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XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly: First Plenary Session
Election of the President of the General Assembly. Remarks by Colin Powell, Secretary of State of the United States, María Soledad Alvear Valenzuela, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile and Billie Miller, M.P., Minister of Foreign Affairs of Barbados
6' Original language English
Remarks by Patricio Zuquilanda Duque, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador and President of the OAS General Assembly
11'30" Original language Spanish
Adoption of the Agenda for the General Assembly. Adoption of the Recommendations of the Preparatory Committee
17' Original language Spanish
Adoption of the Recommendations of the Preparatory Committee. Report of the Secretary General on credentials presented by delegations of the member states and permanent observers. Installation of the General Committee. Assignment of topics and election of the Committee Chair
5' Original language Spanish
Quito, Ecuador
June 7, 2004 - 9.00 AM
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Photo Gallery

XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly: Election of the Secretary General of the OAS
Election of the Secretary General of the OAS, Miguel Angel Rodríguez
1 10' Original language Spanish
Quito, Ecuador
June 7, 2004 - 9.00 AM

Press Conference: OAS General Secretary elect
Remarks by Miguel Angel Rodríguez, OAS General Secretary elect
8' Original language Spanish
Quito, Ecuador
June 7, 2004 - 1.00 PM

XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly: Dialogue of Heads of Delegation
Remarks by Francisco Esteban Lainez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador
2'38" Original language Spanish
Remarks by Patricio Zuquilanda, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador and President of the OAS General Assembly and Norman Caldera Cardenal, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua
18'07" Original language Spanish
Remarks by Luis Ernesto Derbez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico
6'42" Original language Spanish
Remarks by Colin Powell, Secretary of State of the United States
10' Original language English
Remarks by Celso Amorin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil and Waldir Pires, Minister of Transparency of Brazil
10' Original language Portuguese
Remarks by María Soledad Alvear Valenzuela, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile
11' Original language Spanish
Quito, Ecuador
June 7, 2004 - 9.00 AM

XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly: SIRG
First part. Remarks by Rafael Bielsa, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina
4' Original language Spanish
Second part. Remarks by Didier Opertti, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay. Remarks by Representative of Chile
5' Original language Spanish
Third part. Remarks by Rafael Bielsa, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina. Remarks by Representative of PAHO
2' Original language Spanish
Quito, Ecuador
June 7, 2004 - 2.30 PM

XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly: Second Plenary Session: Continuation of the Dialogue of Heads of Delegation
Remarks by Francisco Esteban Lainez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador
16' Original language Spanish
Remarks by Collin Murdoch, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Antigua and Barbuda
10' Original language English
Remarks by Jesús Arnaldo Pérez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela
12' Original language Spanish
Remarks by Frederick Mitchell, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bahamas
5' Original language English
Remarks by Jorge Briz Abularach, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala
9' Original language Spanish
Remarks by Daniel Hays, Speaker of the Senate of Canada
10' Original language French
Remarks by Leonidas Rosa Bautista, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Honduras
12' Original language Spanish
Remarks by K.D. Knight, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Jamaica
13' Original language English
Remarks by Didier Opertti, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay
14' Original language Spanish
Remarks by Jorge Taiana, Assistant Foreign Minister of Argentina
9' Original language Spanish
Remarks by Juan Ignacio Siles del Valle, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia
12' Original language Spanish
Quito, Ecuador
June 7, 2004 - 3.30 PM

Press Conference: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina
Remarks by Irene Klinger, Executive Director of the Summit of the Americas and Rafael Bielsa, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina
12' Original language Spanish
Quito, Ecuador
June 7, 2004 - 5.00 PM

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