Contribuciones a Co-PED - Información del Documento
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Idioma: Ingles
Categoría(s): Investigación
Tema(s) & Sub-Tema(s): Reclutamiento
  •  Requisitos de ingreso
Desarrollo Profesional (DP)
  •  Educación continua
País: Estados Unidos
Título: Teacher Effectiveness Research and the Evolution of U.S. Teacher Policy
Autor: Dan Goldhaber
Resumen: Empirical research has shown that teacher quality is the largest in-school factor contributing to student achievement, but that observable teacher characteristics such as education level and certification status are poor proxies for teacher quality. This chapter describes the import of teachers for student achievement, and the extent to which the variation in teacher effectiveness is associated with the credentials that have traditionally been used to determine their employment eligibility and compensation. It goes on to discuss the prospects for policies designed to act on the differences that exist between teachers, and concludes with thoughts on possible pathways for improving teacher quality.
Sitio Web de referencia
Editorial: The Bush Institute
Año de Publicación: 2015
Fecha de registro: 7/21/2016

¿Qué transformación persigue esta iniciativa?

¿Qué política / práctica se ha puesto en marcha para lograr este cambio?

¿Qué evidencia existe para demostrar que esta intervención está teniendo el resultado deseado?

Información de Contacto del colaborador
Nombre Completo: , RIED-ITEN
Organización: Organization of American States
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Correo Electrónico: [email protected]
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Enlace a los documentos
Documento: Teacher effectiveness.pdf (505 KB)
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Palabras Clave: Calidad docente y aprendizaje, Oferta/demanda de docentes, Efectividad docente
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