Electronic Bulletin / Number 38 - August, 2007

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  Recent News
PCC.II prepares more than 450 inter-american proposals for WRC-07

The X meeting of PCC.II that took place in Orlando, Florida, July 31 to August 3 finished with the great success of achieving more than 450 inter-american proposals for the next World Radiocommunication Conference to be held October 22 to November 16, 2007.

World radiocommunication conferences (WRC) are held every two to three years. It is the job of WRC to review, and, if necessary, revise the Radio Regulations, the international treaty governing the use of the radio-frequency spectrum and the geostationary-satellite and non-geostationary-satellite orbits. The general scope of the agenda of world radiocommunication conferences is established four to six years in advance, with the final agenda set by the ITU Council two years before the conference, with the concurrence of a majority of Member States.

More details on the proposals will be provided in next issues.

  Upcoming events
ITU – CITEL PCC.I Seminar on “Bridging the Standardization Divide”

By Oscar Avellaneda, Coordinator of the event for PCC.I/CITEL
Telecommunication standardization continues to evolve and grow in importance as a result of the challenge of interconnecting increasing numbers of operators providing multiple services using a variety of technologies over competing networks, using equipment from a proliferation of equipment manufacturers. Recently, the emergence of new technologies and technological convergence among Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have created major standardization challenges for all stakeholders, particularly in areas such as Next Generation Networks (NGN), multimedia, Voice over IP (VoIP) and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). A Seminar on "Bridging the Standardization Divide"will take place on 24 September 2007 in Mendoza, Argentina, and is open to participation of all interested parties in addition to ITU Member States, Sector Members and Associates.

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Second Workshop on the impact of fraud on the provision of telecommunication services in the Americas: Operators and providers working together to prevent situations of fraud

By Giovani Mancilla Gaona, Coordinator of the event
Considering the impact of the forms of fraud identified, which affect everyone in the sector, participation by technology providers has been deemed highly important.  They should have direct knowledge of the problems and their devastating consequences and thus be able to offer possible technology solutions that could minimize losses due to fraud or security situations.  This could optimize the use of technology, which in various scenarios has been limited by security and/or fraud situations.  A possible example of this is e-commerce, which has been strongly curtailed by cyber-fraud and cyber-crime.

The Second Workshop on the impact of fraud on the provision of telecommunication services in the americas: Operators and providers working together to prevent situations of fraud will take place in Mendoza, Argentina on September 27, 2007.

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  Important issues
Results and challenges of economic regulation in fixed telephony of Brazil

By Gerência Geral de Competição - Superintendência de Serviços Públicos - Anatel
The present document provides a summary of the main results obtained from Switched Fixed Telephone Service (Serviço Telefônico Fixo Conmutado—SFTC) concession contracts in Brazil, as well as some of the challenges that have currently emerged for regulation.

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Helping Peru because of the earthquake in August 2007

By Alonso Picazo, ViceChair, Working Group Relative to Satellite
Systems to Provide Fixed and Mobile Services
A major earthquake of a magnitude of 7.9 on the Richter scale shook central and southern Peru on August 15, 2007 at 23:40:57 UTC (18:40:57 local time).  Lasting close to 210 seconds, it was one of the most violent earthquakes in Peru in recent history.

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By Karen Mulberry, Advanced Services - Technology Initiatives
Electronic Numbering is a standard developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It is a protocol (RFC 3761) that converts standard E.164 international telephone numbers into Internet addresses using the Domain Name System (DNS) so that resources associated with a telephone number can be resolved in the IP domain.

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Implementation of ETHERNET/MPLS network aggregation for the provision of multiple services – MPLS and VPN

By Gustavo Sandler and Javier Emicuri, Universidad Católica de Uruguay
MPLS is able to combine the characteristic intelligence properties of routing with the speed typical of the concept of switching. It provides a significant benefit both for pure IP based networks and for those that use IP jointly with ATM.

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  What's happening in the region?
Peru: ITU sends satellite equipments to Peru to collaborate in the area affected by the earthquake

The ITU has lent to Perú 50 INMARSAT satellite equipments to be used in the villages that are without communications due to the problems of the earthquake. The equipments are portable and can be put in a backpack and they allow transmission of voice and data. Each equipment comes with US$ 4,000 for the usage of the space segment. The equipments were brought to the Peruvian government by Mr. Roberto Bastidas, Representative of the ITU for Central America, the equipments were tested by a group of engineers of the Ministry. Two voluntaries from Nicaragua from assisted in the activity. (Ministry of Transport and Communications)

