Documents 2006 (CP/INF.)
Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the
Chair of the OAS Permanent Council offering to host the Seventh Meeting of
Negotiations in the Quest for Points of Consensus of the Working Group to
Prepare the Draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Core Group Members Visit to Haiti - 19-20 January,
2006 - Remarks to the Permanent Council by Assistant Secretary General,
Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin
rev. 1
Statement by the Deputy Ministers and High Ranking
Foreign Affairs Officials from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Dominican
Republic, France, Germany, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, United
States of America and the Organization of American States and the United
Nations Organization
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Dominican
Republic announcing that the Thirty-six Regular Session of the General Assembly
will be held in the Casa de Campo Convention Center, La Romana, The Dominican
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru
transmitting a draft declaration on the decade of the Americas for persons with
disabilities (2006-2016) together with a program of action
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru requesting
a protocolary meeting of the Permanent Council to welcome His Excellency
Alejandro Toledo Manrique, President of the Republic of Peru
Note from the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua
requesting that the topic "Celebration of the start of the transition to
democracy and the end of civil war in Nicaragua" be placed on the order of
business of the Permanent Council meeting of February 22, 2006
Note from the Permanent Mission of Ecuador
requesting inclusion of the topic "Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary
of the Birth of Galo Plaza Former Secretary General of the Organization of
American States"
Note from the Permanent Mission of Guyana
transmitting the statement by the Rio /Group on the conclusion of elections in
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru canceling
the request for a protocolary meeting of the Permanent Council to receive His
Excellency the President of the Republic of Peru, Dr. Alejandro Toledo Manrique
Note from the Permanent Mission of Ecuador
requesting the convocation of a special meeting of the Permanent Council to
receive His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, Ambassador
Francisco Carrión Mena
Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council
informing of her absence from the Office
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Dominican
Republic requesting a special meeting of the Permanent Council to welcome His
Excellency, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Carlos Morales Troncoso
Note from the Permanent Mission of Haiti requesting
that the topic “Commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Creation in Haiti on
March 12, 1806, of the Flag of Greater Colombia (Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador,
and Panama)” be placed on the order of business of the regular meeting of the
Permanent Council of March 15, 2006
Statement by Mr. Carlos Morales Troncoso, Secretary
of State of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic, to the Permanent Council
of the Organization of American States
Note from the Permanent Mission of Trinidad and
Tobago, advising of its government's agreement to host the next meeting of the
Working Group of Experts on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and
Extradition of the Meeting of Ministers of Justice or of Ministers or Attorneys
General of the Americas (REMJA)
Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council
informing of her absence from Headquarters
Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil
requesting inclusion of the Legal Advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of
Haiti requesting convocation of a protocolary meeting to welcome His Excellency
Rene Preval, President of the Republic of Haiti
Presentation of credentials by Ambassador Alejandro
García-Moreno Elizondo, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the Organization
of American States
Message from the Argentine Government on the 30th
anniversary of the military coup of march 24, 1976
Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico
requesting that a statement by the legal adviser to the secretariat of foreign
affairs be placed on the order of business of the special meeting to be held on
March 29, 2006
Presentation by Professor Antônio Cachapuz de
Medeiros, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, at the special
meeting of the Permanent Council marking the centennial of the Inter-American
Juridical Committee (CJI)
Note from the Permanent Mission of Canada
requesting the inclusion of the topic “Presentation by Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette,
President of the Executive Committee of the Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the
Americas (FIPA)” on the agenda of the Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent Mission of Panama
requesting that a special meeting of the Permanent Council be convened to
welcome His Excellency Samuel Lewis Navarro, First Vice President of the
Republic of Panama and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru requesting
that a protocolary meeting be convened to welcome His Excellency Dr. Alejandro
Toledo, President of the Republic of Peru
List of elective offices in the organs, agencies,
and entities of the Organization of American States (Document prepared by the
General Secretariat according to information provided by the organs, agencies,
and entities)
Report of Assistant Secretary General, Ambassador
Albert R. Ramdin on Pre-electoral Mission to Guyana - April 12, 2006
Note from the Chairman of the Permanent Council
announcing that he will be away from headquarters
Report of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission in
Honduras - Primary elections 2005
Report of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission in
the Republic of Panama - General elections 2004
Note from the Permanent Mission of El Salvador
requesting that the topic “Final Demarcation of the Border between el Salvador
