Press Release
IACHR Press Office
Washington, DC—The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) held an online technical roundtable with representatives of the State of Guatemala to help strengthen the follow-up processes for the decisions and recommendations issued through the IACHR’s different human rights protection mechanisms, so as to move toward strategic agreements to increase compliance levels. The roundtable took place between March 29 and 31, 2022.
During it, Commissioner Esmeralda Arosemena de Troitiño, Rapporteur for Guatemala, and Tania Reneaum, Executive Secretary, thanked the State of Guatemala for its willingness to take part and noted how valuable these opportunities for joint work and dialogue are. They also invited the State to continue taking part in joint efforts to strengthen the tools that the IACHR places at its disposal in relation to the implementation of its decisions and recommendations and compliance with these.
The agenda included working sessions in which human rights specialists from the Executive Secretariat took part, along with specialists from the Monitoring, Petitions, and Cases; Friendly Settlement Agreements; Precautionary Measures; and Follow-up of Recommendations and Impact sections. The State was represented by the Presidential Commission for Peace and Human Rights, the Attorney General’s Office, the Guatemalan Mission in Washington, D.C., and the Human Rights Authority at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who prioritized the roundtable activities over the three days that the event lasted, in what was a clear display of its commitment to making progress on the issues discussed.
The State of Guatemala expressed its willingness to comply with the recommendations issued and the various agreements reached during the event and to follow up on these in good faith, as these spaces have a positive impact on the country. It also thanked the IACHR for its work over the three days that the event lasted.
No. 077/22
11:30 AM