Electronic Bulletin / Number 51 - September, 2008

Versión Español

Block or generic licensing for earth stations in Guatemala

The regulations in force in Guatemala on satellite system exploitation are contained in a Government Agreement complementing the General Telecommunication Act. They entered into force on September 20, 1998. In the spirit of the General Telecommunication Act of Guatemala, they are targeted towards market opening, with simple and streamlined procedures for obtaining, swiftly and without complication, licenses to operate satellite-related systems.

Although said regulations came into force ten years ago, some of their articles provide the flexibility required for timely analysis of those services and/or types of satellite communication not included at the time and, based on such analysis, for the issuing of the required technical and administrative provisions so as to ensure the entry and operation of such services in the country.

From that standpoint, the Administration of Guatemala bases its studies emanating from applications for the licensing of satellite systems not defined in the above-mentioned regulations in force on recommendations of specialized international telecommunication organizations. In the specific case of generic or block licenses of earth stations operating in frequency bands not shared with other services, the Guatemalan administration has taken into account and will utilize as a guideline Recommendation PCC.II/REC. 12 (VI-05).

Plans to update Guatemalan satellite regulations include the development of a new version of the regulations on the exploitation of satellite systems in the country. This version would incorporate and define new services within its territory for which licenses may be issued while maintaining the definition of special cases. The country will thus ensure that such new services or types of licensing as may arise as a result of technological advances will not encounter obstacles to their deployment within its territory for reasons of lack of regulation.


The Administration of Guatemala permits block licensing of earth stations. The licensing procedure is treated as a special case. Accordingly, after analyzing licensing requests submitted, the relevant required technical and administrative provisions are issued in order to ensure the operation in the country of the companies concerned. For studies conducted with a view to authorizing this type of operation, recommendations issued by specialized international telecommunication organizations serve as guides and/or references. In the specific case of block licensing of earth stations, Recommendation PCC.II/REC. 12 (VI-05) is considered fundamental.


Marco Antonio Escalante
Administrador del Espectro Radioeléctrico
Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones

Additional Information: Published as document CCP.II-RADIO/doc. 1682/08.


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