Electronic Bulletin / Number 21 - March, 2006

Versión Español

In Memoriam: Professor Luis Manuel Peluffo Cánepa

When we speak of Prof. Luis Manuel Peluffo Cánepa, it is hard to know which facets to underscore in a life of such success and challenge: his work as a professor, engineer, or manager, or his virtues as a person, father and friend. His humility, breadth of vision, insatiable wish to innovate, wide-ranging knowledge, and his intellectual clearness were captivating aspects of his style and led to his participation at critical moments in the development of telecommunications in Uruguay and in the establishment of the present Inter-American Telecommunication Commission.

As a professor of telecommunications he had different professorial positions in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay and as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technologies of the Catholic University of Uruguay.

As an engineer and manager in the Administration of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, not only did he support its development, but also those of us who experienced the introduction of computers and digitalization recall his presence as a technical referent of that era.

As part of the transformation of CITEL, we recall how, in the late 1980s, CITEL, the then-Inter-American Telecommunication Conference, was undergoing a difficult time from a financial standpoint. Extraordinary support was provided by the chairs of COM/CITEL and different officials of the telecommunication administrations, who offered their invaluable and generous assistance to study its structure to be able to meet the needs of the Member States, and to strengthening the Permanent Secretariat in order to be able to offer additional services. Prof. Peluffo was one of the main architects of the transformation of CITEL from Conference to Commission, the establishment of an Executive Secretariat and the introduction of Associate Members, drawn from the private sector, who by annual payments began participating in the Consultative Committees.

As a telecommunication expert, it was possible in recent years, to continue to enjoy Prof. Peluffo’s presence and advice as a coordinator of the Catholic University of Uruguay with CITEL and the International Telecommunication Union.

As to his human caliber, those of us who dealt with him professionally, personally, or academically can attest to it. It was a pleasure and privilege to work with him. His disciples are many that have been marked by his clarity of objectives and the value he brought to professional life. His friendship was a true delight. We his friends felt that he touched our lives through his sense of loyalty, honesty, and humor and, above all, his advice on the widest array of topics, to which he could contribute the vital element that achieved consensus-based results. He elicited broad respect and deep affection, and could forge families wherever he was to be found.

For everything that was just said, and despite the void his death has left, we wanted to include this small homage in his memory, although we are sure that all who had the honor to know him will continue to remember his tireless work towards human development and also towards the promotion of the existence of adequate telecommunications contributing to the development process in the Region.

Professor Luis Manuel Peluffo Cánepa, died on Friday, March 24, 2006 in Montevideo, Uruguay. This Secretariat wishes to express its support for and most heartfelt condolences to his family, colleagues, and friends.


Secretariat of CITEL


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