Documents 2009(CP/INF.)
Note From the Permanent Mission of the Argentine Republic forwarding a press
release on the Malvinas Islands
Note from the Chair of the Committee on Hemispheric
Security requesting the inclusion of two items on the order of business of the
regular meeting of the Permanent Council scheduled for January 14, 2009
Note from the Permanent Mission of Colombia
requesting the inclusion of the item “Prevalence of the use of technology for
OAS meetings” on the order of business for the regular meeting of the Permanent
Council to be held on January 14, 2009
Candidacy for the vacancy on the inter-american juridical committee (CJI)
resulting from the resignation of a member of the committee
Assumption of the Chair of the OAS Permanent
Council Remarks by the new Chair of the Permanent Council, The Permanent
Representative of Brazil, Ambassador Osmar Chohfi Washington, D.C., January 8,
Note from the Permanent Mission of Honduras
requesting a Protocolary meeting of the Permanent Council to receive His
Excellency Mr. Manuel Zelaya Rosales, President of the Republic of Honduras
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Argentine
Republic Submitting a Candidacy for the position of Independent Expert on the
Working Group to Examine the Progress Reports of the States Parties to
the Protocol of San Salvador
Note from the Permanent Mission of Honduras
requesting a Protocolary meeting of the Permanent Council to receive His
Excellency Mr. Manuel Zelaya Rosales, President of the Republic of Honduras
Note from the Permanent
Mission of Antigua and Barbuda requesting the inclusion of the Election on a
Member of the Leo Rowe Fund Committee on the order of business of the regular
session of the Permanent Council scheduled February 18, 2009
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela requesting the inclusion of a topic on the order of
business of the regular meeting of the Permanent Council scheduled for February
18, 2009
Report by Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin, Assistant
Secretary General of the OAS, Regarding the January 2009 visit to Haiti
Presentation of the Secretary General to the
Permanent Council on the Fund for Peace February 25, 2009
Message from his Excellency Albert R. Ramdin,
Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States on the
occasion of the commemoration of the Day of the Women of the Americas
(Washington, D.C. – February 18, 2009)
Presentation of Credentials by Ambassador John
E. Beale, Permanent Representative of Barbados to the Organization of
American States
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela requesting inclusion of an item on the Order of Business
for the Regular Meeting of the Permanent Council to be held on Wednesday, March
18, 2009
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on
Agriculture (IICA) - Addressing Food Security for the Americas
Note from the Inter-American Juridical Committee advising of the election of
dr. Guillermo Fernández de Soto as Vice Chair at its 74th Regular Session
Absence of the Chair of Permanent Council April 11-19, 2009
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of
Argentina Requesting the Inclusion of the “Report from the Republic of
Argentina on the Second Meeting of National Authorities on Trafficking in
Persons” on the Agenda of the Regular Session of the Permanent Council
Scheduled for April 22, 2009
Note from the Permanent Mission of the United States of America nominating Mr.
James Millette to serve as a Member of the OAS Board of External Auditors
Note from the Permanent Missions of Mexico and Peru Requesting Inclusion of the
Topic “Report of the OAS General Secretariat on Progress made in Implementing
the Inter-American program for Universal Civil Registry and the ‘Right to
Identity,’” on the Order of Business of the next Regular Meeting of the
Permanent Council
Pan American Health Organization - Influenza - Like
Illeness in the United States, Mexico.
