Francisco Guerrero Aguirre

The mission of the Secretariat for Strengthening Democracy (SSD) is to contribute to the strengthening of political processes in the Member States, in particular to the maintenance of democracy as the best option to guarantee peace, security and development.

The SFD focuses its actions on strengthening the role of the OAS as the central axis of the Inter-American System and on actively contributing to the promotion, defense and protection of democracy in the Member States.

In compliance with its objectives, the SSD performs functions aimed at expanding institutional legitimacy in political processes and consolidating the mechanisms that lead to their safeguarding.

The Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO / OAS) is the entity within the Secretariat for Strengthening Democracy in charge of developing and maintaining a permanent and professional service of observation and technical electoral cooperation for member countries, grounded on efforts for continuous improvement and the consolidation of related procedures and practices.
The Department for Sustainable Democracy and Special Missions is dedicated to strengthening democratic institutions across the region through the coordination and implementation of multiple initiatives, including special missions, technical cooperation programs, and capacity-building efforts. Its mission is to enhance democratic institutionality in alignment with the principles outlined in the OAS Charter and the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
Based on the four pillars of the OAS (human rights, democracy, security, and development), the Section for Support to Legislative Institutions advises the Office of the Secretary General on parliamentary affairs and promotes inter-parliamentary cooperation to strengthen the institutional capacities and skills of legislators and their respective work teams to meet the challenges of 21st century democracy, which require harmonized responses at the national, regional and hemispheric levels.
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Cover for the Manual displays 3 pictures of OAS Observers in action
May, 2024
Manual for OAS Electoral Observation Missions - Second Edition
This Manual defines the objectives of a EOM, what and how is observed, as well as the procedures for organizing and implementing a Mission. Update of the 2009 edition.
Publication's cover photo
January, 2024
2023 Year in Review of the Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO)
This document summarizes the work carried out in 2023 by the Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO)
November, 2023
Generative Technologies and Cyberspace in Legislative Agenda
Available only in Spanish
November, 2023
Metodología de implementación del Servicio Nacional de Facilitadores Judiciales
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