Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change

Project Overview | Project Bibliography

Regional Sectoral Consultations

Tobago, 15-16 April 2002

Issues Paper
Workshop Report

Grenada, 27-28 May 2002

Issues Paper 
Workshop Report


Disaster Risk Management
Barbados, 6-7 June 2002

Issues Paper 
Workshop Report

Integrated Resources Management
Dominica, 22-24 July 2002

Workshop Report


Land Use Planning and Infrastructure

Issues Paper 

2.  Water, Agriculture and Forestry


MACC Preparation Workshop
Bahamas, 12-14 August 2002


Mainstreaming Adaptation to Global Change (MACC) is a  five-year Global Environmental Facility (GEF)-funded project for the Caribbean region. Additional support for MACC activities is being provided through the Canadian, French and Dutch governments. [Detailed MACC Description...]

MACC follows the successful CPACC (Caribbean Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change) Project, which was designed to increase national and regional capacity to monitor sea level and key climatic indicators and to plan for adapting to the effects of global climate change on coastal and marine resources. [CPACC]

MACC will build on CPACC's achievements and aims to integrate climate change and variability into the agendas of the tourism, agriculture, fisheries and infrastructure sectors. 

Development of MACC activities and the project's structure and timeline has been guided by a regional consultative process, which began with a meeting of national focal points and regional agencies in October 2001. Sectoral consultations were held throughout the spring and summer of 2002, culminating in a final MACC preparation workshop in August 2002.

Project Structure and Timeline

MACC Project Structure

Project Structure
[Detailed View: Image | PDF]

MACC Project Timeline

Project Timeline
[Detailed View: Image | PDF]

References (Presentations)

Overviews and Project Guidance Documents

Climate Change and the Caribbean's Response to its Impacts
Summary of Recommendations on Data Availability, Access and Use

ACCC Public Awareness and Outreach Strategy

Appraisal Methodology for Pre-Investment Feasibility Studies under the MACC Project

Tourism Sector

Overview of the Caribbean Tourism Sector: Managing Tourism Resources
Preliminary Review of the Economic Impact of Climate Change on Caribbean Tourism
Current and Potential Uses of Weather, Climate and Ocean Information in the Tourism Industry

Water, Agriculture, Forestry

Climate Change in the Caribbean: Water, Agriculture and Forestry

Economic Valuation

Valuation of Coastal and Marine Resources: Adaptation to Global Climate Change
Economic Valuation of Coral Reefs towards Monitoring for Climate Change Impacts
Adaptation to Climate Change in the Caribbean: The Role of Economic Valuation

Economic Instruments

Antigua/Barbuda: Management of Sand as a Resource in the Context of Climate Change
St. Kitts/Nevis: Promoting Adaptation to Climate Change in the Hotel Sector

Additional Readings

Overviews and Project Guidance Documents

Capacity Building for Integrated Environmental Assessment and Reporting [International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)]
Climate Change, Communities and Adaptation (Brochure)
Negotiations and Negotiation Skills (Conference Materials)
Establishing National Authorities for the CDM: A Guide for Developing Countries
Operational Guidelines for Expedited Funding of Second National Communications from Non-Annex 1 Parties [Global Environment Facility]

Tourism Sector

Effects of Climate Change on Recreation and Tourism on the Prairies [IISD]

Water, Agriculture, Forestry

Agriculture and Climate Change Workshop Report [IISD. Manitoba, March 2002]

Last Updated 25 October 2002