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Documents 2011 (CP/doc.)

Request by the Republic of Macedonia for Permanent Observer Status to the Organization

  • Request by the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for Permanent Observer Status to the Organization  CP/doc.4528/11 add. 1

Final Rapport Expert Verification Mission of the Vote Tabulation of the November 28, 2010 Presidential Election in the Republic of Haiti CP/doc.4529/11

  • Final Rapport Expert Verification Mission of the Vote Tabulation of the November 28, 2010 Presidential Election in the Republic of Haiti Letter from the President of Haiti, Mr. René Préval, Requesting a Mission of Experts to Assist in Verification of the Vote Count and Response of the Secretary General, Mr. José Miguel Insulza, to the Request CP/doc.4529/11 add. 1

Annual Report of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) to the General Assembly CP/doc.4530/11

  • Annual Report of the Pan- American Health Organization (PAHO) to the General Assembly CP/doc.4530/11 add. 1

Draft Declaration by the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States in Support of Haiti CP/doc.4531/11

Final Report of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission for the General Elections in the Republic of Suriname on May 25, 2010 CP/doc.4532/11

Final Report Mission of Legal Experts of the Organization of American States to support the challenges phase of the Presidential Election Process of November 28, 2010, in the Republic of Haiti CP/doc.4533/11

Annual Report of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) to the General Assembly CP/doc.4534/11

  • Final Report of the 84th Regular Meeting of the directing council of the IIN September 22, 2009 - Lima, Peru (Approved through Resolution CD/RES. 03 (85-R/10) in the framework of the 85th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN, held on  September 23 and24, 2010 in Panama City, Panama) CP/doc.4534/11 add. 1
  • Final Report Twentieth Pan American Child Congress 22 to 25 September, 2009, Lima, Peru and First Pan American Forum of Children 21 to 25 September, 2009, Lima Peru (Approved through Resolution CD/RES. 04 (85-R/10) in the framework of the 85th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN, held on September 23 and 24, 2010, in Panama City, Panama) CP/doc.4534/11 add. 2
  • Inter-American Children’s Institute report presented in accordance with resolution AG/RES.2548 (XL-0110)  Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and the Internet Tenth Report to the Secretary General of the OAS on the Measures Undertaken by Member States to Prevent and Eradicate Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Americas Executive Version December 2010 CP/doc.4534/11 add. 3
  • Annual report of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) to the General Assembly – Powerpoint presentation done during  the meeting of the General Committee, held on March 11, 2010 CP/doc.4534/11 add. 4

Report of the OAS-CARICOM Joint Electoral Observation Mission on the First Round of the Presidential and Legislative Elections of 28 November 2010 in Haiti CP/doc.4535/11

2009 Annual and Activity Reports of the Office of the Inspector General CP/doc.4536/11

Final Report of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission for the General Elections in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on December 13, 2010 CP/doc.4537/11

Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico announcing the resignation of Ambassador Jorge Palacios Treviño from his position as a Member of the Inter-American Juridical Committee (CJI) and nominating Fernando Gómez Mont Urueta to fill the vacancy left in the CJI CP/doc.4538/11

Annual Report of the Administrative Tribunal (TRIBAD) to the General Assembly  CP/doc.4539/11

Annual Report of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) to the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly CP/doc.454011

Annual Report of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) to the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly (Presented by Mr. Clovis Baptista, Executive Secretary of CITEL to the meeting of the General Committee held on March 25, 2011)  CP/doc.454011 add. 1

Annual Report of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly CP/doc.4541/11

Annual report of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) to the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly CP/doc.4542/11

Annual Report of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) to the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly CP/doc.4543/11

Annual Report of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) to the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly CP/doc.4544/11

Annual Report of the Inter-American Defense Board to the forty-first regular session of the General Assembly CP/doc.4545/11

Proposal of the Chair of the Permanent Council to fulfill the mandates contained in operative paragraphs 13 and 14 of AG/RES. 2555 (XL-O/10) -Promotion and Strengthening of Democracy: Follow-up to the Inter-American Democratic Charter-(Approved at the meeting held on March 30, 2011) CP/doc.4546/11 rev. 2

