The General Assembly of the OAS, in its 53rd regular session of the General Assembly, issued a mandate contained in resolution Strengthening Democracy AG/RES. 3004 (VI. Follow-up of the Inter-American Democratic Conference), in which it encourages "the creation of an open-participation Voluntary Group of Member States to foster, with the support of the Secretariat for Strengthening Democracy, dialogue, horizontal cooperation and the sharing of best practices among its members, and to identify opportunities within the principles of the OAS Charter and the Inter-American Democratic Charter to strengthen their democracies."
This mandate responds to the interest of Member States in strengthening dialogue and cooperation on democracy, considering the new challenges it faces, some of which were described in the Joint Statement "Follow-up of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, on the occasion of the International Day of Democracy", issued by 26 Member States on September 20, 2023, and in which it was reaffirmed the interest in better implementing the Charter based on mutual respect, dialogue and cooperation, the principle of non-intervention, and the exchange of experiences and best practices; improve the quality of our democracies; and strengthen the continuous and creative work to consolidate democracy, as well as a permanent effort to prevent and anticipate the very causes of the problems that affect the democratic system of government.
Date: Friday, April 26, 2024
Time: 14:30 –16:30 EDT (16:00-18:30 GMT)
Location: Guerrero Room. OAS Main Building.