Contributions to Co-TEP - Document Card
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1005 Views, 5 Downloads
Language: English
Category(ies): Publications
Topic(s) & Sub-Topic(s): Recruitment
  •  Attracting Candidates
Initial Preparation
  •  Minimum Standards
Professional Development (PD)
  •  Continuing Education
Career Path
  •  Incentives Pay
  •  Professional Ladder
  •  Management Skills
Country: Argentina, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Barbados, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, El Salvador, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, United States, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Venezuela
Title: Investing in Teachers is Investing in Learning. A Prerequisite for the Transformative Power of Education. Background paper for the Oslo Summit on Education for Development.
Author: EFA Global Monitoring Report Team
Summary: This background paper focuses primarily on teachers and effective teaching as key to achieving relevant learning outcomes. It highlights the importance of adapting initial teacher preparation and professional development to respond to challenging classroom conditions. It also refers to the centrality of participatory school leadership and investing in teaching and learning materials.
Reference Website:
Publishing House: EFA Global Monitoring Report Team
Year of Publication: 2015
Upload date: 8/10/2015

What transformation/reform does this initiative pursue?

What policy/practice has been put in place to achieve this change?

What evidence exists to demonstrate that this intervention is having the desired result?

Contributor Contact Information
Full Name: , RIED-ITEN
Organization Name: Organization of American States
Address 1:
Address 2:
City / Province:
E-Mail: [email protected]

Download Links
Document: Investing in Teachers is Investing in Learning.pdf (1522 KB)
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Video Link:
Keywords: Teacher deployment, Education for inclusion, Intercultural education
The ITEN Teacher Policy Center is carried out with the financial support of the U.S. Permanent Mission to the OAS and the support of OREALC/UNESCO Santiago.