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Documents 2004(CP/INF.)

Note from the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic regarding its Membership of the Central American Integration System (SICA) CP/INF. 4917/03

Note from the Permanent Mission of Chile on the “Official Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with respect to recent opinions regarding Bolivia’s Maritime aspirations” CP/INF. 4918/03

Presentation of Credentials by Ambassador Bayney R. Karran, Permanent Representative of Guyana to the OAS CP/INF. 4919/03

Note from Judge Lionel Alain Dupuis announcing his assumption of the Presidency of the Administrative Tribunal CP/INF. 4920/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Argentina transmitting a Press Release on the Malvinas Islands CP/INF. 4921/04

Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council announcing his absence from Headquarters  CP/INF. 4922/04

Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council announcing his absence from Headquarters  CP/INF. 4923/04

Absence of the Chair of the Permanent Council CP/INF. 4924/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru withdrawing the request that a Special Meeting of the Permanent Council be scheduled for Tuesday, January 27, 2004 CP/INF. 4925/04

Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council announcing his absence from Headquarters CP/INF. 4928/04

Special Summit of the Americas “Declaration of Nuevo León” CP/INF. 4929/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of El Salvador requesting the inclusion of a topic on the Draft Order of Business for the Regular Meeting of the Permanent Council scheduled for Wednesday, February 4, 2004 CP/INF. 4933/04

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Colombia and the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States on monitoring the Peace Process in Colombia CP/INF. 4934/04

Memberships and officers of the committees and working groups of the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation, and the Permanent Council CP/INF.4938/04 rev. 3 corr. 1

List of elective offices in the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization of American States CP/INF.4941/04

Message from the President of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), Dr. Yadira Henriquez, celebrating the Day of the Women of the Americas and the Anniversary of the Establishment of the CIM CP/INF. 4944/04

Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council announcing his absence from Headquarters CP/INF. 4946/04

Communiqué from the Rio Group on the Situation in Haiti (February 25, 2004) CP/INF. 4952/04

Communiqué dated February 26, 2004 from the Group of Friends of the OAS Secretary General on Venezuela CP/INF. 4953/04

Speech by the Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations at the Security Council meeting called for consideration of the Situation in Haiti CP/INF. 4954/04

Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council announcing his absence from headquarters CP/INF. 4955/04

Message from His Excellency the President of the Republic of Mexico, Vicente Fox, on the terrorist attacks in Madrid, Spain, on March 11, 2004 CP/INF.4957/04

Communiqué of the Rio Group on the terrorist attacks in Madrid, Spain on March 11, 2004 CP/INF.4958/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Colombia requesting inclusion of a topic on the order of business of the regular meeting of the Permanent Council scheduled for March 31, 2004 CP/INF.4960/04

Note from the Secretary General of the OAS to the Secretary General of the United Nations to ensure the coordination and complementarity of the roles of the two Organizations in Haiti CP/INF.4964/04

Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council announcing that he will be away from headquarters CP/INF.4966/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil transmitting a communiqué issued on March 25, 2004, by the Permanent Mechanism for Consultation and Political Consensus (Rio Group) CP/INF.4969/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica enclosing the document "Bridging the gap with Haiti:  Proposal for public health intervention to improve the quality of life" CP/INF.4973/04

Presentation of credentials by Ambassador Francisco Villagrán de León, Permanent Representative of Guatemala to the OAS CP/INF.4974/04

Note of April 22, 2004, issued by the Permanent Mission of Bolivia to the Organization of American States CP/INF.4981/04

Note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Republic of Bolivia CP/INF.4982/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Ecuador forwarding a copy of a note it sent to the Permanent Mission of Bolivia CP/INF.4985/04

Statement issued on April 23, 2004, by the group of friends Of the OAS Secretary General for Venezuela CP/INF.4990/04

Recommendations of the hemispheric forum on civil society Quito, Ecuador April 26 and 27, 2004 CP/INF.4991/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela requesting inclusion of an item on the order of business for the Permanent Council on May 12, 2004 PC/INF.4993/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the national endowment for democracy (NED) CP/INF.4998/04

