Once again we begin a new season for the Latin American Film Festival. I wish to welcome all of you, especially those of you who have accompanied us on this journey and have allowed the festival to reach its sixth consecutive year of life. The festival, whose original idea was that of our fondly remembered Gl�ucia Baena Soares, offers an extraordinary selection of films from 14 countries of the hemisphere.

In addition to films from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, the festival brings together a considerable number of special guests, including directors, producers and actors.

The Latin American Film Festival is organized by the Cultural Foundation of the Americas, the American Film Institute (AFI) and the Association of Ibero-American Cultural Attach�s. This event was made possible thanks to the generous sponsorship and considerable effort of the Organization of the American States, the Inter-American Development Bank, Delta Air Lines, Riggs Bank, Rumba Caf� and this year the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA).

I want to extend my congratulations and best wishes for a prosperous future to the new AFI Silver theaters, which in opening their doors to the festival have added their support to the development of Latin America's cultural wealth. Allow me to add my personal appreciation to all the institutes of cinema, producing companies, volunteers and friends who have contributed so much of their time and effort to this event. Finally, I wish to express my special thanks to the moviegoers who through their enthusiastic participation have demonstrated the support that has made the Latin American Film Festival a success.

Ana Milena Gaviria



Al iniciar una nueva temporada del Festival de Cine Latinoamericano, quisiera darles la bienvenida a todos ustedes que nos han venido siguiendo por este largo camino y nos han permitido llegar a cumplir nuestro sexto a�o de vida consecutivo. El festival, cuya idea original se debe a una iniciativa de nuestra siempre recordada, Gl�ucia Baena Soares, llega hoy a nuestra ciudad para presentarnos una amplia selecci�n de extraordinarias pel�culas provenientes de 14 pa�ses del hemisferio.

Con pel�culas provenientes de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala, M�xico, Panam�, Paraguay, Per�, Uruguay y Venezuela, el festival albergar� a un considerable n�mero de invitados especiales, incluyendo a directores, productores y actores.

El Festival de Cine Latinoamericano es organizado por la Fundaci�n Cultural de las Am�ricas, el American Film Institute (AFI) y la Asociaci�n de Agregados Culturales Iberoamericanos. Este a�o le damos la bienvenida a Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) que en conjunto con los esfuerzos de la Organizaci�n de los Estados Americanos, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Delta Air Lines, Riggs Bank N.A. y Rumba Caf� permitieron con su generoso patrocinio que este evento fuera posible.

Por �ltimo quisiera extender mis felicitaciones y desearles un futuro pr�spero a los nuevos teatros del AFI Silver que al abrirnos sus puertas, se suman al desarrollo nuestra riqueza cultural latinoamericana. Mi agradecimiento personal a todos los institutos de cines, compa��as productoras, voluntarios y amigos que han contribuido con su tiempo y esfuerzo. Pero especialmente agradezco a los espectadores por el apoyo demostrado a trav�s de su participaci�n y entusiasmo.

Ana Milena Gaviria