
The Program for the Universalization of Civil Identity in the Americas (PUICA) supports OAS Member States in their efforts to achieve civil identity for all persons, with a special focus on those belonging to vulnerable groups. PUICA's activities are geared toward meeting five objectives established by the Inter-American Program for Universal Civil Registry and the Right to Identity:

  • Universalization and accessibility of civil registration
  • Strengthening of the countries' policies, public institutions and legislation on civil identity
  • Citizen participation and awareness
  • Identification of best practices
  • Promotion of international and regional cooperation

Since 2008, PUICA has implemented technical cooperation projects in 19 Member States in Central and South America and the Caribbean. With the Program's support, more than 19 million birth certificates and national identification cards have been issued. 

Visit the Webpage of the Latin American and Caribbean Council of Civil Registry, Identity and Vital Statistics (CLARCIEV).


Support member states in:

  • The universalization and accessibility to identity through the strengthening of the institutions responsible for the registration of vital facts and identification, with a focus on rights and modernization and transparency in the attention to citizens. The main actions developed have included the use of mobile registration offices, the application of technology, the expansion of the coverage of registration offices and their online connection, joint registration campaigns with other state institutions and the establishment of auxiliary registries in hospitals and border posts.
  • Strengthening of policies, public institutions and legislation including laws to improve civil registry systems, unification and simplification of registry criteria, modernization of identity registries and the design and technical support to national plans for identity restitution due to internal conflicts or natural disasters.
  • Raising awareness among community leaders, public officials, local authorities, medical personnel and beneficiaries of registration and identification programs about the importance of civil identity and its relationship with access to services, rights and protections from the State.
  • The identification of best practices that guarantee the different elements that make up civil identity, including technical exchange between countries, rounds of peer review of policies and procedures, methodologies and country diagnostics.
  • The promotion of international and regional cooperation through the exercise of the Executive Secretariat of the Latin American and Caribbean Council on Civil Registration, Identity and Vital Statistics (CLARCIEV) and participation in the Global Group on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics.
  • The incorporation of gender equality, rights and diversity approaches, formalizing strategies to assist Indigenous Peoples, actions to facilitate the access of girls and women to civil registry services and mechanisms to recognize self-perceived gender identity in identity and identification documents.

Access to identification documents for returned migrants in El Salvador

  • Opening of an identification office to provide services for returned migrants in the offices of the in San Salvador
  • More than 900 identification documents delivered to returned migrants
  • 98% satisfaction with the service of people served at the identification office

Access of civil registry institutions to knowledge and good practices for the recognition of self-perceived gender identity in identity documents.

  • Providing access to good practices, individual stories, practical experiences, and peer-to-peer recommendations for establishing or modifying internal policies, processes and procedures for the legal recognition of gender identity.
  • Training on internal policies, processes and procedures for the legal recognition of gender identity
  • Conducting rounds of the Inter-American Cooperation Mechanism for Effective Public Management (MEGICEP) at the request of the National Population and Identification Registry of Mexico and the state of Jalisco, Mexico.
  • Providing technical cooperation to Honduras, Colombia and the states of Michoacán and Jalisco, Mexico, for the development of procedures, protocols for trans persons, training materials for registrars and procedural manuals for the recognition of gender identity.

Tools and strategies to address emerging challenges in the area of identity and identification through CLARCIEV.

  • Support as Executive Secretariat to CLARCIEV's activities for the exchange of registry and identification practices, regional and sub-regional technical workshops, field visits to learn about and replicate successful registry and identification practices
  • Maintaining a database with existing gender identity procedures in 17 countries on

More Results
44 auxiliary civil registry offices in public hospitals installed and operating in El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras and Paraguay.
More than 3000 civil registrars in Latin America trained on the right to identity, its benefits and registration processes
Mobile registration and identification campaigns targeting vulnerable populations implemented in nine Latin American countries
Regional practices published on the recognition of self-perceived gender identity
Beneficiary Countries
Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
El Salvador
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
More Publications
Over a green background, small platforms float with 1 or 2 people working on each.
December, 2020
Emergency Response by Civil Registry and Identification Offices during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Impact, Best Practices and Innovative Initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean
January, 2020
Regional Study on Late Birth Registration, Issuance of Nationality Documents and Statelessness
Standards, best practices, barriers and challenges in 13 Latin American countries
Abstract forms in pink and blue
January, 2020
Integral recognition of gender identity - Requested by Mexico
This report is only available in Spanish
Rebeca Omaña
Head of Section, Civil Registry
Juan Minetto
Project manager
Juan Daniel González
Senior project manager / Haiti
Diamela Espinoza
Financial and administrative consultant
Strategic Partners