Virtual Course on Territorial Intervention for the Local Application of Drug Policies

This course is part of the “Health and Life in the Americas” Program (SAVIA), a program that receives financial support from the Government of Spain, and is executed by the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission, the Secretariat for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States (ES-CICAD/SMS/OAS). The SAVIA Program focuses on supporting member states in the processes of territorialization or decentralization of their national drug policies, by strengthening the institutional response capacity of local governments to the drug problem. This course is part of the actions developed by the ES-CICAD to support the development of Objective 2 of the 2021-2025 Action Plan of the OAS Hemispheric Strategy on Drugs, which establishes as one of its priority actions (2.3) the “Promotion of sub-national/local management of drug policies and/or strategies through greater coordination and/or delegation of powers, where appropriate, between sub-national/local and national entities, taking into account the socio-cultural, demographic and other differences, specific to each region.”

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