Colombia: Telecenters Most Used by the Low-Income Rural Population  

Most users of the Internet at Compartel Program Telecenters of the Ministry of Communications are residents of low-income rural areas.  Among Colombians using the telecenters, 53% earn less than one minimum monthly wage.  (Ministry of Communications, 29 August 2007)

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Venezuela: CONATEL Launches Phase II of Digital TV Standard Tests

On Wednesday, August 29, 2007, the National Telecommunication Commission (CONATEL) will launch phase II of the field measurement tests for the European and Japanese Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) standards. (ANATEL, 28 August 2007)

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Brazil: Anatel Approves Terms of Use for FUST Resources

On Wednesday, August 22, the National Telecommunication Agency (Anatel) adopted the Universal Service Obligation Terms, for signature by the five fixed telephony licensees.  The terms provide for the use of the Telecommunication Services Universalization Fund (FUST) in implementing the Plan of Universalization Targets for Fixed Switch Telephony in Organizations Serving the Hearing Impaired (PMU I), adopted in Decree No. 6.039, of February 7, 2007. (ANATEL, 24 August 2007)

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Colombia: Proposed Models for Administration of Dominio.co

With a view to successful promotion of the transition to a new operating scheme for administration of the dominio.co name registration, the Ministry of Communications is inviting interested parties to consult the document “Proposed Models for the Administration of dominio.co," and to forward their comments, by September 10, 2007, to the following e-mail address:  [email protected]. (Ministry of Communications, 24 August 2007)

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Brazil: Anatel Publishes New Cellular Telephony Rules

The new Personal Mobile Telephony (SMP) Regulations, adopted in Resolution 477, of August 7, 2007, were published this week in the Diário Oficial da União [Official Gazette of the Union].   The document establishes the general rules for mobile telephony provision and rights and obligations (of users and providers), as well as types of service provision.  The main amendments adopted by Anatel would expand and consolidate user rights and impose additional duties on providers. (ANATEL, 15 August 2007)

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Venezuela: MPPTI Promotes Projects for Social Inclusion and Access to Telecommunication Services

With the aim of strengthening participation, [Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technology] Chacón has indicated that work is being done by his office with technical telecommunications boards composed of Communal Council members.  This participatory method seeks to ensure that organized communities establish, with support from CANTV, telecommunication companies of social ownership, and that the profits generated in such processes may be reinvested in the same locale. (CONATEL, 3 August 2007)

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Brazil: Anatel Launches Mobile Telephony Bid

On July 31, the National Telecommunication Agency (Anatel) issued a request for proposals to provide Personal Mobile Telephony (SMP).  The RFP will enable licenses to be issued to provide this service throughout the country and existing operators to expand their services.  In total, 105 blocks in 23 service areas will be put out to tender. (ANATEL, 1 August 2007)

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Colombia: Convergence Decree Issued:  Barriers to Investor Entry Reduced

The national government has issued Decree 2870 of July 31, 2007, known as the “convergence decree,” whose main provisions are for a reduction in investor entry barriers, the establishment of the obligation of dominant operators to provide wholesale services, and the reorganization of radio spectrum management. (Ministry of Communications, 1 August 2007)

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Peru: Special Telephone Network for Emergency Communications to be Created

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications reports that at 12:00 p.m. noon, on August 1, it obtained the commitment of all telephony operators to create a special network to guarantee telephone communications in emergencies which, in cases of disaster, will bring together the Office of the President, the Fire Brigade, Civil Defense, Health, the National Police, and others entities. (Ministry of Transport and Communications, 1 August 2007)

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CITEL invites Administrations and associate members to send us news or notices to include in this section.

Unless otherwise indicated, the materials published on this web site, including opinions expressed therein, are the responsibility of the individual authors/compilers and not those of the Organization of American States (“OAS”), GS/OAS, CITEL and the OAS Member States or its member countries.


PCC.II prepares more than 450 inter-american proposals for WRC-07
ITU – CITEL PCC.I Seminar on “Bridging the Standardization Divide”
Second Workshop on the impact of fraud on the provision of telecommunication services in the Americas
Results and challenges of economic regulation in fixed telephony of Brazil
Helping Peru because of the earthquake in August 2007
Implementation of ETHERNET/MPLS network aggregation for the provision of multiple services – MPLS and VPN

  What is CITEL? 

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  Schedule of events

Seminar on Bridging the Standardization Divide
Mendoza, Argentina, September 24, 2007

XI meeting of PCC.I
Mendoza, Argentina, September 25 to 28, 2007

Workshop on the impact of fraud on the provision of telecommunication services in the Americas
Mendoza, Argentina, September 27, 2007


Electronic Forum
Connectivity Agenda


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