and Honduras” be placed on the order of business of the Permanent Council
Note from the Permanent Mission of Uruguay
requesting that a presentation by His Excellency Reinaldo Gargano, Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, be included on the order of
business of the Permanent Council for May 3
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru requesting
that the topic “Peruvian Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of its
Electoral Process” be placed on the order of business of the Permanent Council
for May 3
Presentation by His Excellency don Reinaldo Gargano,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, to the
Permanent Council
Information in relation to the remarks made by the
Permanent Representative of Argentina to the OAS, Ambassador Rodolfo H. Gil,
during the meeting of the Permanent Council, held on May 3, 2006
Note from the Chairman of the Permanent Council
announcing that he will be away from headquarters
Annual report to the OAS General Secretariat by the
Young Americas Business Trust
Presentation of credentials by Ambassador Pedro
Oyarce Yuraszeck, Permanent Representative of Chile to the Organization of
American States
Presentation of credentials by Ambassador Carlos
Sosa Coello, Permanent Representative of Honduras to the Organization of
American States
Note from the Chairman of the Permanent Council
announcing that he will be away from headquarters
Mandates and recommendations of the thirty-sixth
regular session of the General Assembly
rev. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil on the
proposed distribution of General Assembly mandates to the Permanent Council and
its committees, subcommittees, and working groups
Presentation of credentials by Ambassador María del
Luján Flores, Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the Organization of
American States
Note from the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua
requesting that the OAS Electoral Observation Mission report to the Permanent
Council on the pre-election conditions it has found in Nicaragua prior to the
general elections of November 5, 2006
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Argentine
Republic requesting than an item, “Commemoration of the anniversary of the
death of the Liberator General José de San Martín,” be placed on the agenda for
the next regular meeting of the Permanent Council in the month of August
Note received from the Head of the Special
Mission for Strengthening Democracy in Haiti, regarding Mr. Yvon Neptune
Note from the Permanent Mission of Bolivia
requesting convocation of a protocolary meeting of the Permanent Council to
receive Mr. Álvaro García Linera, Vice President of the Republic of Bolivia
Note from the Permanent Mission of Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines requesting the convocation of a protocolary meeting to
receive The Honourable Ralph E. Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St. Vincent and
the Grenadines
Presentation of credentials by Ambassador Camilo
Ospina Bernal, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the Organization of
American States
Note from the Permanent Mission of Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines withdrawing the request for the convocation of a protocolary
Presentation of credentials by Ambassador Graeme
Clark, Permanent Representative of Canada to the Organization of
American States
Note from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of
Trinidad and Tobago requesting the convocation of a protocolary meeting to
receive the Honourable Patrick Manning, Prime Minister of the Republic of
Trinidad and Tobago
corr. 1
Address by the Honourable Patrick Manning, Prime
Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to the Permanent Council of the
Organization of American States
Membership and officers of the committees and
working groups of the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation, and the
Permanent Council
rev. 3
Intervention by Ambassador Graeme Clark, Permanent
Representative of Canada to the Permanent Council held on October 11, 2006
Presentation by the Secretary General at the joint
meeting of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI on the OAS Scholarships and
Training Programs
Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico
requesting inclusion of the topic: “Emerging Migration Issues”
Note from the Permanent Mission of Uruguay
forwarding a letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs regarding the repeated
blocking of bridges over the river Uruguay
Note from the Permanent Mission of Saint Kitts and
Nevis requesting protocolary session to receive the Honorable Prime Minister
Dr. Denzil L. Douglas
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru requesting
that the topic “OAS-IDB-UNICEF Initiative for universal civil registration in
Latin America and the Caribbean” be placed on the Order of Business for the
Permanent Council Meeting scheduled for December 13, 2006
Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico
requesting that the topic “OAS-IDB-UNICEF initiative for universal civil
registration in Latin America and the Caribbean” be placed on the order of
business for the Permanent Council Meeting scheduled for December 13, 2006
Note from the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua
requesting the convocation of a protocolary meeting to receive his Excellency,
the President of the Republic of Nicaragua, Enrique Bolaños Geyer
Note from the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica
requesting the convocation of a Protocolary Meeting to receive the Honorable
Dr. Oscar Arias Sánchez, President of Costa Rica
Preliminary Report on the Electoral Observation
Mission in Saint Lucia (Presented by the General Secretariat at the regular
meeting of the Permanent Council held on December 18, 2006)
Memorandum of Understanding among the United Nations
Children’s Fund and the General Secretariat of the Organization of American
States and the Inter-American Development Bank for the cooperation in the area
of citizen registration (Presented at the Meeting of the Permanent Council held
on December 13, 2006)
Note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Ecuador on the Resumption of Spraying of Glyphosate and Auxiliary Substances in
a border area near Ecuador