Report of the Chair of the Permanent Council to the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs transmitting the note from the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China dated May 5, 2004 CP/INF.5002/04

Request from the Government of Haiti, under articles 23 and 24 of the Inter American democratic charter, for assistance for elections to be held in 2005 CP/INF.5003/04

Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council Attaching a letter from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States CP/INF.5004/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Venezuela requesting inclusion of a topic on the order of business for the meeting of May 26, 2004 CP/INF.5008/04

Note from the delegations of Belize, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines requesting that the note from the Republic of China (Taiwan) dated may 7, 2004, be considered at a future meeting of the Permanent Council CP/INF.5009/04 rev.1 corr.1

Note from the Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the Chair of the Permanent Council requesting the convocation of a special meeting for consideration of the topic “Grave threats to democracy in Venezuela” CP/INF.5012/04

Statement by Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, on -Democracy in Venezuela- at the extraordinary session of the Permanent Council on May 27, 2004 CP/INF.5015/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil transmitting a communiqué from the Group of Friends of the OAS Secretary General for Venezuela CP/INF.5017/04

Communiqué, dated June 1, 2004, from the Group of Friends of the OAS Secretary General for Venezuela CP/INF.5018/04

The Secretary of the Permanent Council of the Organization presents his compliments to the permanent representatives and is pleased to inform them that, in accordance with resolution AG/RES. 2017 (XXXIV-O/04), “Modernization of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States. CP/INF.5020/04

Financial crisis in the General Secretariat: status of the regular fund (Presented by the General Secretariat) CP/INF.5024/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela requesting the inclusion of a topic on the order of business for the next meeting of the Permanent Council CP/INF.5026/04

Status of the Regular Fund: Financial statements (Presented by the General Secretariat) CP/INF.5030/04

Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council announcing that she will be away from Headquarters CP/INF.5031/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Uruguay requesting the convocation of a Special Meeting of the Permanent Council CP/INF.5032/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Bolivia transmitting information on the referendum of July 18, 2004 CP/INF.5034/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of the Argentine Republic presented pursuant to article 21 of the rules of procedure of the Permanent Council CP/INF.5036/04

Press release issued by the Ministry of foreign affairs and worship of Bolivia on the referendum held on July 18, 2004 CP/INF.5038/04

Note from the Coordinator of the GRUCA Subregional Group on nominations for the Chairs and Vice Chairs of Committees and Working Groups CP/INF.5040/04

Speech by the Head of the Brazilian Delegation to the Donors Conference on Haiti (World Bank, July 19 and 20, 2004) CP/INF.5041/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Colombia requesting that at the Permanent Council Meeting of August 5, 2004, a presentation by the High Commissioner for Peace of Colombia be included under the Agenda item on the Report of the Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia CP/INF.5042/04

Letter of Invitation from his Excellency Gerard Latortue, Primer Minister of the Transitional Government of Haiti, to the Chair of the Permanent Council CP/INF.5046/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of the Argentine Republic requesting an agenda item: “Commemoration of the Anniversary of the death of the Liberator General José de San Martín” CP/INF.5047/04

Presentation of Credentials of Ambassador Jorge Chen Charpentier, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the OAS CP/INF.5048/04

Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council announcing that she will be away from Headquarters CP/INF.5051/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela requesting postponement of the Special Meeting of the Permanent Council of August 24, 2004 CP/INF.5052/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil forwarding a statement issued on August 14, 2004, by the Group of Friends of the OAS Secretary General on Venezuela CP/INF.5053/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil forwarding a statement issued on August 16, 2004, by the Group of Friends of the OAS Secretary General on Venezuela CP/INF.5054/04

Note from the Chair of the Inter-American Juridical Committee transmitting resolution CJI/RES. 79 (LXV-O/04) CP/INF.5056/04

Note from Ambassador Juan Manuel Castulovich announcing the conclusion of his duties as permanent representative to the Organization of American States CP/INF.5058/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil forwarding a statement by the Brazilian Government on the adoption by the Permanent Council of resolution CP/RES. 869 CP/INF.5059/04

