info@CITEL number 52 - October, 2008 Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL)
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Electronic Bulletin Number 55 - January, 2009

Calendar of CITEL for 2009
Mobile/Handheld DTV Project Moves Forward
Mechanisms to resolve cases of harmful interference among satellite systems
Internet Protocol Television Services (IPTV)
Preliminary program of scholarships in telecommunications for 2009
Frequently asked questions on OAS/CITEL scholarships
Kaleidoscope: Innovations for Digital Inclusion
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  Upcoming events
Calendar of CITEL for 2009
2009 will also be a year with multiple challenges for the telecommunications community. Please find in the link the main activities of our calendar.

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  Important issues
Mobile/Handheld DTV Project Moves Forward
By Jerry Whitaker, Advanced Television Systems Committee
The work to develop a comprehensive standard for mobile and handheld services—known as ATSC Mobile DTV—has reached a milestone with publication of the A/153 Candidate Standard document set. ATSC Mobile DTV is being developed to support a variety of services including free (advertiser-supported) television and interactive services delivered in real-time, subscription-based TV, and file-based content download for playback at a later time. The standard can also be used for transmission of new data broadcasting services.

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Mechanisms to resolve cases of harmful interference among satellite systems
By Alonso Picazo, Sub Working Group on Harmful Interference to Satellite Systems
The resolution of harmful interferences resulting from emissions of satellite systems, in most cases, requires a solution by means of co-operation between the Administrations and the satellite operators. So as to meet the need to develop measures regionally for the treatment of harmful interferences resulting from unauthorized emissions of satellite systems in the Americas, the Permanent Consultative Committee II: Radiocommunications including Broadcasting approved the following mechanisms to resolve cases of harmful interference among satellite systems:

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Internet Protocol Television Services (IPTV)
By the PCC.I Rapporteur Group on Advanced Services
IPTV is a system where digital signal with stored live audiovisual content is delivered to a number of customers using the IP protocol over a specific network infrastructure.  In other words, IPTV is audiovisual content which, rather than being transmitted using traditional formats, is transmitted to the viewer via technologies used in computer networks.

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Preliminary program of scholarships in telecommunications for 2009
By Carol Dolinkas, General Coordination of Human Resources Development of CITEL
Please find below the preliminary program of courses in telecommunications with scholarships of OAS/CITEL for 2009.

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Frequently asked questions on OAS/CITEL scholarships
By Carol Dolinkas, General Coordination of Human Resources Development of CITEL
CITEL offers fellowships for a variety of telecommunication courses for participants at different points in their careers. However, each CITEL fellowship is different, and many have varying requirements; be sure to consult all of the requirements for the specific course to which you plan to apply. In light of our experience of applications for courses in previous years, we kindly request that applicants read carefully the information below.

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Kaleidoscope: Innovations for Digital Inclusion
Por Secretaría de Comunicaciones de Argentina
The Argentine Government has invited the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to host Kaleidoscope 2009 from August 31 to September 1, 2009 in Mar del Plata. This event organized by the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (ITU-T).

“Innovations for Digital Inclusion” will be the focus of the event, the second in an academic conference series organized by ITU-T to increase dialogue between information and telecommunication technology (ITC) standardization experts and academia, who meet once a year in different parts of the world.

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  What's happening in the region?
Chile: Supreme Court Upholds SUBTEL’s Appeal for More Competition in Telecommunications
“A major victory for competition and consumers.  A milestone for the telecommunication industry,” noted Assistant Secretary of Telecommunications Pablo Bello. This pro-Government judgment constitutes a crucial step in ensuring greater competition in the mobile telephony and third generation services market, making it possible for the public policy objective proposed by Subtel – additional companies in this industry – to be implemented in the medium-term. Subtel plans to conduct the 3G bid in April 2009. (SUBTEL, 27 January 2009)

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Brazil: Cellular Telephony Figures Rises by 24.5% in 2008
Cellular teledensity reaches 78.11%.  The 2007 figure was 63.59%.  Growth that year was 22.83%.
With 29,661,300 new activations in 2008, Brazil now has 150,641,403 Personal Mobil Service (SMP) subscribers.  This 24.52% growth is an all-time high.  The number of new subscriptions is 40.83% higher than for 2007, when 21,061,482 new subscriptions to the service were added.  In December, the base grew by 2.44%, i.e., 3,589,006 new cellular telephony subscriptions. Of the over 150 million accesses, 122,731,549 (81.47%) are pre-paid and 27,909,854 (18.53%) post-paid. (Anatel, 16 January 2009)

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Venezuela: List of Approved Makes and Models of Equipment and Devices Has Been Updated
The National Telecommunication Commission (CONATEL) hereby advises operators, equipment manufacturers, and the general public that the “List of Approved Makes and Models of Equipment and Devices” has been updated in the Commission’s official Internet portal, pursuant to the provisions of Resolution No. 253, Article 8, which contains the List of Foreign Entities or Agencies Recommended for Approval and Certification of Telecommunication Equipment, published in Gaceta Oficial [Official Gazette] No. 37,698 of 27 May 2003. The updated list includes 35 new equipment models in addition to those published in the previous updated lists.  It is available at the following address: de equipos.asp. (CONATEL, 15 January 2009)

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  New Associate Members of CITEL
Brazil: ClearTech Ltda.

On January 15, 2009 ClearTech Ltda became an associate member of PCC.I.

Provision of the following services: reception and processing of detailed records of calls; preparation of account clearing operations, pricing, pro rata calculations, and review of telephone call charges; issuance of traffic statements; and reconciliations of the use by one telecommunication services provider of the telecommunication networks and services of another telecommunication services provider; data handling, technical support, maintenance, consultant services, and other information technology services.


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