Note from the Permanent Mission of the United
States of America requesting the inclusion of the topic “Commemoration of
the World Press Freedom Day” on the order of business of the next regular
session of the Permanent Council
Pan American Health Organization -Latin America and
Caribbean on alert for -Swine Flu--
Pan American Health Organization EOC Situation
Report #6 Swine Influenza in the Americas
Note from the Permanent Mission of Panama
requesting that the presentation of the “Report on the First Meeting of
Directors of Disability Institutions and Public Disability Policy Makers” be
included on the order of business of the Permanent Council meeting to be held
on may 13, 2009
Note from the Permanent
Mission of Trinidad and Tobago requesting the inclusion of the item Outcome of
the Fifth Summit of the Americas- on the order of business for the regular
meeting of the Permanent Council to be held on May 6, 2009
Note from the Permanent Mission of Guatemala
requesting inclusion of a presentation by the Executive Secretary of the
Central American Institute for Fiscal Studies (ICEFI) in the order of business
of the regular meeting of the Permanent Council scheduled for May 13, 2009
Report on the First Meeting of Directors of
Disability Institutions and Public Disability Policy Makers Panama City,
Panama, January 21 to 23, 2009
Note from the Chair of the Working Group to prepare the Draft American
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples requesting that the topic of
amendment of resolution CP/RES. 873 (1459/04)
be included on the order of business of the Permanent Council meeting to be
held on May 13, 2009
List of Elective Offices in the Organs, Agencies,
and Entities of the Organization of American States (Document prepared by the
General Secretariat according to information provided by the organs, agencies,
and entities)
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Eastern
Republic of Uruguay requesting inclusion of the item “First Inter-American
Specialized Conference on Public Security” on the order of business of the next
regular meeting of the Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua
forwarding the text of a footnote for Draft Resolutions and/or Draft
Declarations mentioning the Subject of the Fifth Summit of the Americas
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Eastern
Republic of Uruguay Requesting inclusion of the item “Democratization of
Knowledge for the Creation of a Culture of Peace” on the order of business of
the Permanent Council meeting scheduled for May 20, 2009
Note from the Permanent Mission of Guatemala
requesting inclusion of the topic “the Situation in Guatemala” on the order of
business of the Permanent Council meeting to be held on May 13, 2009
Presentation of Credentials by Ambassador Ruy de
Lima Casaes e Silva, Permanent Representative of Brazil to the Organization
of American States
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Argentine
Republic on the Draft resolution “Protocol of San Salvador: Composition and
Functioning of the Working Group to Examine the Periodic Reports of the States
Parties” (CP/CAJP-2736/09 rev. 5)
Note from the Permanent Mission of el Salvador
concerning a statement on the Draft resolution “Right to the Truth,” to be
considered by the General Assembly at its thirty-ninth regular session
Note from the Chair of the Inter-American Committee
Against Terrorism with reference to the Draft resolution “Support for the work
of the Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism” (AG/doc.4915/09)
Note from the Permanent Mission of Argentina
requesting a correction in the draft agenda of the General Assembly
Note from the Permanent Mission of Guatemala
submitting a draft resolution “Fund for Peace: Peaceful Settlement of
Territorial disputes” for consideration by the General Assembly at its
thirty-ninth regular session
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru requesting
a special meeting of the Permanent Council
Nota de la Misión Permanente de la República
Argentina remitiendo un comunicado de prensa en relación al tema -La
Cuestión de Las Islas Malvinas-
de la Misión Permanente de la República Argentina mediante la cual
remite una síntesis actualizada de -La Cuestión de las Islas
CP/INF.5857/09 add. 1
Note from the Permanent
Mission of Chile requesting a Protocolary Meeting of the Permanent Council
to receive Her Excellency Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile
Note from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
requesting inclusion of the topic “Presentation of the Report of the Second
Inter-American meeting of Experts and Representatives of Electoral Bodies of
OAS Member States, held in Caracas on June 11 and 12, 2009” on the order of
business of the next Regular Meeting of the Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent Mission of Honduras
requesting the convocation of a Special Meeting of the Permanent Council to
address the risk to the democratic institutional political process and/or
the legitimate exercise of power in the Republic of Honduras
Declaration of the African Union on the coup
d'état in Honduras
Presentation of credentials by Ambassador
Guillermo Cochez Farrugia, permanent representative of Panama to the
Organization of American States
Presentation of credentials by Ambassador
Gillian M.S. Bristol, permanent representative of Grenada to the
Organization of American States
Note from the Permanent Mission of Uruguay
requesting inclusion of the topic “Request for financing for the Inter-
American Specialized conference on Public Security - Meeting of Experts to
prepare for MISPA II” on the order of business of the next regular meeting
of the Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent
Mission of Costa Rica forwarding the document titled “Agreement of San José
for National Reconciliation and the Strengthening of Democracy in Honduras,”
Note of the Permanent Mission of Bolivia transmitting a working document
presented to the Permanent Council on July 23, 2009, on the situation in
Presentation of credentials
by Ambassador Luis Alfonso Hoyos Aristizabal, Permanent Representative of
Colombia to the Organization of American States
Presentation of the Proposed Program-Budget of
the Organization of American States for 2010 Secretary General’s message
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Argentine
Republic requesting inclusion of the item “Commemoration of the 159th
Anniversary of the death of the Liberator General Don José de San Martin” on
the order of business for the next regular meeting of the Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent
Mission of Uruguay requesting a protocolary meeting of the Permanent Council
to receive his Excellency Mr. Tabaré Vázquez , President of the Eastern
Republic of Uruguay
Absence of the Chair of the
Permanent Council
Note from the chair of the Inter-American
Juridical Committee forwarding to the Permanent Council resolution CJI/RES.
159 (LXXV-O/09), “the essential and fundamental elements of representative
democracy and their relation to collective action within the Framework of
the Inter-American Democratic Charter”
Note from the Chair of the Inter-American
Juridical Committee forwarding to the Permanent Council resolution CJI/RES.