Statement of the President of the Russian Federation Mr. Vladimir Putin in connection with the recent terrorist acts in Russia CP/INF.5060/04

Response from the Chair of the Permanent Council to the letter of invitation from His Excellency Gerard Latortue, to send a delegation to Haiti (CP/INF.5046/04) CP/INF.5062/04

Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council announcing that she will be away from Headquarters CP/INF.5063/04

Note from Ambassador Horacio Serpa Uribe announcing the conclusion of his duties as permanent representative to the Organization of American States CP/INF.5064/04

Note from the Secretary General transmitting Executive Order 04-01 corr. 1 “Reorganization of the General Secretariat” CP/INF.5067/04 corr. 1

Note from the Permanent Mission of Paraguay requesting inclusion of the item “Commemoration of the anniversary of the death of Dr. José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia,” on the agenda of a regular meeting of the Permanent Council CP/INF.5071/04

Note of the Chair of the CAJP requesting convocation of the special meeting of the Working Group to Prepare an Inter-American Program for the Promotion and Protection of the Human Rights of migrants, Including Migrant Workers and their Families CP/INF.5072/04

Address by the Secretary General, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Echeverría, at the special meeting of the Permanent Council on the occasion of his taking office September 23, 2004 CP/INF.5074/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Panama requesting inclusion of the topic “Commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the entry into force of the Torrijos-Carter Treaties on the Panama Canal” CP/INF.5077/04

Note from the Head of the Electoral Observation Mission on the presidential recall referendum in Venezuela CP/INF.5078/04

Membership and officers of the committees and working groups of the General Assembly, the Meeting of Consultation, and the Permanent Council CP/INF.5080/04 rev. 4

Presentation of credentials by Ambassador Deborah Mae Lovell, Permanent Representative of Antigua and Barbuda to the OAS CP/INF.5081/04

Presentation of credentials by Ambassador Aristides Royo, Permanent Representative of Panama to the OAS CP/INF.5082/04

Background on the topic of the Social Charter of the Americas CP/INF.5086/04

Meeting of the Secretary General with the Permanent Representatives and Interim Representatives to the OAS CP/INF.5088/04

Relationship between trade, debt, and financing and poverty reduction (Presentation by the Office for Trade, Growth, and Competitiveness, to the joint meeting of the Permanent Council and the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development, held on October 7, 2004) CP/INF.5089/04

Note from the Chair of the Permanent Council advising that he will be away from headquarters CP/INF.5093/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Bolivia requesting inclusion of the topic “Centennial of the signature of the 1904 Treaty between Bolivia and Chile”  CP/INF.5095/04

Presentation by Secretary General Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Echeverría at the closed meeting with the permanent and acting representatives on October 13, 2004 CP/INF.5098/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Chile transmitting the text of a statement, issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, on the 100th anniversary of the treaty of peace and friendship between Chile and Bolivia CP/INF.5099/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Nicaragua on the situation in that country CP/INF.5101/04

Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations and the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States concerning electoral assistance to Haiti CP/INF.5104/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil reporting on the installation of the Public Transparency and Anti-Corruption Council CP/INF.5105/04

Note from Ambassador Sofía Leonor Sánchez de Baret announcing the end of her posting as Permanent Representative of the Dominican Republic to the Organization of American States CP/INF.5106/04

Presentation of credentials by Ambassador Duly Brutus, Permanent Representative of Haiti to the OAS CP/INF.5107/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Canada requesting the inclusion of the topic "Promotion of transparency in the selection of the Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General" on the agenda of the Permanent Council CP/INF.5108/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil on the new structure of the General Secretariat CP/INF.5111/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of Colombia on the new structure of the General Secretariat CP/INF.5112/04

Note from the Permanent Mission of the United States requesting the inclusion of the item "Presentation on Haiti" in the Permanent Council meeting of December 15, 2004 CP/INF/5113/04

Presentation of credentials by Ambassador Manuel María Cáceres, Permanent Representative of Paraguay to the OAS CP/INF.5115/04

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