Electronic Bulletin / Number 26 - August, 2006

Versión Español

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  Upcoming events
Workshop on Interconnection and Next Generation Networks: Addressing the regulatory challenges

On September 11, 2006 will take place the Workshop on Interconnection and Next Generation Networks: Addressing the regulatory challenges, organized by the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau together with CITEL and in close collaboration with the Secretaría de Comunicaciones del Ministerio de Planificación Federal, Inversión Pública y Servicios of the Republic of Argentina. This workshop will look at the status of Next Generation Networks (NGN) deployment in the region and the associated challenges to regulatory and policy frameworks. The workshop will focus in particular on interconnection aspects, which arrangements make sense in an NGN world, providing a unique opportunity to develop a common understanding to these current issues.

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Workshop on IPv6 address allocation policies

On September 13, 2006 will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a one-day Workshop on IPv6 address allocation policies. This workshop will consider aspects such as characteristics of IPv6, transition mechanisms from IPv4 to IPv6, policies for assigning addresses for Internet Protocol IPv6, impact of IPv6 on the operation of traditional telecommunications services and perspectives and new services planning. The Workshop will take place within the meeting of the Permanent Consultative Committee I, Telecommunications.

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  Important issues
IPv6: Critical tool for pioneering network development

By Azael Fernández Alcantara, NETLab, Responsible of IPv6 project in UNAM
Also referred to as IPng (next generation Internet protocol), or simply IPv6, it is an upgraded of version 4 (IPv4) and belongs to the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/ICP) stack, used to identify, by means of a logical address, the interface or interfaces (connection point) of each computer or device connected to Internet or a local network.

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Provision of satellite capacity in Peru

By Herbert Palma, Secretaría de Comunicaciones (Secretariat of Communications)
In August 2005, the Ministry of Transport and Communications adopted the standard regulating the provision of satellite capacity through geostationary satellites to the holders of telecommunication service concessions and authorizations operating in Peru. This standard recognizes any natural person or legal entity, whether national or foreign, who is registered in Peru to provide satellite capacity.

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DNSSEC: Protection You Need but Can’t See

By Amy Friedlander (Shinkuro, Inc.) and Denise Graveline (Don’t Get Caught)
Almost sixteen percent of the global population has Internet access, up nearly 200 percent between 2000 and 2005 according to data compiled by Internet World Stats.  Growth has been fastest in Africa (423.9 percent) and Middle East (454.2 percent), followed by Latin America and the Caribbean (342.5 percent), but all world regions saw growth in excess of 100 percent in those five years.  More people than ever – and presumably more people of a wide variety of skills and sophistication – now use the Net.  And most users trust the Internet’s system of domain names, which maps easily remembered names to numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, and expect to be directed reliably to the website they’ve entered in a browser.

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Procedure used in the Dominican Republic for telecommunication equipment homologation and certification

By Rafael Fernández, INDOTEL
The present document has the Procedure used for Telecommunication Equipment Homologation and Certification in the Dominican Republic . For this purpose, we are quoting below some of the articles of the General Telecommunication Act No. 153-98, whose Articles 2, 61, 62, and 63 provide the mandate for the regulation of the use of telecommunication equipment.

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National objectives for digital television. The approach of Peru

By Raul Gómez, Secretaria de Comunicaciones de Perú
As a communications medium, television contributes to public opinion formation, and therefore constitutes a highly important national telecommunication service. Digital television is a clear manifestation of the coming major changes worldwide, affording better image quality and compact disc sound quality, with the added value of access to new telecommunication service facilities and their consequent additional program offerings, using the same radio frequency resource.

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Wireless Multimedia Services

By Rubén Kustra, Technological Institute of Buenos Aires
Telecommunication services are evolving toward “multimedia,” which basically consist of any combination of text, graphic art, sound, animation and video reaching us via computer or other electronic means. Wireless services in particular record the highest growth. Because of this, CITEL is offering fellowships for a course where we shall be studying, in a structured fashion, all wireless services being currently provided worldwide, those being planned for the future, and especially those being provided in Latin America, and the ones that are possible from the standpoint of the regulatory framework.

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Information and Communication Technologies for Development

By Héctor Leonel Rodríguez Milla, COMTELCA
The new information and communication technologies (ICTs) unquestionably are the basis of the technological revolution of the new millennium as, through their use, virtually all human activity may be transformed: from government to commerce and other economic activities to mere entertainment. The explanation for this level of penetration is the impact of ICTs on the main force driving development: human intelligence. The possibility of instantaneous, low cost access to vast amounts of information has spurred creative and learning processes and brought society closer together, thereby creating countless ways to enhance quality of life for all.

