
Species and Specimens Thematic Network


1. Institution:  The Coordinating Institution for the Species and Specimens Thematic Network is a Consortium leads by "Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad" based in Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica. Read more ...

The members of the consortium are:

Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (Costa Rica)

Instituto de Investigaciones de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humbolt (Colombia)

Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales (Argentina)

Red de Herbarios de Centroamérica y el Caribe

NatureServe (USA) -Only for the Species TN


2. Period: 36 months (From 24 February 2006 through 23 February 2009)

                 Amended on August 17, 2009 and extended until June 30, 2010

3. Amount: US Dollars 400,000

4. Amount After 1st Amendment: US Dollars 519,200

4. Objective: To make available existing information on Species (species description, observations and distribution) and Specimens (collections and observations). Read more...

5. Documents

CI Transfer Agreement

Annex 1 – GEF Trust Fund Grant Agreement TF053526 “Building the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network Project”

Annex 2 - Terms of Reference: Species Specimens

Annex 3 – Memorandum of Cooperation 

Annex 4 – Technical Proposal

Annex 6 – Operational Manual


Amendment 1 to CI Transfer Agreement


Annex 9 of  CI Transfer Agreement No. 2 – Technical Proposal

6. Coordinator at INBio: Maria Auxiliadora Mora






This page was last updated on Wednesday March 23, 2011.