Documents 2010 (CP/doc.)
Draft resolution Convocation of the Thirty-Ninth
Special Session of the General Assembly to Elect the Secretary General and
the Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States
Draft Declaration Support for the People and
Government of Haiti in the aftermath of January 12 massive Earthquake
CP/doc.4463/10 rev. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission
of El Salvador offering to host the Third Meeting of the Committee for the
Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities
and proposing the dates thereof
Report of the General Secretariat on invitations to
the Thirty-Ninth Special Session of the General Assembly for which
by the Permanent Council is required
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Court of Human Rights to the General Assembly
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) to the General Assembly
CP/doc.4467/10 corr. 1
Promotion by
the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) of Cooperation for
the Development and Dissemination of Information and
Communication Technologies in the Americas [Presented by
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL)]
CP/doc.4467/10 add. 1 rev. 1
- Draft resolution
Modifications to CITEL Statute and Regulations [Presented by
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL)]
add. 2 corr. 1
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) to the General Assembly
Report of the Inter-American Children’s
Institute to the General Assembly of the Organization of American States
on resolution AG/RES. 2486 (XXXIX-O/09) “Prevention and Eradication of
the Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Smuggling of and Trafficking in
Children and Adolescents”
CP/doc.4468/10 add.
Inter-American Children’s Institute Report presented in accordance with
resolution AG/RES. 2486 (XXXIX-O/09) on Prevention and Eradication of
the Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Smuggling of and Trafficking in
Children and Adolescents” (Power point presentation made at the General
Committee meeting held March 26, 2010)
CP/doc.4468/10 add.
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Children’s institute to the General Assembly Informative
note on Activities to Assist Haiti
CP/doc.4468/10 add.
Annual Report of the Inter-American
Children’s Institute (IIN) to the General Assembly Final Report (Adopted
through resolution CD/RES. 2 (84-R/09) at the 84th Regular Meeting of
the Directing Council of the IIN, September 22, 2009, Lima, Peru)
CP/doc.4468/10 add. 3
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) to the General Assembly (Power
point presentation made at the General Committee meeting held March 26,
CP/doc.4468/10 add.
Annual Report of the Inter-American Juridical
Committee to the General Assembly
Annual Report of the
Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) to the General Assembly
Draft Declaration Support for the People and Government of Chile in the Wake
of the Devastating February 27, 2010 Earthquake
Annual Report of the
Administrative Tribunal (TRIBAD) to the General Assembly
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) to the
General Assembly
Final Report of the OAS
Electoral Observation Mission to the General Elections in the Commonwealth
of Dominica December 18, 2009
Annual Report of the Pan American Institute of
Geography and History to the General Assembly
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) to the General Assembly
Annual Report of the Inter-American Commission
on Human Rights to the General Assembly
CP/doc.4477/10 corr. 1
Annual Report of the Justice
Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) to the General Assembly
Note from the Permanent
Mission of Colombia presenting its Candidacy for the Working Group to
analyze the periodic reports of the additional Protocol to the American
Convention on Human Rights in the area of Economic, Social, and Cultural
Rights (“Protocol of San Salvador”)
The Work Plans and Strategies of Offices of the
General Secretariat in the Member States for 2010 and Report of
Funds/Subsidies Received from Host Governments
Final Report Electoral
Observation Mission to the Referendum on Constitutional Reform in St.
Vincent and the Grenadines November 25, 2009
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Defense Board to the General Assembly
Report of the General Secretariat on invitations
to the fortieth regular session of the General Assembly for which
authorization by the Permanent Council is required
Civil Society
Organizations, Workers’ Organizations, Private Sector Organizations, and
other International Organizations who will Participate as Special Guests
in the Fortieth Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly (Approved by
the Permanent Council at its meeting of May 19, 2010)
add. 1 corr. 1
Draft resolution Amendment of
resolution CP/RES. 965 (1733/09), “Templates to be used by the Permanent
Council for resolutions to be referred to the General Assembly for
consideration” (Presented by the Chair of the Permanent Council)
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) to the General Assembly
Fourteenth Quarterly Report
of the Secretary General to the Permanent Council on the Mission to Support
the Peace Process in Colombia (MAPP/OEA)
CP/doc.4486/10 corr. 1
Report of the Secretary
General concerning compliance with operative Paragraph 3 of resolution AG/RES.