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  What's happening in the region?
Peru: Reserves 19 Channels for Provision of Digital Television

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC) has formally reserved 19 UHF band channels for future operation by private companies interested in providing digital television at the national level. However, in Ministerial Resolution No. 645-2006-MTC/03, published on August 23, 2006, the MTC indicates that it will award on a temporary basis (six months only) Channels 30 and 31 to operators who apply for them, on a trial basis. It is important to highlight that with the arrival of digital television, the spectrum may be used in a more beneficial way by the users, because it not only guarantees image and sound quality but also it is possible that through one only channel it may be possible to transmit several programs in simultaneous. This is at present possible in some countries. Please be reminded that the government is still assessing which would be the stand (american, japanese or european) for digital television. This decision of MTC is not applicable for tv stations that have assignments in UHF.  (Ministry of Transport and Communications, 24 August 2006)

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Venezuela: Public Hearing Held on Reference Values for Interconnection Charges

In order to establish reference values and define criteria to be used in determining usage charges applicable to local fixed telephony services and national and international long distance service, based on the long-term incremental costs model, on Thursday, August 24, 2006, the National Telecommunication Commission (CONATEL) held a public hearing on the proposal at issue.  (CONATEL, 24 August 2006)

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Colombia: Ministry of Communications Will Issue a New Call for Proposals for Community Radio

As of September 14, 2006, the Ministry of Communications will issue a new call for proposals for community radio. This procedure will be used to select the organized communities where provision of this service is feasible. (Ministry of Communications, 22 August 2006)

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Brazil: Anatel Approves Consultation on Battery Certification

On August 16, 2006, the Governing Council of the National Telecommunication Agency (Anatel) approved the launch of the Public Consultation on the Type Approval and Certification Provision for Lithium Batteries Used in Cellular Telephones.  As official and generic batteries may only be marketed after their type approval and certification, should the subject terms and conditions of the consultation be regulated, this could reduce sales of products of dubious origin that might be associated with cases of explosions of cell phones that occurred in 2005 and 2006. (Anatel, 17 August 2006)

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Chile: Changes in Mobile Telephony: Government and Firms Launch Massive Advertising Campaign

In response to the swift expansion in Chile of mobile telephony, whose national rate of penetration is now 75%, with 12 million users, the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications has promoted a revolutionary change that will make available for this service, as of August 19, 2006, 100 million numbers. This measure will mean a change in how to dial from a fixed line telephone to a mobile phone, and will be accompanied by a massive media advertising campaign. For information on the new way to dial, click here. To view the advertising spot, click here.  (Chile, 18 August 2006)

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Colombia: Document No. 001: Procedure for Assigning the 3.5 GHZ Band, Departmental Service Area

The Ministry of Communications has published Document No. 001, Procedure for Assignment of the 3.5 GHZ Band, Departmental Service Area: List of Companies that Have Submitted Applications for Each Department of Colombia. (Ministry of Communications, 14 August 2006)

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Peru: OSIPTEL and the Valtron company launch the “televías huarochirí” project

The Peruvian company VALTRON E.I.R.L has launched the pilot project “Development of a Rural Telecommunications Network Connecting the Districts, Towns, and Communities of Huarochirí Province: ‘Televías Huarochirí.’” This pilot project will enable Huarochirí Province’s 32 districts to access a wide array of network services, including fixed residential, mobile, and public telephony. Most such districts will have Internet access for the first time. Currently, only six districts of Huarochirí Province (Lima Department) have fixed and mobile telephony. This led its local authorities to promote this project, which has the backing of private enterprise, the central government, local governments, and the public. (OSIPTEL, 14 August 2006)

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Peru: Designation of the Minister of Transport and Communications

On August 7, 2006, Dr. Lucía Cayetana Aljovín Gazzani assumed the post of ViceMinister of Communications. (Ministry of Transport and Communications, 7 August 2006)

Colombia: Has a Reported 27.9 Mobile Telephony Users: Confirmed by the Ministry of Communications and the SIC

In the exercise of their authorities, the Ministry of Communications and the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce receive quarterly reports from mobile operators of the numbers of active users of both mobile cellular telephony and PCS. According to the most recent information forwarded by operators in Colombia, as of June 2006, there were 27,958,640 subscribers in service.(Ministry of Communications, 14 August 2006)

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Peru: Designation of the Minister of Transport and Communications

On July 31, 2006, Dr. Verónica Zavala assumed the post of Minister of Transportation and Communications. (Ministry of Transport and Communications, 31 July 2006)

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Unless otherwise indicated, the materials published on this web site, including opinions expressed therein, are the responsibility of the individual authors/compilers and not those of the Organization of American States (“OAS”), GS/OAS, CITEL and the OAS Member States or its member countries.


Workshop on Interconnection and Next Generation Networks: Addressing the regulatory challenges
Workshop on IPv6 address allocation policies
IPv6: Critical tool for pioneering network development
Provision of satellite capacity in Peru
DNSSEC: Protection You Need but Can’t See
Procedure used in the Dominican Republic for telecommunication equipment homologation and certification
National objectives for digital television. The approach of Peru
Wireless Multimedia Services
Information and Communication Technologies for Development

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  Schedule of events

IX meeting of PCC.I
Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 12 to 15, 2006
VIII Meeting of PCC.II
Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, October 17 to 20, 2006


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Connectivity Agenda


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