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Remarks by Brazil's Permanent Representative on November 19, 2001 on the document "The OAS Financial Condition:  Crisis to Choices" CP/CAAP-2592/01

Draft resolution:  Increasing the 2004 program-budget appropriation for the inter-American human rights system CP/CAAP-2643/02 rev. 1

Response to questions raised by members at the meeting held on March 17, 2003 CP/CAAP-2655/ 03

Comments by Ambassador Juan Manuel Castulovich, Permanent Representative of Panama, on the Deloitte & Touche Study CP/CAAP-2687/ 04

Legal opinion:  Compliance by Deloitte & Touche with the terms of reference for the final report on the Management Study of the Operations of the General Secretariat (Presented by the Department of Legal Services) CP/CAAP-2688/ 04

Information presented by the General Secretariat at the request of the Committee on January 22, 2004 (Working document) CP/CAAP-2690/ 04

Request for a supplemental budgetary appropriation in accordance with AG/RES. 1974 (XXXIII-O/03) to defray expenses related to: the change of administration in 2004 CP/CAAP-2695/04 corr. 1

Informative document presented by the General Secretariat at the request of the Committee at the informal meeting held on September 15, 2004 CP/CAAP-2711/04

Informative document presented by the General Secretariat at the request of the Committee at the informal meeting held on September 15, 2004 CP/CAAP-2712/04

Supporting documents for CP/doc. 3909/04 and CP/RES.807/04 (Submitted by the General Secretariat at the request of the Committee, at the informal meeting held on September 15, 2004) CP/CAAP-2713/04

Projected 2005 budget shortfall in the maintenance accounts and projected 2006 budget shortfall in the information technology accounts CP/CAAP-2742/05

2006 Regular Fund:  Impact of an additional $18.2 million and $23.0 on the quota base CP/CAAP-2744/05

Statement of supplementary appropriations pursuant to resolution CP/RES. 831 (1342/02) corr. 1 as of April 15, 2005 CP/CAAP-2745/05

Information on foundations, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and other private entities created by the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States pursuant to General Assembly resolution AG/RES. 2059 (XXXIV-O/04) CP/CAAP-2748/05

Draft resolution:  Modernization and reorganization of the OAS General Secretariat CP/CAAP-2751/ 05 rev. 1

Remarks by Assistant Secretary General Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin, to the meeting held on August 23, 2005 CP/CAAP-2759/05

2005 Budget shortfall in the OAS accounts CP/CAAP-2762/05

Proposal to create a special advisor post for the Office of the Chair of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) (Presented by the Chair of the Permanent Council) CP/CAAP-2781/05

Presentation by the Secretary General to the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs of the Permanent Council of the Organization (Presented at the Committee meeting of September 20, 2005) CP/CAAP-2784/05 rev. 1

Statement by the Delegation of Brazil-- Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs (CAAP)-- December 14, 2005 CP/CAAP-2809/05

Statement by the Brazilian Delegation at the meeting held by the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs on March 27, 2006 CP/CAAP-2824/06

Improving efficiency in OAS country offices CP/CAAP-2841/06

Proposed amendment to the General Standards for the Operation of the OAS General Secretariat Article 23 [Prepared by the Department of Legal Services in accordance with General Assembly resolution AG/RES. 2257 (XXXVI-O/06)] CP/CAAP-2850/ 06 rev. 1

Statement of supplementary appropriations Pursuant to CP/RES. 831 (1342/02) [From Inception (January 7, 2003) to September 30, 2006] CP/CAAP/INF. 7/06

Informative document on issues raised by CAAP delegates after the Secretariat's presentation on the projected statutory and inflationary adjustments to the Regular Fund program-budget for 2007 CP/CAAP-2860/06

Development and Implementation of a Planning, Control and Evaluation System (Informative document presented by the General Secretariat) CP/CAAP-2871/06

Proposed Modifications to Articles 78 and 80 of the General Standards to Govern the Operations of the General Secretariat CP/CAAP-2874/06 rev. 2

Draft resolution Proposed amendment to Articles 78 and 80 of the General Standards to Govern the operations of the General Secretariat (Presented by the General Secretariat) CP/CAAP-2874/06 add. 1 rev. 1

