organization. The course was also provided via webcast to the Member States, opening the participation to interested persons throughout the region. Participants in Washingtion received a certificate of participation from the Chair of the CAJP, the Head of Delegation of the ICRC and the Director of the Department of International Law.

This year's course focused on the use of force, studying the integration of current legal frameworks into doctrine and the protection of persons, studying the legal frameworks protecting persons in situation of armed violence, as well as humanitarian assistance to victims and vulnerable populations.

For those who were unable to attend, the curriculum, documentation, exercises, presentations, picture gallery , audio and videos are available on the webpage of the DIL:

Related Links:

[Professors biographies]

[Reference Material]

[Picture Gallery]

[Video (Morning) 2hr 31']

[Video (Afternoon) 2hr 28']

[Audio (4hr 15')]


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