Electronic Bulletin Number 70 - April, 2010

Seminar on “The Internet Access Ecosystem and Network Neutrality”
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The Seminar on “The Internet Access Ecosystem and Network Neutrality” will be held on May 10, 2010, the date before the start of the PCC.I meeting.

This seminar is being jointly organized by PCC.I and Internet Society (ISOC) and its principal aim involves three core topics, which in turn are closely tied to each other: how the environment in which Internet evolves operates (the Internet Model), the endless number of players and processes that comprise Internet and make it possible to gain access to Internet (the Internet Ecosystem), and the linkage of these factors with one of the most current problems regarding Internet development, namely the concept of Network Neutrality, which is being replaced in discussions by Open Inter-networking (as yet there is no common definition in Spanish for this concept). The seminar shall make it possible to achieve a common understanding of these topics, their inter-relationships and interactions, for the purpose of reporting on the various stages of the discussion on these subjects.



8:00-9:00           Registration and networking

9:00-9:30          Opening Remarks, Setting the Stage

9:30-11:00        Panel 1: Internet Model

Internet is successful, to a large extent, because of its unique model: shared global ownership, development based on open standards and freely accessible policy and technology development processes. Internet’s unprecedented success continues unabated because the Internet Model is open, transparent, and collaborative. The model depends on local participatory processes and products that are accessible to users throughout the world.

  • The definition of the Internet Ecosystem: and inclusive and broad community

Comité Gestor da Internet (Brazil) (To be confirmed)

  • Examples of cooperation among the Internet Ecosystem participants: IGF, WSIS follow-up and ITAC/OECD

Sebastian Bellagamba (ISOC)

  • Upcoming challenges the Internet Ecosystem is facing: Cooperating and engaging globally to ensure rapid transition to IPv6

Ruth Puente (LACNIC)

11:15-11:30     Coffee Break

11:30-13:00     Panel 2: Internet Access Ecosystem: Evolution and Growth

The objective of the panel on Internet Access Ecosystem is to show the vision of the Ecosystem’s various players to understand the interactions between them and to identify the current situations that might constrain innovation and growth. The objective shall be to identify actions that can help maximize the amount of components, enhance their interactions and help with the Ecosystem’s evolution and Internet growth.

Christian O’Flaherty (ISOC)

Julian Casasbuenas (Colnodo)

Ariel Graizer (CABASE)

Jacobo Cohen Imach (Mercado Libre)

Hernan Galperin (DIRSI, Univ. de San Andres)

13:00 -14:30    Lunch

14:30 – 16:30 Panel 3: Network Neutrality, a concept now known as Open Inter-Networking

The concept of Network Neutrality is at the forefront of political and regulatory discussions about Internet. Network Neutrality is a broad and ill-defined term that encompasses a range of policy objectives including freedom of expression, user choice and discrimination, as well as business issues such as handling traffic on the network, prices, and business models. In this regard, this panel intends to uphold the focus of this discussion on what its result should be: continuous and open inter-networking.

Pedro Less (Google)

Sebastian Bellagamba (ISOC)

Daniel Arias (Telefónica)

FCC (To be confirmed)

Andres Maz (Cisco)

16:30 – 17:00 Concluding remarks – summing up


Lynn St Amour (President and CEO, Internet Society)


Additional Information: You can download the program here.



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