Permanent Consultative Committee II: Radiocommunications Including Broadcasting
Inter-American Telecommunication Commission


PCC.II/RES.32 (VII-06) [1] 

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The VII Meeting of Permanent Consultative Committee II: Radiocommunications including Broadcasting,


  1. The growing concern of the peoples of the Americas at the deployment of wireless communication systems;

  2. That this concern has created a significant hurdle to the deployment of systems that would bring connectivity to many towns and cities in the Americas;

  3. That it is the duty of the authorities to work for the sustainable development and protection of the environment;

  4. That, to do so, appropriate regulations must be developed on non-ionizing emission, to ensure the protection of persons and the environment;

  5. That many countries in the region have yet to enact regulations on electromagnetic non-ionizing emission and some of them have requested information;

  6. That PCC.II, through the Rapporteur Group on Technical and Regulatory Aspects Related to the Effects of Electromagnetic Non-Ionizing Emissions has carried out work, gathered information, and established potentially useful relations with specialized international organizations;

  7. That the recent Declaration of Santo Domingo regarded wireless technologies as one of the ways to facilitate universal access to ICT’s and requested CITEL to coordinate regional efforts to reduce the digital divide,


  1. That to narrow the development gap among, as well as within, countries, a concerted effort is needed from the members of the Commission and from other international and regional organizations;

  2. That Wireless technologies can play a predominant role in achieving connectivity, improving universal access, and starting to bridge the digital divide in our region;

  3. That the Strategic Plan of CITEL encourages the active participation of the CITEL Member States and associate members and strengthens cooperation with the ITU and with other regional telecommunication organizations,


  1. That the Mission of CITEL is to facilitate and promote the harmonious and integral development of telecommunications in the Americas;

  2. That the Vision set down in the Strategic Plan is for it “To be a responsive, dynamic, and effective high-level specialized advisory body that promotes the ongoing exchange of experiences, information, and knowledge between governments and the private sector and develops reference guidelines to assist Member States in achieving their objectives regarding access to telecommunications, including information and communication technologies, promoting development in the region.”;

  3. That one of the objectives of CITEL is “to promote and study technical assistance, in agreement with the governments of the countries concerned.”;

  4. That of particular importance among its functions are: “To undertake studies that will permit the orderly development of telecommunication networks; maintain continuous contact with the various international organizations in the field; and to request the cooperation of world or regional governmental organizations;

  5. That among the goals approved in the Strategic Plan of CITEL we can highlight to maintain CITEL’s leadership in the region in all aspects of telecommunications,


  1. To instruct the Rapporteur Group on the Technical and Regulatory Aspects Related to the Effects of Electromagnetic Non-Ionizing Emissions to continue its work, maintaining its current structure and based on the provisions contained in this resolution.

  2. To request the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru to continue, through its website, the dissemination of the video of the Workshop on technical and regulatory aspects related to the effects of electromagnetic non-ionizing emissions in the period it considers as appropriate.

  3. To instruct the Rapporteur Group to prepare a DVD with the documents presented at the Workshop held on June 19, 2006, including the work already performed by the Rapporteur Group, and to send it to the members of CITEL in order to disseminate all available information throughout the region.

  4. That the Rapporteur Group, in conjunction with the Chair of PCC.II and the Executive Secretariat, should make the necessary contact with Regional Organizations and Specialized Organizations in order to continue compilation of information and help its dissemination.

  5. That the Rapporteur Group should be available to those administrations that require its collaboration to develop their respective regulations.

  6. It has been determined that none of the work of this Rapporteur Group should generate expenditures for the PCC.II, other than those associated with normal functioning at meetings of PCC.II, and that specific funding will have to be sought for each objective proposed, which will be channeled through the Secretariat in full accordance with the administrative provisions of the Organization.


  1. The Coordinator of the Rapporteur Group to present an activity report in connection with the aforementioned objectives at each meeting of PCC.II.

  2. The Executive Secretary to bring this resolution to the attention of the CITEL Member States, associate members and observers, requesting that updates of the information on this subject be sent to the Coordinator of the Rapporteur Group (Mr. Hector Carril, [email protected]).

  3. The Executive Secretary to establish a discussion group in the CITEL Electronic Forum and also to create an observatory on this subject in the CITEL open web page for the spreading of information on this subject to the general public. 


[1] Document CCP.II-RADIO/doc. 1075/06 rev.1

Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL)  •  Organization of American States
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