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Secretaría Ejecutiva para el Desarrollo Integral UDSE
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RIAL - Studies and policy papers

The studies and policy papers are publications that add value to RIAL activities, offer useful insights on current topics, analyze successful policies and programs in the Hemisphere and provide policy recommendations.

The study “The Institutionalization of a Gender Approach in the Ministries of Labor of the Americas” fulfils one of the strategic lines approved at the XV IACML and builds on the first technical study of the RIAL on “Gender and Decent Work”.

This study includes a comprehensive review of gender-related institutions in the Ministries of Labor, and also puts forward a training proposal for strengthening these units or offices, which will lead to future activities in the framework of the RIAL.

The first study of the RIAL is entitled “Gender equality for Decent Work: Proposals for mainstreaming gender into labor and employment policies within the framework of the IACML” and will serve to plan in 2008 a project on Gender and Decent Work within the RIAL.