All Executive Secretariat of CICTE (Inter-American Committee against Terrorism) Publications
February, 2024
One Pager CICTE
One Pager CICTE
One Pager Cybersecurity
January, 2024
One Pager Cybersecurity Program
One Pager Cybersecurity
December, 2023
Biosecurity in the Americas: Regional Threat Assessment
University of Maryland document supported by CICTE: reviews international standards in Latin American countries through public information.
December, 2023
Biosecurity in the Americas: A regional threat assessment case of Colombia
University of Maryland document on compliance with Colombia, focused on UNSC and CAB Resolution 1540. Supported by CICTE and funded by the EU 2020-2024
December, 2023
Biosecurity in the Americas: A regional threat assessment case of Panama
University of Maryland document on compliance with Panama, focused on UNSC and CAB Resolution 1540. Supported by CICTE and funded by the EU 2020-2024
December, 2023
Biosecurity in the Americas: A regional threat assessment case of Chile
University of Maryland document on compliance with Chile, focused on UNSC and CAB Resolution 1540. Supported by CICTE and funded by the EU 2020-2024
September, 2023
Challenges and Strategies: Considerations on Ransomware Attacks in the Americas
This publication offers recommendations and reflections based on international best practices for dealing with a ransomware attack and its implications
Several icons related to cybersecurity
June, 2023
Practical Guide for CSIRTs, Volume 2, 2023: A Sustainable Business Model
This guide follows up on the document Best Practices for Establishing a National CSIRT (2016), focusing on developing a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) in the public sector in LAC
Report on the Development of the Cybersecurity Workforce in an Era of Skills and Talent Shortages
February, 2023
Report on the Development of the Cybersecurity Workforce in an Era of Skills and Talent Shortages
Only available in Spanish
Security Planning on a Large Scale: A Practical Manual
September, 2022
Security Planning on a Large Scale: A Practical Manual
The (OAS/CICTE, and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) are proud to launch a new publication called Security Planning on a Large Scale: A Practical Manual.
A world map with the Americas highlighted
June, 2022
National Cybersecurity Strategies: Lessons Learned and Reflections from the Americas and Other Regions
This document is structured in five parts that address the key considerations relevant for the process of NCS development, implementation, and review.
Cybersecurity of women during the COVID-19 pandemic
March, 2022
Cybersecurity of women during the COVID-19 pandemic
... Experiences, Risks, and strategies of self-care in the new digital normality
Considerations for the Design and Implementation of a Cybersecurity Promotion Fund
February, 2022
Considerations for the Design and Implementation of a Cybersecurity Promotion Fund
This paper compares telecom development funds in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Costa Rica, evaluating potential for a similar model to fund cybersecurity in Latin America.
Toward secure strategic trade: Panama and the Dominican Republic
February, 2022
Toward secure strategic trade: Panama and the Dominican Republic
Promoting capacity-building under UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) : Best practices pursued in Panama and the Dominican Republic.
Verification and Compliance Manual for Port Security Officials
December, 2021
Verification and Compliance Manual for Port Security Officials
This Drafting Guide helps OAS Member States' Designated Authorities create a customizable template to align with their unique regulations and processes.
Online gender based violence against women and girls
October, 2021
Online gender based violence against women and girls
This manual provides updated information on the phenomenon of gender violence online, how it manifests and what the regional efforts are being conducted to counter it.