Official Documents
Ministerial Meeting
Draft Resolution:
Report of the Second Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and
High-level Authorities on Sustainable Development within the
framework of CIDI
Report of the Second Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and
High-level Authorities on Sustainable Development within the
framework of CIDI
Draft Agenda:
CIDI/RIMDS-II/doc. 2/10
Also available in (
Español |
Português |
Français )
Draft Annotated Agenda:
CIDI/RIMDS-II/doc. 3/10
Also available in (
Español |
Português |
Français )
Draft Schedule:
CIDI/RIMDS-II/doc. 4/10 rev. 2
Also available in (
Español |
Português |
Français )
Proyecto de Declaración de Santo Domingo para el Desarrollo Sostenible de las Américas (Versión resultante de la Segunda Reunión Preparatoria):
Also available in (
Español |
Português |
Français )
Declaration of Santo Domingo for the Sustainable Development of the Americas. (Adopted during the eighth plenary session held on November 19, 2010 and subject to review by the Style Committee.)
Informative and reference documents:
Report on the implementation of the Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS) 2006 – 2009:
Also available in (
Español |
Português |
Français )
Informe de la consulta con el sector privado “Hacia el desarrollo sostenible en las Américas” (Lima, Perú, 16 de Septiembre de 2010):
Also available in (
English )
Ensayo ganador del Concurso de Ensayo Juvenil: “Hacia el desarrollo sostenible en las Américas”: La fórmula del desarrollo (Spanish available only)
Informe de la Consulta con la Sociedad Civil de Sudamérica: “Hacia el desarrollo sostenible en las Américas” (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19 de Agosto del 2010)(Spanish available only)
Report of the Caribbean Civil Society Forum “Towards sustainable development in the Americas” (Castries Saint Lucia - July 5, 2010) (Disponible únicamente en ingles)
Informe de la Consulta con la Sociedad Civil de Centroamérica, México y República Dominicana “Hacia el Desarrollo Sostenible en las Américas” (San José, Costa Rica – 19 de agosto de 2010)(Spanish available only)
Report of the Virtual Forum held from September 15 to October 15, 2010 Towards sustainable development in the Americas” (Department of Sustainable Development in collaboration with the Summits of the Americas Secretariat of the OAS)(Spanish available only):
Preparatory Meetings
Presentation of the Report on the Implementation of the Declaration of Santa Cruz +10 and the Inter-American Program on Sustainable Development (PIDS) (2006-2009) by the Director of the Department of Sustainable Development, Mr. Cletus Springer (Presented during the third plenary session held on June 28, 2010)
Draft Declaration of Santo Domingo for the Sustainable Development of the Americas (Resulting version from the Second Preparatory Meeting)
List of Participants of the Second Preparatory Meeting of the Second Meeting of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Sustainable Development
Preliminary Draft Schedule of the Second Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Sustainable Development
Draft Declaration of Santo Domingo for the Sustainable Development of the Americas (Document reformulated by the Chair and the Technical Secretariat, based on the comments received from delegations during the First Preparatory Meeting and received by the Secretariat as of August 9th, 2010.)
CIDI/RIMDS-II/RP/doc.3/10 rev.2
Draft Declaration of Santo Domingo for the Sustainable Development of the Americas (Includes the inputs presented by delegations Turing the Preparatory Meeting held October 28-29 and those received by the Secretariat as of June 30, 2010)
CIDI/RIMDS-II/RP/doc.3/10 rev.1 corr. 1 (available in spanish)
Draft Declaration of Santo Domingo for the Sustainable Development of the Americas.
Also available in (
Español )
Change of Date of the Second Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable Development within the framework of CIDI
Presentation of the Delegation of the Dominican Republic on the Preparatory Process of the Second Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable Development up to date (available in Spanish only)
List of observers and special guests for the Second Inter-American meeting of ministers and high level authorities on sustainable development (Approved during the regular meeting held on August 10, 2010)
CEPCIDI/doc.948/10 rev. 1
Preliminary Draft Annotated Agenda of the Second Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High Level Authorities on Sustainable Development.
Preliminary Draft Agenda of the Second Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High Level Authorities on Sustainable Development.
Preliminary Schedule of Activities in Preparation for the Second Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable Development in the Framework of CID I for the period March–October 2010 (Document presented by the Delegation of the Dominican Republic).
CEPCIDI/INF.92/10 add. 1
Second Meeting of Ministers and High-level Authorities on Sustainable Development within the Framework of CIDI.