160 (LXXV-O/09), “Follow-up on the application of the Inter-American
Democratic Charter”
Note from the Permanent Mission of Colombia
requesting inclusion of the topic “Concentration and Torture camps of the
drug Trafficking group farc in Colombia” on the order of business for the
meeting of the Permanent Council to be held on September 16, 2009
Argentine Proposals for the Development of a
Regional Mechanism for Humanitarian Assistance
Declaração da Comunidade das Democracias sobre a
Situação em Honduras emitida em 24 de setembro de 2009 (Distribuida por
solicitação pela Missão Permanente do Brasil)
De la Unión Panamericana a la OEA del Siglo XXI
Exposición del Dr. Álvaro Tirado Mejía ante el Consejo Permanente en la
Sesión Extraordinaria celebrada el 2 de octubre de 2009
Membership and Officers of the Committees and
Working Groups of the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation, and the
Permanent Council (July 2009 to June 2010)
CP/INF.5912/09 rev. 8
Discurso del Excelentísimo Señor Tabaré Vásquez, Presidente de la República
Oriental del Uruguay, realizado en la sesión protocolar del Consejo
Permanente, el 17 de septiembre de 2009
Note from the Permanent Mission of Panama Requesting inclusion of the topic
“Widening of the Panama Canal” on the Order of Business for the Regular
Meeting of the Permanent Council to be held on October 14, 2009
CP/INF.5915/09 corr. 1 rev. 1
Note from the
Permanent Mission of Jamaica Requesting the Inclusion of a Topic on the
Order of Business of the Regular Meeting of the Permanent Council
Scheduled for October 21, 2009
Presentation of Credentials by Ambassador Hugo Saguier Caballero,
Permanent Representative of Paraguay to the Organization of American
Note from the Secretary General reporting on the
vacancy on the
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, resulting from the
resignation of a Commission member
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru
requesting the inclusion of an item on the order of business of the
Permanent Council meeting scheduled for October 28, 2009
Mandates and Recommendations of the Thirty-Ninth
Regular Session of the General Assembly
Presentation of Credentials by Ambassador Francisco Proaño Arandi, Permanent
Representative of Ecuador to the Organization of American States
Guaymuras Dialogue Tegucigalpa/San José Agreement for National
Reconciliation and the Strengthening of Democracy in Honduras
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru
requesting inclusion of the topic “Access to Justice and Social Inclusion in
Peru” on the order of business of the regular meeting of the Permanent
Council to be held on November 4, 2009
Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico
Transmitting the “Special Statement on the Situation in Honduras,” Issued by
the Rio Group
Candidacy for the vacancy on the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights resulting from the resignation of a Commission
member (El Salvador)
rev. 1
Timeline of recent OAS engagement in Honduras June
– November 2009
corr. 1
Candidacy for a Vacancy on the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights, resulting from the resignation of a Member of
the Commission (Guatemala)
Note from the Permanent Missions of Argentina and Chile Requesting the
inclusion of the item “Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Signing
of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the Republics of Argentina and
Chile” on the order of business of the next meeting of the Permanent Council
Report by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
to the States Parties on the filing of Applications, pursuant to article
35.2 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court
Remarks by OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza at the Special Meeting
of the Permanent Council on the Situation in Honduras
Note from the Permanent Mission of the United
States of America requesting the inclusion of the topic “Commemoration of
International Human Rights Day” on the order of business of the next regular
session of the Permanent Council
Nota de la Misión Permanente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela
mediante la cual remite documento entregado al Presidente del Consejo de
Seguridad de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas
Presentation of Credentials by Ambassador Carmen
Lomellin, Permanent Representative of the United States to the Organization
of American States
Presentación de Panelistas - Consejo Permanente -
sesión extraordinaria - -La Calidad de la Gestión en el Sector Público y la
OEA- Miércoles, 9 de diciembre, 2009
Note from the Permanent Mission of Bolivia
requesting the inclusion of an item on the Order of Business of the next
meeting of the Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru requesting
inclusion of the topic “Consideration of the Draft resolution on the
Templates to be used by the Permanent Council for resolutions to be referred
to the General Assembly for consideration” on the order of business of the
next meeting of the Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Dominican
Republic requesting inclusion of an item on the order of business of the
next meeting of the Permanent Council
Note from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Advising of the Elections for President and Vice President of the Court for
the 2010-2011 period
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru requesting
inclusion of the item “Presentation by the Minister of Justice of Peru on
the Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the IACHR” on the order of
business of the regular meeting of the Permanent Council to be held on
January 13, 2010