Electronic Bulletin / Number 23 - May, 2006

Versión Español

Economic aspects of access of the disabled to communications in El Salvador

Background to legal framework

The Disabled Persons Opportunities Equalization Act (Ley de Equiparación de Oportunidades para las Personas con Discapacidad) was passed by means of Decree No. 888 on April 27, 2000. Publication in the Official Register: May 24, 2000.

The Regulations for the Disabled Persons Opportunities Equalization Act were passed by means of Decree No. 99 on November 28, 2000. Publication in the Official Register: December 1, 2000.

Regulations for the disabled persons opportunities equalization act

Article 31indicates that accessibility in communications is an indispensable element for the social integration of persons with sensory disabilities.

Therefore the Council must:

  1. Promote the conservation, dissemination, and teaching of sign language, not only to disabled persons but also to teachers and the school community, as well as increase the number of interpreters so that the environment can favor integration. Sign language interpreters must be certified by a specialized Commission.

  2. Foster the installation of special phones for the deaf, the blind and persons who use wheelchairs in public places where there is high demand and at affordable prices.

  3. Enforce compliance with the right of deaf and blind persons to gain access to national or international information, promoting the presentation of TV newscasts in sign language and/or with subtitles for deaf persons who can read.

  4. Implement adequate emergency mechanisms for disabled persons in public and private buildings and in general in places where people gather.

  5. Promote the use of text converters for blind persons, elevators, traffic lights and other kinds of technological breakthroughs adapted to various disabilities, as well as organize the provision of mechanical helps, such as orthotics, walkers, wheelchairs, canes, crutches and others to disabled persons for their rehabilitation.

Persons resonsible and coordinators

The National Council for the Comprehensive Care of Disabled Persons (Consejo Nacional de Atención Integral a la Persona con Discapacidad—CONAIPD) is designated by law to act as the body governing the National Opportunities Equalization Policy. It was established by Executive Decree No. 111 on December 6, 1993. Link: www.conaipd.gob.sv

Technical regulatory framework for accessibility

On January 28, 2003, the Technical Regulatory Framework for Urban and Architectural Accessibility, Transportation and Communications was passed for the purpose of enforcing the operability of the Opportunities Equalization Act.

Current situation

At present, none of the documents described above is being enforced. The main reason for this is the high cost involved for public telephony service operators to implement an operational plan that would apply and implement this regulatory framework.

Nevertheless, efforts are being made to find the adequate mechanisms to enforce the provisions of said policy.


Eng. Edwin Montenegro Azúcar
Junior Engineer
Superintendencia de electricidad y Telecomunicaciones (SIGET)

Additional Information: This document was presented at the VIII meeting of PCC.I of CITEL, as part of document CCP.I-TEL/doc. 789/06.


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