Contributions to Co-TEP - Document Card
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Language: English Photo of Pages from 246045e.jpg
Category(ies): Research, Publications
Topic(s) & Sub-Topic(s): Professional Development (PD)
  •  Continuing Education
Career Path
  •  Monitoring teacher effectiveness
  •  Incentives
  •  Performance
Special Topics
  •  Citizenship education
  •  Early childhood
  •  Literacy
  •  Numeracy
  •  Science
Country: All OAS member states
Title: Global Education Monitoring Report 2016. Gender Review: Creating Sustainable Futures for All
Author: UNESCO
Summary: The Gender Review discusses global and regional trends in achieving parity in education access, participation and completion and in selected learning outcomes, stressing that there is much room for progress. It then shifts to an evidence-based discussion of relationships between education, gender and sustainable development by discussing work, civic and political engagement and leadership, as well as health and well-being. It concludes with ways forward: what action is implied by evidence and data for achieving more gender-equal societies and how progress towards such societies is to be measured.
Reference Website:
Publishing House: UNESCO
Year of Publication: 2016
Upload date: 10/27/2017

What transformation/reform does this initiative pursue?

What policy/practice has been put in place to achieve this change?

What evidence exists to demonstrate that this intervention is having the desired result?

Contributor Contact Information
Full Name: , RIED-ITEN
Organization Name: Organization of American States
Address 1:
Address 2:
City / Province:
E-Mail: [email protected]

Download Links
Document: 246045e.pdf (4592 KB)
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Keywords: Teacher quality and learning outcomes, Teacher supply/demand, Teacher effectiveness, Teacher competency , Latin America, The Caribbean
The ITEN Teacher Policy Center is carried out with the financial support of the U.S. Permanent Mission to the OAS and the support of OREALC/UNESCO Santiago.