Electronic Bulletin / Number 23 - May, 2006

Versión Español

The single license: a first step towards convergence

Peru’s legal framework for telecommunications dates from 1991, and, although it has been amended to take account of the current environment, legal barriers remain that impede convergence of telecommunication networks and services. One such problem is licensing, as the law establishes a regime that allows for multiple services, with licenses currently being awarded for each service offered (fixed telephony, mobile telephony, local carrier, national long distance carrier, international long distance carrier, cable television, trunking, PCS, etc.). This situation obliges operators to initiate different procedures for each service, causing unnecessary delays that impact the deployment of networks and new technologies, discouraging competition and limiting entry by new operators.

To address this situation, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications proposed a bill that would eliminate such barriers by granting a single license to provide all public telecommunication services, with prior notification of the Ministry. That is, investors will no longer have to follow different procedures for each service. The bill was passed by Congress as Law No. 28737 and published in El Peruano on May 18, 2006.

The law provides for, inter alia:

  • Automatic registration for value added services;

  • Positive administrative silence in authorizing own networks that do not utilize radio spectrum for value added services; • Positive silence for independent operators, as provided in the regulations;

  • Mechanisms for deregulation by the Ministry of services (e.g., fax) which, as there is competition and given the market situation, need not be regulated;

  • Criteria and deadlines for type approval of telecommunication equipment.

The law enacted is in keeping with the international trend anticipated in Australia, Japan, Spain, Venezuela, India, and some European Union countries.


Sent by

Carlos A. Romero Sanjinés
Adviser in International Affairs
Viceminister of Communications
Ministry of Transport and Communications



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