Further proposed revisions made to proposed amendments of Articles 78 and 80 of the General Standards, based upon comments and suggestions made by representatives of the Member States at the December 4, 2006 informal CAAP meeting CP/CAAP-2876/ 06 rev. 2

Human Resources to the Future Transparency and Efficiency (Document prepared by the General Secretariat) CP/CAAP-2879/06

Further proposed revisions made to proposed amendments of articles 78 and 80 of the General Standards, based upon comments and suggestions made by representatives of the Member States (as of January 26, 2007) CP/CAAP-2884/ 07 rev. 4

Follow-up General Secretariat responses to the CAAP's Additional Questions related to January-December 2006 CPR Report CP/CAAP-2905/ 07

Draft resolution Election of two External Auditors in the Thirty-Seventh Regular Session of the General Assembly CP/CAAP-2914/ 07 rev. 1

Program-Budget for 2008 (AG/RES. 2353) General Provisions, Recommendations of the Board of External Auditors, and Other Initiatives with CAAP implications: Assignment of Responsibilities and Implementation Status as of July 27, 2007/ Secretariat for Administration and Finance CP/CAAP/INF.8 /07 rev. 1

Draft resolution Convocation of the Thirty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly CP/CAAP-2926/07

Secretariat for Administration and Finance (SAF)  Transformation and Modernization Project (STAMP) CP/CAAP/INF.1 1/07

Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru transmitting  the request of the delegations of Bolivia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru to consider a draft resolution on the  “Humanitarian nature of the programs of the office of humanitarian mine action of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States”  CP/CAAP-2936/07

Letter from the Chair of the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI) requesting an allocation of resources to hold the Fourth Inter-American meeting of Ministers of Culture and highest appropriate authorities in the framework of CIDI CP/CAAP-2956/08

CAAP Basics and Critical Issues (August 2008) CP/CAAP/INF. 18/08

Draft resolution Convocation of the  Thirty-Sixth Special Session of the General Assembly CP/CAAP-2962/08 rev. 1

OAS financial management challenges and program-budget implications CP/CAAP/INF. 19/08

Coordinating office for the offices and units of the General Secretariat in Member States CP/CAAP-2969/08

Edited version of the presentation by the Secretary General to the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs (CAAP) on November 25, 2008 CP/CAAP-2974/08

Documents Presented to CAAP for their Consideration Between October 2008 and February 2009 CP/CAAP-2993/09

Draft resolution Austerity Measures: use of Video Conference (Presented by the Mission of Colombia) CP/CAAP-2999/09

Rental Hall of the Americas and other conference rooms (Presented by the Secretariat for Administration and Finance) CP/CAAP-3025/09

Introduction to International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) (Presented by the Secretariat for Administration and Finance) CP/CAAP-3031/09 corr. 2

Reference document for the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs (CAAP) of the Permanent Council of the OAS
and the Permanent Missions of the Member States (Prepared by the Secretariat of the OAS Administrative Tribunal) 


Proposal for the modification of the General Standards (Presented by the Secretariat for Administration and Finance (SAF) Department of Human Resources)  CP/CAAP-3103/11


Compliance by the General Secretariat with the Semi-Annual Reporting Requirements of Article 80 of the General Standards to Govern the Operations of the General Secretariat Relative to the Receipt and Expenditure of Indirect Cost Recovery Funds CP/CAAP/INF.37/11

Report on the Costs Associated with the Proposed Amendments to the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal (CP/CG.1859/11)CP/CAAP-3114/11

Note from the Chair of the Working Group on the review of OAS programs, forwarding the Draft resolution “Transfers Between Chapters of the Program-Budget for 2011” CP/CAAP-3135/11

Status of Requests for Information from the General Secretariat CP/CAAP/INF.42/11

  • Status of Requests for Information from the General Secretariat Report on Latinobarómetro CP/CAAP/INF.42/11 add. 1-a

Note from the Permanent Mission of Panama referring to Chapter III, subparagraph II of the General Standards of the General Secretariat CP/CAAP/INF.43/11