2480 (XXXIX-O/09) “Promotion and Strengthening of Democracy: Follow-up
to the Inter-American Democratic Charter” (Presented to the Permanent
Council at its meeting held May 6, 2010)
Report from the Board of
External Auditors to the Permanent Council Annual Audit of Accounts and
Financial Statements for the Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008
Annual Report of the
Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission to the General Assembly
Presentation by the Secretary
General on the 2011 Budget Situation (Speech to the Permanent Council at its
meeting of May 6, 2010)
Report of the Joint Working Group of the
Permanent Council and CEPCIDI on the Draft Social Charter of the Americas
Final Report of the OAS
Electoral Observation Mission for the General Elections in the Federation of
Saint Kitts and Nevis on January 25, 2010
Distribution of Mandates Assigned by
the General Assembly at its Fortieth Regular Session and Ongoing Mandates
from previous years
CP/doc.4498/10 rev. 2
Draft resolution Date of the Third
Inter-American Meeting of Experts and Representatives of Electoral Bodies
(Presented by the delegation of Venezuela)
CP/doc.4500/10 corr. 1
Note from the Permanent
Mission of Ecuador presenting its Candidacy for a Position on the Board of
Directors of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas
Provisional Agenda of the
85th Regular Meeting of the Directing Council of the Inter-American
Children’s Institute (IIN)
Proposed 2011 Program-Budget
of the Organization of American States presented by the Secretary General to
the Permanent Council at the meeting held on July 21, 2010
Note from the Permanent Mission of Uruguay
Submitting a Candidature for the Board of Directors of the Justice Studies
Center of the Americas (JSCA)
Request by the Principality of Monaco for
Permanent Observer Status to the Organization
Note from the Permanent Mission of Brazil requesting inclusion of
consideration of the Draft resolution, “First Technical Meeting of the
Network for Legal Cooperation in the area of Family and Child Law within the
Framework of the Meetings of Ministers of Justice or other Ministers or
Attorneys General of the Americas (REMJA)” on the order of business of the
regular meeting of the Permanent Council
Final Report Interregional Technical Cooperation
Mission Collaboration between the Organization of American States Department
for Electoral Cooperation and Observation and the African Union Electoral
Assistance Unit
Final Report of the Chair of
The joint Working Group of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI on the Draft
Inter-American Social Charter of the Americas (For the period January to
July 2010)
Candidacies for the Vacancy in the Justice
Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA)
CP/doc.4511/10 rev. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of Peru
requesting inclusion of consideration of the “Convocation of the Fourth
Forum on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures” on the order of
business of the next regular meeting of the Permanent Council
Report of the Chair of the
Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs on the proposed
Program-Budget of the Organization for 2011 (Presented to the Permanent
Council at its meeting of September 29, 2010)
Draft resolution Situation in
the Republic of Ecuador (Presented by the delegations of Bolivia, Brazil,
Canada, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, United States, Uruguay, and
Procedure for Initiating a
Dialogue regarding the Inter-American Democratic Charter (Presented by the
Permanent Mission of Ecuador in its Capacity as Coordinator of the ALADI
Subregional Group)
Draft Declaration of the
Permanent Council on the Passing of the Prime Minister of Barbados, the
Honorable David John Howard Thompson, Q.C., M.P.
Declaration by the Permanent
Council on the passing of Mr. Nestor Carlos Kirchner, former President of
Note from the Permanent
Mission of Panama requesting inclusion of the topic “Consideration of the
draft resolution for a Smoke- Free Environment policy at Headquarters” in
the order of business of the regular meeting of the Permanent Council to be
held on November 17, 2010
Draft resolution appointment
of a fact-finding commission for the situation on the border between Costa
Rica and Nicaragua (Presented by the Delegation of Costa Rica)
Report by the Secretary
General of the OAS on his visit to Costa Rica and Nicaragua Presented to the
Permanent Council at its special meeting of November 9, 2010
CP/doc.4521/10 corr. 1
Note from the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica forwarding a draft resolution
to be presented to the Permanent Council during the special meeting to be
held on November 11, 2010
Note from the Permanent
Mission of Costa Rica requesting a special meeting of the Permanent Council
to be held on Thursday, November 18, 2010, and forwarding a draft resolution
for “Convocation of the Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs to assess
the Situation in the border area between Costa Rica and Nicaragua”
Draft Agenda
of the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs
(In the framework of the OAS Charter)
Draft Rules of
ProcedureAgenda of the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of
Foreign Affairs (In the framework of the OAS Charter)
Report of
the Secretary General on resolution CP/RES. 978 (1777/10) Presented to the
Permanent Council at its meeting of November 18, 2010