El amor y el espanto

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DIRECTOR Juan Carlos Desanzo EXECUTIVE PRODUCTION Isidro Osvaldo Miguel SCREENPLAY Jos� Pablo Feinmann CINEMATOGRAPHY Carlos Torlaschi PRODUCER Juan Carlos Desanzo EDITOR Sergio Zotola ART DIRECTION Jos� Uria SET DESIGN Alfonso De Lazzari COSTUME DESIGN Jos� Uria MUSIC Mart�n Bianchedi CAST Miguel Angel Sol�, V�ctor Laplace, Norman Briski. 2000, Color, 115 min. Spanish with english subtitles.

1946, and dictator-to-be Juan Per�n has become president or has he? and Jorge Luis Borges (Miguel �ngel Sol�) and his mother are commenting on the shouts outside their window.... And suddenly the life of the great writer and some of his works are intertwined: in the National Library, he's threatened by a government goon, then later fantasizes beating him in a knife fight. He romances Blanca Oteyza's Beatriz Viterbo, then sees her as being slowly being poisoned by her husband, in a situation reminiscent of Hitchcock's SUSPICION and NOTORIOUS, in this Borgesean interweaving of texts.

Es 1946 y el futuro dictador Juan Per�n se ha convertido en presidente �o no? y Jorge Luis Borges (Miguel �ngel Sol�) y su madre est�n comentando sobre los gritos que se escuchan fuera de la ventana ... Y de pronto, la vida del gran escritor y algunos de sus trabajos se entremezclan: en la Biblioteca Nacional es amenazado por un est�pido del gobierno y luego se imagina que le gana en una pelea a cuchillo. Entabla un romance con Beatriz Viterbo (Blanca Oteyza), para luego verla lentamente envenenada por su esposo, en una situaci�n que es una reminiscencia de SUSPICION y NOTORIOUS de Hitchcock, en este evocativo tejido borgiano de textos.



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