Draft resolution Request for an Audit of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (Presented by the Permanent Mission of Panama) CP/CAAP-3138/11

Report of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs on the draft resolution: "Indirect Cost Recovery" CAAP-3119/11 rev. 4 CP/CAAP-3150/11

Report of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs on the draft resolution: "Reporting and Work Plan of the Inspector General" CAAP-3118/11 rev. 3 CP/CAAP-3151/11

Note from the President of the OAS Staff Association to the Chair of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs (CAAP) CP/CAAP/INF.46/12

Status of Trust appointments in the General Secretariat CP/CAAP-3153/12

Comments and Proposals of the staff committee on document CP/CAAP-3096/11 add. 4 rev. 1, “Progress Report on the Comprehensive Human Resource Management Plan (Phase One)” CP/CAAP/INF.47/12

Note from the General Secretariat in reply to the request by the delegation of Ecuador included in document CP/CAAP-3180/12 CP/CAAP/INF.52/12

2013 Program-Budget review process lessons learned (Presented by the Chair) CP/CAAP-3205/13

Chair’s Note Lessons Learned from the 2013 Program-Budget review process views from delegations and Chair’s recommendations CP/CAAP-3215/13

Note for the information of the CAAP Functions of a management oversight Committee and Biennial versus Annual Budgets: Pros and cons CP/CAAP-3220/13 rev. 1

Draft resolution (Omnibus) "Progress towards accountability, efficiency and effectiveness, and results in the OAS General Secretariat" (Agreed on at the meeting held on May 21, 2013) CP/CAAP-3227/13 rev. 9

  • Proposals by the Delegation of Mexico for the draft resolution "Progress towards accountability, efficiency and effectiveness, and results in the OAS General Secretariat" CP/CAAP-3227/13 add. 1

Note from the Permanent Mission of Paraguay enclosing the draft resolution "Optimizing the use of communication technologies in the activities of the Organization" CP/CAAP-3230/13

Draft resolution Progress towards accountability, efficiency and effectiveness, and results in the OAS General Secretariat CP/CAAP-3290/14 rev. 2

Proposal by the delegation of Canada to draft resolution CP/CAAP-3290/14 "Progress towards accountability, efficiency and effectiveness, and results in the OAS General Secretariats" CP/CAAP-3295/14

Proposal by the delegation of the United States to draft resolution CP/CAAP-3290/14 "Progress towards accountability, efficiency and effectiveness, and results in the OAS General Secretariats" CP/CAAP-3299/14

Draft Resolution Supplementary appropriation to cover expenditures associated with the change of administration in 2015 (Considered during the meeting held on March 12, 2015, and agreed to ad referendum of the delegations of Argentina, Bolivia, and Venezuela) CP/CAAP-3348/15

Note from the Permanent Mission of Canada requesting the consideration of the following topic at the next Regular Meeting of CAAP: - Quotas and Liquidity Risk Assessment of the Organization- and submitting draft resolution: - Budgetary Responsibility to Mitigate the Problem of Liquidity in the OAS Regular Fund in 2015- CP/CAAP-3351/15

Report from the General Secretariat on the use of authorized resources and disbursements related to the change of administration in 2015 approved by Resolution CP/RES. 1045 (2010/15) CP/CAAP-3353/15

Letter from the Chair of the Permanent Council to the Chair of CAAP on the issue of Draft Resolutions to be Adopted at the 45th Regular Session of the General Assembly CP/CAAP/INF-97/15

Report from the General Secretariat on the use of authorized resources and disbursements related to the change of administration in 2015 approved by Resolution CP/RES. 1045 (2010/15) (As of May 31, 2015) CP/CAAP-3358/15

Report from the General Secretariat on the use of authorized resources and disbursements related to the change of administration in 2015 approved by Resolution CP/RES. 1045 (2010/15) (As of June 30, 2015) CP/CAAP-3359/15

Report from the General Secretariat on the use of authorized resources and disbursements related to the change of administration in 2015 approved by Resolution CP/RES. 1045 (2010/15) (As of August 31, 2015) CP/CAAP-3366/15

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