Boletín electrónico / Número 40 - Octubre, 2007

English Version

Acuerdo Interamericano de Reconocimiento Mutuo para la Evaluación de la Conformidad de los Equipos de Telecomunicaciones– Un Tutorial

El objetivo del ARM para la evaluación de la conformidad de los equipos de telecomunicaicones es el promover el comercio entre los Estados miembros (partes) al facilitar el cumplimiento de las regulaciones técnicas de la parte importadora.


Nota del editor: Artículo sólo disponible en inglés.


The purpose of the MRA on Conformity Assessment for Telecommunications Equipment is to promote trade among participating member states (parties), by facilitating compliance with the technical regulations of the importing party.


-    Products tested and certified in the exporting country as meeting the regulatory requirements of the importing country can be shipped directly without any further requirements for testing and certification

-    Shortens the time that manufacturers need to introduce their products in the market and reduces the cost of production

-    Increases transparency of regulations and conformity assessment processes

Features of the MRA

-    The Inter-American MRA was endorsed by CCP.I in November 1999, and at the CITEL Assembly in June 2000

-    It is multilateral: all Member States can participate

-    It covers the telecommunications sector: it facilitates compliance with technical regulations for wireline equipment, radio equipment, electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety

-    Participation is voluntary, it does not create legally binding obligations

-    The text of the MRA can be viewed at:

What is Conformity Assessment?

In the case of the CITEL MRA, conformity assessment is a procedure that each Member State employs to determine if telecommunication equipment meets its technical regulations

Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs)

There are two types of CABs: testing laboratories and certification bodies.

Testing Laboratories

-    test telecommunication products to determine if they meet the technical regulations of a party

-    must meet the requirements of standard ISO/IEC 17025

Certification Bodies

-    certify, based on test reports, that telecommunication products to be exported meet the technical regulations of a party

-    must meet the requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 65

MRA Phases

Phase I -    Member States mutually recognize foreign testing laboratories as CABs. They also accept the test results from these laboratories

Phase II -   Member States mutually recognize foreign certification bodies as CABs. They also accept equipment certifications issued by these certification bodies

MRA Players

-    Regulatory Authority (RA)

-    Designating Authority (DA)

-    Accreditation Body (AB)

-    Conformity Assessment Body (CAB)

-    Manufacturer of regulated telecommunications products


The role of the Regulatory Authority

-    Develops and publishes national technical regulations

-    Establishes conformity assessment procedures for telecommunication equipment

-    Performs the MRA recognition function, that is:

  • It establishes a process to recognize accredited test laboratories (Phase I) and/or certification bodies (Phase II), and

  • It accepts test results (Phase I) and certifications (Phase II) performed by recognized CABs

-    Creates or changes regulations, if required, for recognition of foreign CABs


The role of the Designating Authority

-    The Designating Authority (DA) is an entity responsible for nominating accredited CABs within its jurisdiction for recognition by an MRA partner

-    The DA is a body with the authority to designate, list, monitor, limit, suspend or withdraw designation of CABs within its jurisdiction for Phase I and Phase II

-    The RA decides who the DA is (from the government or private sector)

Accreditation – is an attestation that demonstrates the competence of a CAB to carry out testing and/or certification tasks.

The role of the Accreditation Body (AB)

-    The AB accredits prospective CABs, using procedures outlined in ISO/IEC 17025 and Guide 65

-    The AB must be compliant with ISO/IEC 17011 requirements

In order to participate in the MRA, a Member State must:

-    Have technical regulations that require that the equipment:

  • be tested by a recognized Laboratory (Phase I, and/or

  • be certified by a recognized Certification Body (Phase II)

-    Ensure that its legislation allows the recognition of foreign CABs

-    Have a process in place to accept test reports and certifications issued by recognized CABs.


Efrain Guevara
Deputy Director
Telecommunications Engineering and Telecommunications
Industry Canada

Co-Rapporteur Group on Mutual Recognition Agreements



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