  • Fulfill the mandates contained in operative paragraphs 13 and 14 of AG/RES. 2555 (XL-O/10) -Promotion and Strengthening of Democracy: Follow-up to the Inter-American Democratic Charter- Preliminary Draft Schedule of Meetings CP/doc.4546/11 rev. 1 add. 1

  • Fulfill the mandates contained in operative paragraphs 13 and 14 of AG/RES. 2555 (XL-O/10) -Promotion and Strengthening of Democracy: Follow-up to the Inter-American Democratic Charter- Preliminary Draft Schedule of Meetings CP/doc.4546/11 rev. 1 add. 1 rev. 1

  • Fulfill the mandates contained in operative paragraphs 13 and 14 of AG/RES. 2555 (XL-O/10) -Promotion and Strengthening of Democracy: Follow-up to the Inter-American Democratic Charter- Preliminary Draft Schedule of Meetings CP/doc.4546/11 rev. 1 add. 1 rev. 2

Annual Report of the Inter-American Juridical Committee to the Forty-First Regular of the General Assembly CP/doc.4547/11

Proposal of the Declaration and Plan of Action of San Salvador on Citizen Security of the Americas (Presented by the Delegation of El Salvador, at the special meeting of the Permanent Council, held on March 11, 2011) CP/doc.4548/11

Annual report of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) to the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly CP/doc.4542/11

Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Righst (IACHR) to the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly CP/doc.4549/11

Annual Report of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) to the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly

Candidacy for a Vacancy on the Inter-American Juridical Committee (CJI) CP/doc.4552/11

Annual Report of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) for the forty-first regular session of the General Assembly CP/doc.4553/11

Report of the Chairman of the Joint Working Group of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI on the Draft Social Charter of the Americas (September 2010 - March 2011) (Report presented by Ambassdor Hubert Charles, Permanent Representative of Dominica)  CP/doc.4554/11 corr. 1

Report to the Permanent Council Annual Audit of Accounts and Financial Statements for the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009 CP/doc.4555/11

Agreement of the Permanent Council on the inclusion of footnotes and annexation of documents to draft resolutions to be submitted to the General Assembly for consideration (Adopted at the regular meeting held on April 20, 2011)  CP/doc.4556/11

Request by the Republic of Albania for Permanent Observer Status to the Organization CP/doc.4557/11

Report of the General Secretariat on invitations to the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly  for which authorization by the Permanent Council is required CP/doc.4558/11

Annual Report of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) to the forty-first regular session of the General Assembly CP/doc.4559/11

Draft resolution Climate Change in the Countries of the Hemisphere (Considered by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4560/11 rev. 1

Annual Report of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) to the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly CP/doc.4561/11 corr. 1

  • Report of the Chair and Vice Chair of the XVI Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development on the CIDI annual report and draft resolutions CIDI is submitting for the consideration of the forty-first regular session of the OAS General Assembly CP/doc.4561/11 add. 1

  • Resolutions approved by the Inter-American Council for Integral Development at its Sixteenth Regular Meeting (Approved at the meeting held on May 9 and 10, 2011 and subject to revision by the Style Committee) CP/doc.4561/11 add. 1-a

  • Draft resolutions to be considered by the General Assembly at its Fourty-First Regular Meeting (Agreed during the meeting held on May 9 and 10, 2011 and subject to revision by the Style Committee) CP/doc.4561/11 add. 1-b

Note of the Permanent Mission of Haiti requesting the inclusion of the item “Draft declaration on Haiti” in the draft agenda of the regular meeting of the Permanent Council to be held on May 25, 2011 CP/doc.4562/11

Draft resolution Situation in Honduras (Presented by the delegations of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic) CP/doc.4563/11

Draft Declaration on Haiti (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at the meeting held on May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4564/11 rev. 1

Report of the OAS – CARICOM joint Electoral Observation Mission to HAITI on the Second Round of the Presidential and Legislative Elections of 20 March 2011 (Presented by Ambassador Colin Granderson to the Permanent Council on May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4565/11

Draft resolution Follow-up to the Special Conference on Security (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4566/11

Draft resolution Support for the Work of the Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4567/11

Draft resolution Special Security Concerns of the Small Island States of the Caribbean (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4568/11

Draft resolution Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4569/11

Draft resolution Hemispheric Plan of Action on Drugs 2011 – 2015 (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4570/11

