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CP/DEC. 42 (1716/09)
21 September 2009
Original: Spanish


CP/DEC. 42 (1716/09)


(Approved by the Permanent Council at its meeting of September 21, 2009)

              The Permanent Council has learned that the constitutional president of Honduras, Mr. José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, is in the city of Tegucigalpa.

The Council demands full guarantees from the de facto authorities in order to ensure the life and physical integrity of President Zelaya and a treatment consistent with his high office, as well as his return to the Presidency of the Republic in accordance with General Assembly Resolution AG/RES.1 (XXXVII-E/09).

The Permanent Council also calls for the immediate signing of the San José Agreement.

The Permanent Council calls on all sectors of Honduran society to act responsibly and prudently, avoiding any acts that could lead to violence and hinder the national reconciliation so desired by the Honduran people and the Hemisphere as a whole.

The Council reiterates its support for the Secretary General’s initiatives in the framework of the mandates of the thirty-seventh special session of the General Assembly to facilitate dialogue and restoration of the constitutional order


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