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Department of International Law > OAS

Indigenous Peoples - August 2012

Indigenous Peoples’ Day: August 9, 2012

In commemoration of the international day of indigenous peoples, we take this opportunity to express our greetings to all the indigenous peoples of the hemisphere.

Recent developments in international law, both on the level of adoption of legal instruments and advances in doctrine and jurisprudence, call for a better understanding of the obligations incurred by States as regards promoting and protecting the rights of indigenous peoples.

In this context, the spaces won by indigenous leaders as participants in international fora represent not only a significant advance but also serve to preserve respect for the rights of indigenous peoples.

OAS promotes and strengthens the participation of indigenous peoples in the various national and international decision-making processes. Efforts are also underway to create awareness among the public in general and to provide capacity-building tools to indigenous leaders and government officials through the Program of Action on Indigenous Peoples in the Americas of the Department of International Law of the General Secretariat.

For additional information about Indigenous Peoples, please visit our Website »