Draft resolution Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4571/11

Draft resolution Model Legislation on Self-Propelled Submersible and Semi-Submersible Vessels (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4572/11

Draft resolution Consolidation of the regime established in the treaty for the prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4573/11

Draft resolution Confidence- and Security-Building in the Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4574/11

Draft resolution Conference in support of the Central American Security Strategy (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4575/11

Draft resolution Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and other Related Materials (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May18, 2011) CP/doc.4576/11

Draft resolution Inter-American Convention on Transparency in Conventional Weapons Acquisitions (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4577/11

Draft resolution Follow-up to the Meetings of Ministers Responsible for Public Security in the Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4578/11

Draft resolution The Americas as an Antipersonnel-Land-Mine-Free Zone (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4579/11

Draft resolution Support for and Follow-up to the Summits of the Americas Process (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4580/11

Draft resolution Follow-up and Implementation of the Mandates of the Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain of the Fifth Summit of the Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4581/11

Draft resolution Increasing and Strengthening the participation of Civil Society and Social Actors in the activities of the Organization of American States and in the Summits of the Americas Process (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4582/11

Draft resolution Continuing Participation in the Inter-American Council for integral Development by Member States that have not ratified the Protocol of Managua (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4583/11

Draft resolution Convocation of the XVII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor and Support for the Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL) (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4584/11

Draft resolution Educational Portal of the Americas: ten years of Strengthening Human Development in the Hemisphere through Distance Education (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4585/11

Draft resolution Adaptation of the Inter-American travel congresses to the CIDI framework and holding of the XIX Inter-American Travel Congress (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4586/11

Draft resolution 2011: Inter-American Year of Culture (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4587/11

Draft resolution Extension of the term of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Integral Development 2006-2009 (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4588/11

Draft resolution Third Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Science and Technology in the Framework of CIDI (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4589/11

Draft resolution Seventh Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education within the framework of CIDI (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4590/11

Report of the Second Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable Development within the framework of CIDI (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4591/11

Draft resolution Report of the Second Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development within the framework of CIDI  (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4592/11

Draft resolution Extension of the Mandate of the CEPCIDI working group to Strengthen CIDI and its Organs (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4593/11

Draft resolution Existing Mechanisms for Disaster Prevention and Response and Humanitarian Assistance among the Member States (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4594/11

Draft resolution Inter-American Defense Board (Presented by the delegation of Argentina and considered at the meeting of the Permanent Council of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4595/11

Draft resolution Promotion of and Respect for International Humanitarian Law (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its  meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4596/11

Draft resolution Persons who have disappeared and Assistance to Members of Their Families (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 13, 2011) CP/doc.4597/11

Draft resolution Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4598/11

Draft resolution Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4599/11

Draft resolution Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4600/11

Draft resolution Follow-up on the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption and on the Inter-American program for Cooperation in the Fight Against Corruption (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4601/11

Draft resolution Guarantees for Access to Justice. the role of Official Public Defenders (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4602/11

Draft resolution Meeting of Ministers of Justice or other Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4603/11

Draft resolution Human Rights Defenders: Support for Individuals, groups, and  Organizations of Civil Society working to Promote and Protect Human Rights in the Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at is regular meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4604/11

Draft resolution Promotion of the International Criminal Court (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4605/11

Draft resolution Inter-American Program for the Development of International Law (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its regular meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4606/11

Draft resolution Access to Public Information and Protection of Personal Data (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4607/11

Draft resolution Right to the Truth (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4608/11

Draft resolution Support for the Committee for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities and its Technical Secretariat (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4609/11

Draft resolution Program of Action for the Decade of the Americas for the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities (2006- 2016)  and support for its Technical Secretariat (SEDISCAP) (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4610/11

Draft resolution Prevention and Reduction of Statelessness and Protection of Stateless Persons in the Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4611/11

Draft resolution Protocol of San Salvador: Presentation of Progress Indicators for Measuring Rights under the Protocol of San Salvador (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4612/11

Draft resolution Internally Displaced Persons (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4613/11

Draft resolution Study of the Rights and the care of Persons under any form of Detention or Imprisonment (Agreed upon by the  Permanent Council at the meeting held on May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4614/11

Draft resolution the Human Rights of all Migrant Workers and their Families (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4615/11

