Documents 2008(CP/doc.)
Report of the Secretary General to the Permanent Council on Haiti and OAS
Projects in Haiti (July-December 2007)
Draft resolution Installation in Panama of the
Technical Secretariat for the implementation of the Program of Action for the
Decade of the Americas for The Rights and dignIty of Persons with Disabilities
Annual report of the
Administrative Tribunal to the General Assembly
Note from the Permanent Mission of the United
States of America requesting the inclusion of the topic and enclosed draft
resolution -Date and Place of the Seventh Meeting of Ministers of Justice or of
Ministers or Attorneys General of Americas (REMJA-VII)- on the order of
business of the next regular meeting of the Permanent Council
CP/doc. 4256/08
rev. 2
Note from the Permanent Mission of the United
States of America requesting the inclusion of the topic and enclosed draft
resolution “support for enhanced inter-regional cooperation with the African
Union (AU)” on the order of business of the next regular meeting of the
Permanent Council
Draft Declaration of Medellín “Youth and Democratic
Annual report of the Inter-American Juridical
Committee to the General Assembly
Final report of the Electoral Observation Mission
in Jamaica - General election 2007
Note from the Permanent Mission of Colombia
requesting the inclusion of a topic on the order of business of the Permanent
Council and forwarding a Draft resolution
Suggestions and Comments on the Draft American
declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as requested by the Permanent
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
requesting inclusion of an item on the order of business of the Permanent
Council and forwarding a Draft resolution
Note from the Permanent Mission of the United
States of America, presenting a candidate for the OAS Board fo External
Note from the Permanent Mission of Ecuador
requesting the inclusion of a topic on the order of business of the Permanent
Council and forwarding the draft resolution “Convocation of the Thirty-Fifth
Special Session of the General Assembly”
Annual Report of the Inter-American Court of Human
Rights to the General Assembly
Annual Report of the Inter-American Children’s
Institute (IIN) to the General Assembly
Annual Report of the Inter-American institute for
Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) to the General Assembly
Annual report of the Inter-American Defense Board
to the General Assembly
Annual Report of the Pan-American Health
Organization (PAHO) to the General Assembly
Draft resolution Note from the Permanent Mission of
Ecuador presenting the Draft resolution “Condemnation of the Violation of the
Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty of Ecuador”
Draft resolution Convocation of the Meeting of
Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Appointment of a Commission
Draft Agenda Meeting of Consultation of Ministers
of Foreign Affairs
Draft Rules of Procedure of the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of
Foreign Affairs
Draft Program Special Meeting of the Permanent
Council “Civil Society Organizations and the Protection of Human Rights and
Promotion of Democracy”
Draft order of Business for the Special meeting of
the Permanent Council on Civil Society and Strengthening a Democratic
Culture [AG/RES.2327 (XXXVIII-O/07)]
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela regarding the first meeting of high-level national
authorities on natural disaster reduction and risk management
Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission of Human
Rights to the General Assembly VOL I
Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission of Human
Rights to the General Assembly VOL II
CP/doc.4280/08 add. 1
Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission of Human
Rights to the General Assembly VOL III
CP/doc.4280/08 add.
