Inter-American Network for Disaster Mitigation


Emergency preparedness, response and relief require a great deal of inter-institutional coordination, which in turn can only be attained by strong networking. Networking implies mutual knowledge and understanding of each and every institution’s role, capacity, needs, and ability to communicate and coordinate efforts effectively. However, natural hazard vulnerability reduction, prevention and natural disaster mitigation require even greater coordination and cooperation, as it involves a wider range of sectors, institutions, and stakeholders, as a whole. Networking provides not only for sharing of knowledge and information so as to implement effective and sound measures for vulnerability reduction and prevention; but also for building capacity, establishing effective cooperation and synergies, optimizing scarce resources and avoiding overlaps and duplications of effort.


Inter-American Network for Disaster Mitigation

Within this context, RISK-MACC has developed partnerships and cooperation agreements, over the years, and has recently established the Inter-American Network for Disaster Mitigation (INDM). INDM emerges from the need to: (a) assist OAS Member States with the sharing and exchange of information, knowledge, and experience on Natural Hazard Risk Management; (b) strengthen the planning and disaster management activities of the OAS in order to respond more effectively to more frequent natural disasters that impact the Hemisphere; (c) provide for a mechanism to coordinate efforts and promote collaboration among the organizations of the Inter-American System, Regional Inter-governmental Organizations, International Organizations, Donors, Financial Institutions, and National Agencies responsible for the coordination of natural disasters management; (d) support the follow-up and implementation of the decisions of the Inter-American Committee on Natural Disaster Reduction (IACNDR) ; and (e) coordinate the implementation, monitoring and periodic revision of the Inter-American Strategic Plan for Policy on Vulnerability Reduction, Risk Management and Disaster Response (IASP).




This page was last updated on Wednesday September 29, 2010.