Draft resolution Strengthening the Activities of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4616/11

Draft resolution Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Juridical Committee (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4617/11

Draft resolution Human Rights Education in Formal Education in the Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4618/11

Draft resolution Draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4619/11

Draft resolution Observations and Recommendations on the Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4620/11

Draft resolution Strengthening of the Inter-American Defense Board (Agreed on ad referendum of the delegation of Argentina at the meeting of the Permanent Council of May 18, 2011)  CP/doc.4621/11 corr. 1

Draft resolution: Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hemisphere (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at the session held on May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4622/11

Draft resolution Attention to Migratory Flows in the Americas with a Human Rights Perspective (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at the meeting held on May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4623/11

Draft resolution Increasing access to Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies through Strengthening of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4624/11

Draft resolution Consumer Protection: Consolidation of the Network for consumer safety and Health and Creation of an Inter- merican Rapid Product Safety Warning System (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4625/11

Draft resolution Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4626/11

Draft resolution Free Trade and Investment in the Hemisphere (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4627/11

Draft resolution Strengthening of the Inter-American Commission of Women (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4628/11

Draft resolution Prevention and Eradication of Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Smuggling of and Trafficking in Minors (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4628/11

Draft resolution Prevention and Eradication of Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Smuggling of and Trafficking in Minors (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4629/11

Draft resolution: Support for Regional Colloquium for Female Leaders (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4630/11

Draft resolution Promotion of Women’s Human Rights and Gender Equity and Equality (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4631/11

Draft resolution: Support for the Work of the Caribbean Sea Commission (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4632/11

Draft resolution Mechanism to Follow up on Implementation of  the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment,and Eradication of Violence Against Women, “Convention of Belém do Pará” (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4633/11

Draft resolution Recognition and Promotion of the Rights of People of African descent in the Americas (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4634/11

Draft resolution Promotion and Strengthening of Democracy: Follow-up to the Inter-American Democratic Charter (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4635/11

Draft resolution Social Charter of the Americas: Renewal of the Hemispheric Commitment to Fight Poverty in the Region (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI at the joint meeting held on May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4636/11

Draft resolution Persons who have Disappeared and Assistance to Members of their Families (Presented by the delegation of Peru, co-sponsored by the delegation of Argentina, and approved by the Committee at its regular meeting of May 13, 2011) CP/doc.4637/11

Draft resolution Strengthening of the Inter-American Human Rights Systems pursuant to the mandates arising from the Summits of the Americas (Presented by the Chair of the CAJP) CP/doc.4638/11

Draft resolution “Promotion of the Rights to Freedom of Assembly and of Association in the Americas” (Presented by the delegation of United States and co-sponsored by the delegations of Canada, Mexico, Panama, and Chile) (Considered at the meeting held on May 19, 2011) CP/doc.4639/11

Draft resolution: Right to Freedom of Thought and Expression and the Importance of the Media (Presented by the Delegation of the United States and co-sponsored by the Delegations of Canada and Panama) CP/doc.4640/11

Draft resolution Protecting Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism (Presented by the delegation of Mexico, co-sponsored by the delegation of Argentina, and agreed on by the Committee at its regular meeting of May 17, 2011) *ad referendum of Bolivia* CP/doc.4641/11

Draft resolution Draft Inter-American Convention Against Racism and all forms of Discrimination and Intolerance (Presented by the delegations of Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Brazil, and Costa Rica) (Co-sponsored by the delegations of Guyana, Peru, and Saint Kitts and Nevis) (Approved by the Committee at its regular meeting of May 19, 2011) *ad referéndum de Ecuador* CP/doc.4642/11

Report of the Chair Transmitting to the Permanent Council the recommendations of the Committee on applications by Civil Society Organizations to participate in OAS activities and on Civil Society Organizations that should be removed from the OAS register (In accordance with Articles 6 and 15 of the Guidelines [CP/RES. 759 (1217/99)]) (Presented to the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011)  CP/doc.4643/11

Report of the Chair of the Committee on Hemispheric Security (CSH) (2010-2011) (Presented to the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4644/11

Activity report of the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs (2010-2011) (Presented to the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4645/11

Report of the Chair of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs on the Activities of the Committee (For the period from July 2010 through May 2011) (Presented to the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4646/11