Annual report of the Pan American Institute of
Geography and History to the General Assembly
Annual report of the Inter-American
Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) to the General Assembly
Note from the Chair of the Inter-American Juridical
Committee Transmitting resolution CJI/RES. 139 (LXXII-O/08), “the legal status
of migrant workers and their families in international law”
Note from the Chair of the Inter-American Juridical
Committee transmitting resolution CJI/RES. 140 (LXXII-O/08), “Promotion of the
International Criminal Court”
Annual report of the Inter-American Drug Abuse
Control Commission to the General Assembly
corr. 1
Annual report of the Inter-American Commission Of
Women (CIM) to the General Assembly
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Argentine
Republic forwarding the draft resolution “60th anniversary of the American
Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man”
Report on follow-up the implementation of the
Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of
Violence against Women, “Convention of Belém Do Pará” (MESECVI) (Presented by
the Inter-American Commission of Women) CP/doc.4288/08
rev. 1
Report of the OAS delegation to Haiti, jointly led
by Ambassador Cornelius Alvin Smith, Permanent Representative of The Bahamas to
the OAS, Chairman of the Permanent Council, and ambassador Albert R. Ramdin,
Assistant Secretary General of the OAS
Inter-American Emergency Aid Fund (FONDEM) - (Report presented by José Miguel
Insulza, Secretary General of the OAS)
corr. 2
Solicitud del Gobierno de Islandia para que se le
otorgue la condición de Observador Permanente ante la Organización
corr. 1
Report of the General Secretariat on invitations to
the Thirty-Eighth Regular Session of the General Assembly for which
authorization by the Permanent Council is required
rev. 2
Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico forwarding the Draft resolution
“First Conference of Ministers of Public Security of the Americas or their
Equivalents: Crime and Violence”
rev. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of Panama
presenting its candidacy for a vacancy on the Committee of the Leo s. Rowe Pan
American Fund
Report of the Secretary General on Fulfillment of
resolution AG/RES. 2323 (XXXVII-O/07), “Strengthening of the Inter-American
Commission of Women”
Annual Report of the Justice Studies Center of the
Americas (JSCA) to the General Assembly
Report of the Secretary General on the Implementation of the “Inter-American
Program on the Promotion of Women’s Human Rights and Gender Equity and
Equality,” pursuant to resolution AG/RES. 2324 (XXXVII-O/07)
Note from the Permanent Mission of Chile regarding
the second meeting of officials responsible for penitentiary and prison
policies of the OAS Member States
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Dominican
Republic requesting inclusion of a topic at an upcoming meeting of the
Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent Mission of Bolivia requesting a Meeting of the
Permanent Council on Friday, May 2, 2008
Draft resolution Support for the Democratic
Institutional System in Bolivia (Presented by the delegation of Bolivia)
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela forwarding the draft resolution “Social Charter of the
Americas: renewal of the hemispheric commitment to fight poverty in the region”
Note from the Permanent Mission of Antigua and
Barbuda Submitting Draft resolution -Support for the Inter-American Commission
of Women
rev. 1
Draft resolution Support for the Democratic
Institutional System in Bolivia (Presented by the ALADI Group)
rev. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of the United
States submitting a draft resolution entitled -Social Charter of the Americas:
Renewal of the Hemispheric Commitment to Fight Poverty in The Region-
Note from the Permanent Mission of Antigua and
Barbuda submitting draft resolution -80TH Anniversary of the establishment of
the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM)-
Draft resolution Support for the democratic
institutional system in Bolivia
rev. 2
Report of the Board of External Auditors to the Permanent Council
Annual audit of accounts and financial statements
for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006 (Presented by the Chair of the
Board of External Auditors)
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela forwarding the draft resolution “Convocation of the
Second Conference of States Parties of the Mechanism to follow up on
implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment,
and Eradication of Violence against Women, ‘Convention of Belém do Pará’
rev. 1
Report of the Joint Working Group of the Permanent
Council and CEPCIDI on the Draft Social Charter of the Americas (2007-2008)
Note from the Permanent Mission of Colombia
forwarding draft resolution “Establishment of the Legal Assistance Fund
of the Inter-American Human Rights System”
rev. 2
Annual Report of the Inter-American Committee
against Terrorism (CICTE) to the General Assembly
Annual Report of the Inter-American Council for
Integral Development (CIDI) to the General Assembly
Note from the Chairman of the Inter-American
Juridical Committee transmitting documentation
Report of the Permanent Council on Free Trade and
Investment in the Hemisphere
Note from the Permanent Mission of El Salvador
presenting a statement for the record in connection with the consideration of
the draft resolution “Right to the Truth”
