June 27, 2003

March 17, 2004


Yudhisthir Raj Isar - General Coordinator

Dr. Isar has degrees in Economics and Sociology, and a Diploma in Research Training in Social Anthropology from University of Paris in Sorbonne. He is the former director of the Cultural Policies for Development Unit of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Among his key qualifications for this feasibility study are his 28 years of experience in cultural policy formation at international, regional, national and municipal levels. At UNESCO he has been responsible for the design and launching of an international program on cultural policies to reinforce advocacy of the role of culture in development. In addition, he was the principal planner of the Intergovernmental Conference on Cultural Policies for Development (Stockholm, 1998), an international benchmark event with regard to cultural policy issues, and for the design and implementation of a worldwide strategy to stimulate debate with regard to the report of the World Commission on Culture and Development.

Andean Region

Germán Rey
- Andes

Dr. Germán Rey studied psychology and obtained his doctorate from the University of Complutense in Madrid. He is a professor of multi-media creation and communication. He is a member of the Training Commission of the Ministry of Culture, and was also the advisor to the Ministry of Communication in Colombia and an expert on various initiatives in the Ministry of Culture. He was a member of the District Directive Board of Culture and Tourism in Bogotá, Colombia as well was a member of the International Study Commission on Media, Religion and Culture. He is the author of several books on communication, policy and culture.

Marta Elena Bravo de Hermelin - Andes

Marta Elena Bravo de Hermelin obtained her B.A. in Philosophy in the Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana, and her M.A. in Politics and Cultural Development. Currently, she is Honorary Professor in the Departments of Human Science and Economics at the National University in Medellín. She is member of the Orden Gerardo Molina at the National University of Colombia, and is academic advisor in the formulation of the National Culture Plan for Medellín Site from 2001-2010. She coordinated the first local and regional Cultural Development Plans in Antioquia y Medellín, and has collaborated in the formulation of cultural policies in other regions of Colombia. She was founder and co-director of the Cultural Extension Magazine with Professor Luis Antonio Restrepo for more than 20 years, and she was Director of Culture of Antioquia. She has conducted research on national and local cultural policy issues, and has published many articles in Colombia and abroad.

Caribbean Region

Keith Nurse
- Caribbean

Dr. Nurse is a lecturer at the Institute of International Relations and co-coordinator of the post-graduate diploma in Arts and Cultural Enterprise Management program, Festival Centre of the Creative Arts, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago. Dr. Nurse is a consultant to Inter-American Development Bank, the Organization of American States, CARICOM, CARIFORUM, and UNESCO. His current focus is on cultural and copyright industries. He has completed two major studies in the field of cultural industries: The Caribbean Music Industry (sponsored by the Caribbean Export Development Agency) and Festival Tourism in the Caribbean (sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank). He is also the co-editor of Caribbean Economies and Global Restructuring (2002) and Globalization and Caribbean Popular Culture (forthcoming 2003) and co-author of Windward Islands Bananas: Challenges and Options under the Single European Market (1995). He has a PhD in International Relations from the Institute of International Relations, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago.

Mercosur Region

Thomas Lowy
- Mercosur

Thomas Daniel Lowy Elbau has a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from the National Institute of Fine Arts of the University of the Republic, and a Diploma from the Public Administration Institute in Paris, France. He is the former Director of Culture in the Ministry of Education and Culture in Uruguay, and has considerable experience in the area of cultural policy legislation. Throughout his position in the Ministry, he was responsible for national agreements for the development of cultural policies, as well the design and implementation of programs for the formation, promotion and management of culture at the national level. He has also taught several courses in the areas of cultural management as well as in the area of structure and organization of cultural policy. He also represented Uruguay in Mercosur Cultural and is an asset to any discussion surrounding the topic of cultural diversity in the Americas.

Mesoamerica Region

Sylvie Duran
- Mesoamerica

Ms. Duran is the director of INCORPORE, a major cultural management organization in Central America. Currently, she is directing the restructuring of the Ministry of Culture in Costa Rica, as well as directing several Central America-wide cultural policy and cultural tourism networks. She is also president of the Executive Council of Iberformat, an Ibero-American cultural policy program that trains cultural policy and management professionals throughout all of Latin America and Spain. Ms. Duran is currently collaborating with Dr. Yúdice on a cultural ecology initiative. She is also an actress and singer, and specializes in artistic and vocal training.

Andrés Roemer - Mesoamerica

Dr. Roemer has a B.A. in Law from the National Autonomous University of México (UNAM) and a B.S. in Economics from the Technological Autonomous Institute of Mexico (ITAM) (both Suma Cum Laude). He has a Masters degree in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and he obtained his Ph.D. in Public Policy with special academic distinction from The University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Roemer is the author of: Introduction to Law and Economics, Law and Economics: A Survey of the Literature, Economics of Crime, The Policies and Politics of Water, and Sexuality, Law and Public Policy. His previous posts include Technical Secretary at the staff of the Presidency of Mexico, Principal for Latin America at Booz Allen & Hamilton, and Advisor for the Presidency in federalism issues, among others. Currently, he is President of the Latin American and Caribbean Law and Economics Association, and also Technical Secretary at the National Council for the Culture and the Arts (CONACULTA).

Alfonso Castellanos Ribot - Mesoamerica

Mr. Castellanos obtained his BA in social anthropology from the National School of Anthropology and History in Mexico. Since 1976 he has worked in different areas within Mexico's public sector, including the Secretary of Programming and Budget, in programs of regional development, in the Secretary of Energy and as General Director of Information and Analysis of the Presidency of Mexico. Since 1989 he has collaborated with the National Council for Culture and the Arts (CONACULTA). Currently, he is the Head of the Information, Analysis and Prospective Unit, where he coordinates, among other projects, the System of Cultural Information, the Atlas of Cultural Infrastructure, the National Survey of Cultural Practices and Consumption, and the Report on Human Development and Culture.

North America Region

George Yúdice
- North America

Ph.D. 1977 (Romance languages), Princeton; M.A. 1971 (Spanish and Portuguese), Illinois; B.A. 1970 (Spanish and chemistry), Hunter College. Mr. Yúdice is a professor of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures, and is the Director of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at New York University. He is also the Director of the Privatization of Culture Project for Research on Cultural Policy. His major interests lie in cultural policy, transnational politics and culture, globalization, civil society, social movements, Latin American intellectual and literary culture, Latino Studies, the avant-garde in a global context, and comparative study of race and ethnicity. He is the author of We Are Not the World: Identity and Representation in an Age of Global Restructuring (forthcoming). He is also the author of On Edge: The Crisis of Contemporary Latin American Culture (1992). He has extensive research experience on systems of support for art and culture in the US, in several Latin American countries and in international institutions.

Expert in Cultural Indicators

Leo Goldstone

Dr. Goldstone holds degrees in Economics, Statistics and Spanish from the University of Manchester, UK. Currently, he is Director of World Statistics Ltd. He developed the internationally known Human Development Index which is published annually by the United Nations. He designed and prepared the statistics for UNESCOs First World Culture Report, and has been a consultant to a number of US pharmaceutical companies on the analysis of health and disease data, in addition to the US Department of Environmental Affairs on issues of sustainable development. He was Director of Statistics at UNICEF (The United Nations Children's Fund), Senior Adviser to the Director of the United Nations Statistical Office, and Chief of the Division of Statistics on Education in UNESCO. He has undertaken surveys and prepared publications for many international organizations, including the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank and UNESCO. He has been a fellow of the Fordham Institute for Innovation in Social Policy since 1989.