Report of the Chair on the Activities of the General Committee (For the 2010-2011 term) (Presented to the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4647/11

Report of the Chair of the Special Committee on Migration Issues 2010-2011 (Presented to the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4648/11

Report of the Joint Working Group of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI on the Draft Social Charter of the Americas (2010-2011)  (Presented to the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI on May 25, 2011) CP/doc.4649/11

Draft resolution Improving Transparency and Effectiveness of  the Inter-American Committee on Ports (Agreed upon by the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 18, 2011) CP/doc.4650/11

Annual Report of the Permanent Council to the General Assembly 2010-2011 CP/doc.4651/11

Request by the Government of Malta for Permanent Observer Status to the Organization CP/doc.4652/11

Note of the Director General of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) on the draft agenda of the 86th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the IIN  CP/doc.4653/11

Distribution of mandates assigned by the General Assembly at its forty-first regular session and ongoing mandates from the previous years (Adopted by the Permanent Council on July 21, 2011 and reviewed on September 7, 2011) CP/doc.4654/11 rev. 2

Draft declaration by the Permanent Council on the passing of Mr. Itamar Augusto Cautiero Franco, Former President of the Federative Republic of Brazil CP/doc.4655/11

Report of the Chair of the Style Committee of the Forty-First Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States CP/doc.4656/11 corr. 1

Proposed Program-Budget 2012 of the Organization of American States  CP/doc.4657/11 corr. 1

Draft resolution Use of Unobligated Unprogrammed Balances of Specific Funds, established by Member States, to cover Regular Fund Shortfalls (Agreed upon by the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs at its meeting held August 26, 2011) CP/doc.4658/11

Draft resolution Place and Date of the Forty-Second Special Session of the General Assembly to consider and adopt the 2012 Program-Budget (Agreed upon by the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs at its meeting held September 2, 2011) CP/doc.4659/11

Draft resolution Transfer of Funds between Chapters of the Program-Budget for 2011 (Agreed upon by the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs at its meeting held September 27, 2011) CP/doc.4661/11 corr. 1

Draft resolution Place and Date of the Meeting of the Third Meeting of the Technical Group on Transnational Organized Crime (Presented by Trinidad and Tobago) CP/doc.4662/11

Forty-Eighth Report of the Committee of the Leo S. Rowe Pan American Fund (For the period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010) CP/doc.4664/11

Draft resolution Convocation of the Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and Highest Authorities Responsible for Youth (Presented by the Delegation of Suriname) CP/doc.4665/11

Note from the Permanent Mission of the United States requesting the inclusion of the topic “Convocation of the Seventh Meeting of the Ministers of Justice or other Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas (REMJA) working group on Cyber-Crime” in the order of business of the next regular meeting of the Permanent Council and presentation of draft resolution CP/doc.4667/11

Report of the Chairman of the Joint Working Group of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI on the draft Social Charter of the Americas (April 28 2011 – October 28 2011) (Report presented by Pierre Giroux, Counselor, Alternate Representative of Canada, to the Permanent Council at the meeting of November 10, 2011) CP/doc.4668/11

Final Report of the Permanent Council on the Dialogue on the Effectiveness of the Implementation of the Inter-American Democratic Charter (Approved by the Permanent Council during its meeting held on December 14, 2011)
CP/doc.4669/11 rev. 3

Draft resolution Date of the Forty-Second Regular Session of the General Assembly (Draft resolution presented by the delegation of Bolivia) CP/doc.4670/11

Draft resolution Convocation of the Fifth Meeting of the REMJA Working Group on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and Extradition, pursuant to resolution AG/RES. 2657 (XLI-O/11) and the Conclusions and Recommendations of the Eighth Meeting of Ministers of Justice or other Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas (REMJA-VIII) (Presented by the Permanent Mission of Paraguay) CP/doc.4671/11

Draft resolution Convocation of the Third Meeting of Officials Responsible for Penitentiary and Prison Policies, pursuant to resolution AG/RES. 2657 (XLI-O/11) and the Conclusions and Recommendations of the Eighth Meeting of Ministers of Justice or other Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas (REMJA-VIII) (Presented by the Permanent Mission of Canada) CP/doc.4672/11

Strategic Vision of the OAS Second presentation CP/doc.4673/11 rev. 1


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