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Untitled Document

Inter-American Network for Labor Administration - RIAL

•  What is the RIAL? >>
•  Specific objectives of the RIAL >>
•  RIAL tools >>
•  Background of the RIAL >>

What is the RIAL?

The Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL, by its Spanish acronym) is the mechanism for cooperation and technical assistance of the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML) of the OAS.

The RIAL was created by the Ministries of Labor of the Americas after the XIV IACML in 2005, to strengthen their institutional and human capacities, through an integrating mechanism for dissemination of knowledge and experience.

The labor administrations in the region are exposed to great challenges when facing economic and social transformations caused by globalization. They need to modernize and strengthen their managerial capacities to improve the functioning of labor markets, guarantee suitable professional training, strengthen the enforcement of labor law and intensify tripartite social dialogue. The RIAL was created to address these challenges, with the understanding that horizontal cooperation and technical assistance play a key role in the institutional strengthening of the Ministries of Labor.

The RIAL is coordinated by the OAS Department of Social Development and Employment (DSDE), as Technical Secretariat of the IACML, and has the collaboration of the International Labor Organization (ILO).

The IACML Advisory Bodies, CEATAL (employers) and COSATE (workers), have an active part in the RIAL, and their members can also benefit through its activities.

The Labour Program of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) has provided financial resources to start up the RIAL and execute most of its activities to date. The Secretariat gives special acknowledgement to the Government of Canada for this financing, as well as to the Governments of Argentina, United States, Brazil, Uruguay, Peru, Panama, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Trinidad & Tobago for their financial or in-kind contributions to the activities of the RIAL.

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Specific objectives of the RIAL:

•  Identify organize and disseminate the experience and knowledge of the Ministries of Labor of the Hemisphere.
•  Collect and systematize information regarding programs and projects in priority topics for labor administration.
•  Foster critical transfer of various experiences and lessons learned through workshops and cooperation activities among countries.
•  Facilitate communication among the Ministries of Labor, international organizations, financial agencies and workers and employers representatives and civil society.
•  Improve the ability of the Ministries of Labor to identify their institutional needs and to formulate proposals to receive financial and technical support.
•  Strengthen coordination and collaboration among international organizations and cooperation agencies.  

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RIAL tools

•  Hemispheric Workshops
•  Portfolio of Programs
•  Website and virtual fora
•  Studies and policy papers
•  Videoconferences
•  RIAL newsletter
•  Cooperation Fund

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Background of the RIAL

To consult the complete proposal for the RIAL, developed jointly by the OAS and the ILO, click here

The RIAL has its origins in the Feasibility Study commissioned by the XIII IACML in 2003 to analyze the possibility of creating an Inter-American Cooperation Mechanism for Professional Labor Administration.