Contribuciones a Co-PED - Información del Documento
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Idioma: Ingles
Categoría(s): Publicaciones
Tema(s) & Sub-Tema(s): Preparación Inicial
  •  Plan de estudios/programas
Desarrollo Profesional (DP)
  •  Educación continua
Trayectoria Profesional
  •  Carrera profesional
País: Guatemala
Título: Effective Teacher Training Policies to Ensure Effective Schools: A Perspective from Central America and the Dominican Republic
Autor: José Luis Guzmán, Melba Castillo, Jorge Lavarreda and Radhamés Mejia
Resumen: Within a context of unequal development, a great number of children in Central America ( Nicaragua y Guatemala) and Dominican Republic schools show low learning achievement in international tests. Although there are various explanations for this situation, it is widely accepted that well-prepared and committed teachers can make the difference for their pupils in reducing learning gaps and enhancing overall student learning even under adverse conditions. Keeping in mind the complexities of a systemic approach, effective teacher training policies are a key to create conditions and opportunities for school effectiveness and student learning. The perspectives of three countries were considered: Guatemala, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. Relevant research and a recent study of UNESCO’s Regional Office for Latin American and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO) on teacher policies served to guide analyses and formulate recommendations for policy makers, researchers, and practitioners.
Sitio Web de referencia
Editorial: Partnership for educational revitalization in the Americas PREAL), The Central American Educational and Cultural Coordination (CECC/SICA), UNESCO - Santiago - Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean
Año de Publicación: 2013
Fecha de registro: 10/18/2013

¿Qué transformación persigue esta iniciativa?
Promote informed dialogues on policy options to improve the teaching profession

¿Qué política / práctica se ha puesto en marcha para lograr este cambio?

¿Qué evidencia existe para demostrar que esta intervención está teniendo el resultado deseado?

Información de Contacto del colaborador
Nombre Completo: , RIED-ITEN
Organización: Organization of American States
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Correo Electrónico: [email protected]
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Enlace a los documentos
Documento: Effective Teacher Training Policies to Ensure Effective Schools.pdf (929 KB)
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El Centro de Políticas Docentes RIED se lleva a cabo gracias a la ayuda financiera de la Misión Permanente de los Estados Unidos ante la OEA y cuenta con el apoyo de OREALC/UNESCO Santiago.