










:: Publicaciones / The Delicate Balance Between Political Equity and Freedom of Expression

The Delicate Balance Between Political Equity and Freedom of Expression

The philosophy underlying the United States regime regulating its political finance system stands in stark contrast to that of Canada. Canada pursues a more egalitarian approach, providing public financing of about two-thirds of candidate and party costs, while seeking to achieve a “level playing field” by imposing expenditure ceilings on candidate, party, and even “third party” or interest group spending.

On the other hand, the United States follows more of a libertarian or free-speech approach, with more dependence upon private financing through more generous contribution limits from individual, political action committee and political party sources. Spending limits are provided only in presidential campaigns and according to a Supreme Court decision, Buckley v. Valeo2, are acceptable only when candidates voluntarily agree to them as a condition of their acceptance of public financing.

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:: Index ::

- Table of Content
- Chapter 01 Comparative Analysis of Political Party and Campaign Financing in USA and Canada
- Chapter 02 Transparency in Money in Politics: A Comparison of the United States and Canada
- Chapter 03 Campaign Finance Law Enforcement in Canada and the US
- Chapter 04 Campaign Finance and Women’s Representation in Canada and the United States
- Conclusions The delicate balance between political equity and freedom of expression