Note from the Permanent Mission of El Salvador
presenting a declaration to appear in the minutes of the meeting that
considered the draft resolution “Persons who have disappeared and assistance to
members of their families”
Note from the Permanent Mission of Canada
presenting candidacy for the Justice Studies Centre of the Americas
Eleventh Quarterly Report of the Secretary General
to the Permanent Council on the Mission to Support the Peace Process in
Colombia (MAPP/OEA)
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru requesting
the convocation of a special meeting of the Permanent Council
Request by the Government of Vanuatu to be granted
the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization
Draft resolution: OAS action on the European
Union's returns directive on migration issues (Presented by the ALADI Group,
based on the Peruvian proposal and reviewed by regional coordinators)
rev. 1
Distribution of mandates assigned by the General
Assembly at its thirty-eight regular session
rev. 2
Note from the Permanent Mission of el Salvador
requesting the convocation of a special meeting on July 16, 2008
Draft Declaration Operation in Colombia rescuing a
group of persons kidnapped by the FARC (Presented by the delegation of
rev. 2 corr. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico
requesting inclusion of a topic on the agenda of the next regular meeting of
the Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico
requesting inclusion of a topic on the agenda of the next regular meeting of
the Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent Mission of Colombia
requesting inclusion of a topic on the agenda of the next regular meeting of
the Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua
requesting inclusion of a topic on the agenda of the next regular meeting of
the permanent council
Request by the Government of the Republic of Benin
to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization
Report of the chair of the Informal Working Group
on naming of Rooms at the OAS
Draft resolution: Naming OAS meeting rooms
after distinguished nationals of Caribbean Community member states
(Presented by the member states of CARICOM)
Note from the Permanent Mission of Honduras on the
place and date of the Thirty-Ninth Regular Session of the General Assembly of
the Organization of American States
Note from the Chairman of the Inter-American
Juridical Committee forwarding resolution CJI/RES.150 (LXXIII-O/08) -Opinion of
the Inter-American Juridical Committee on the directive on return adopted by
the Parliament of the European Union-
Note from the Chairman of the Inter-American
Juridical Committee forwarding resolution CJI/RES.147 (LXXIII-O/08) -Principles
on the right of access to information-
Draft resolution: Commemoration of the 60th
anniversary of the Leo S. Rowe Pan American Fund (Presented by the Permanent
Mission of Antigua and Barbuda)
corr. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of Ecuador
presenting a candidate for the position of Government Expert in the Working
Group to Examine the Periodic Reports of the States Parties to the Protocol of
San Salvador
Draft Agenda of the Thirty-Fourth Assembly of Delegates of the Inter-American
Commission of Women (CIM)
Draft Agenda of the Third Meeting of Ministers or
of the Highest-Ranking Authorities responsible for the Advancement of Women in
the Member States (REMIM-III)
Note from the Inter-American Institute of Children
(IIN) in relation to the 83rd Regular Meeting of its Directing Council
Final report collaboration between the DECO and the
African Union legislative elections Angola
Activity report of the Office of the Inspector
General for the period January 1 to December 31, 2007
Annual report of the Office of the Inspector
General for the period January 1 to December 31, 2007
Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil
submitting a candidacy for the Working Group to Examine the National Reports
envisaged in the additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights
in the area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, “Protocol of San Salvador”
Report of the Chairman of the Joint Working
group of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI on the Draft Social Charter of the
Final Report of the Electoral Observation Mission
for the General Elections in Grenada July 8, 2008
Note from the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua
presenting the draft resolution “Respect for the Sovereignty and Democratic
Government Institutions of Nicaragua”
Draft resolution - Support for democratic
governance in Nicaragua (Presented by the Delegation of the United States of
Annual Report of the Secretary General on the Situation in Haiti (January
- December, 2008) [Presented in compliance with General Assembly resolution
AG/RES.2424 (XXXVIII 0/08)]
Report of the Chair of the Committee on
Administrative and Budgetary Affairs on progress made in carrying out the
mandates of resolutions AG/RES. 2437 (XXXVIII-O/08) AND AG/RES. 1 (XXXVI-E/08)
(Presented by Ambassador Arístides ROYO, Permanent Representative of Panama
to the Permanent Council at its meeting of December 3, 2008)
Note from the Permanent Mission of El Salvador
requesting the inclusion of the topic “Convocation of the Fourth Meeting of the
Working Group on Mutual assistance in Criminal Matters and Extradition” in the
order of business of the regular meeting of the Permanent Council scheduled for
December 17, 2008