Dialogue: “Towards a New Culture in the Use of Water: The Youth as an Agent of Change”
Tuesday 16 at 8:00AM - 5:30PM and Wednesday 17 at 12:00PM - 7:30PM, Salon Las Americas - Santo Domingo Hotel.
Overview: Develop a training workshop focused on Water and Youth in which young leaders are identified to constitute the initial core of the Water and Youth program for the Dominican Republic.
Workshop Course: Connecting Gender and Climate Change
Tuesday 16 at 9:00AM - 5:30PM, Salon Bohechio - Hotel Santo Domingo.
Overview: Promote the focus of gender in initiatives of climate change, analyzing the problems and dimensions in the framework of sustainable development (water, energy, risk management, etc.).
Hemispheric Roundtable with Civil Society and Other Social Actors
Wednesday 17 at 1:00PM - 3:30PM, Foreign Ministry-Diplomatic - School Auditorium.
Overview: Consider the results of sub regional consultations and the virtual forum that was held in the framework of the preparatory process. Furthermore, final coordination will be conducted for the participation of civil society and other social actors in the ministerial dialogue scheduled for November 18th.
Lectures in Environmental Law
Wednesday 17 5:00PM - 7:30PM, 901-902 de Francia I UNIBE
Thursday 18 5:00PM - 7:30PM, UASD
Overview: Exchange international experiences from the hemisphere in environmental law and justice with law students in the Dominican Republic.
Agenda UNIBE
Agenda UASD
Seminar: Increasing Resilience to Natural Hazards in the Tourism Sector of the Americas
Wednesday 17 at at 12:00PM - 8:30PM, Salon Bohechio - Santo Domingo Hotel.
Overview: Identify regional proposals to advance the integration of risk management in the tourism sector.
RIMD Board Meeting
Overview: Agree on guidelines and strategies for the strengthening of RIMD, with particular attention to the SEDI/DDS RISK-MACC proposal to utilize RIMD as a Regional Platform operating mechanism for the Risk Reduction of Disasters in the Americas.
Environmental Law Advisory Group Lunch
Thursday 18 at 12:00PM - 2:30PM, Salon Cabulla - Santo Domingo Hotel.
Overview: Members of the OAS advisory group will discuss advances in the area of environmental law, policy and governance.
Dialogue regarding Experiences in the Regulation of Payment for Environmental Services
Friday 19 at 8:30AM - 10:00AM, National Congress.
Overview: Exchange ideas about advances, experiences, challenges and lessons learned regarding Legal Frameworks for the implementation of Payment for Environmental Services schemes in Latin America and the Caribbean.
EcoHealth Workshop
Thursday 18 at 9:00AM - 6:30PM, Salon Quisqueya - Santo Domingo Hotel.
Overview: Provide tools, legal and scientific methodologies to integrate health and environment in the Americas.