Electronic Bulletin / Number 17 - November, 2005

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Activities of CITEL on December 2005

December 2005 is a month of many activities for CITEL.

  • Working Group on Preparation for the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) of Permanent Consultative Committee I, Telecommunication Standardization, will hold a meeting on the morning of December 5, 2005, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • Conference Preparatory Working Group (WGCP) will begin its IX meeting on the afternoon of December 5, 2005, and will continue with two sessions that will take place December 7 and 9, 2005, during the meeting of COM/CITEL.

  • The XVI meeting of the Permanent Executive Committee of CITEL (COM/CITEL) will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from December 6 to 9, 2005. 

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  Important issues
The Brazilian process for certification and the implementation of CITEL Mutual Recognition Agreements

By Marcos de Souza Oliveira, Anatel
The Brazilian process of certification is defined by the regulations of Anatel. The Regulation approved by Resolution 242 establishes the general rules and procedures related to the certification and authorization of telecommunications products

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Canadian Experience with MRA Implementation

By Efrain Guevara, Industry Canada
Canada currently participates in both Phases of the Inter-American Mutual Recognition Agreement (CITEL MRA). The Regulatory Authority in Canada is Industry Canada (IC), and the Accreditation Authority is the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). The scope of Canada’s participation is terminal equipment (i.e. equipment that is wired-connected to the public switched network) and radio equipment.

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Homologation and certification of telecommunications equipment in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

By Antonio Delgado y  Rubén Arenas, CONATEL-Venezuela
The process of homologation and certification of telecommunications equipment became effective in the year 2001, after the approval of the Organic Law of Telecommunications (Ley Orgánica de Telecomunicaciones - LOTEL) in the year 2000. 

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Fraud in Telecommunication

By Giovani Mancilla Gaona, Colombia Telecomunicaciones.
Messages have always been subjected to a variety of illegal practices, such as attempts to pry into them in order to take advantage of the contents, clone, or distort them, etc. The history of communication is marked by efforts to combat these different kinds of phenomena with security measures, coding, and encryption, to name but a few of the methods used. However, the latter can always be countered with techniques aimed at reversing them (intrusion, decoding, decryption, etc…), so that ultimately information may be appropriated by unauthorized persons.

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GSM on 450 MHz – bringing wireless services to the rural parts of our globe

By Javier Camargo, Ericsson Administrative Services, Mexico
In September 2005 a magic milestone was reached in telecom history with the addition of the 2nd billionth wireless subscriber. By the end of 2005 estimations say that the number of mobile subscriptions will be equal to a third of the planets population. Over 75% of these 2 billion subscribers use GSM, this is by far the dominant cellular technology, adding more than 30 million subscriptions to the installed base per month.

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The Dominican Republic holds its first national forum on the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting

BJavier García, Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones
The Dominican Republic organized its first forum on the transition from analogue to digital television broadcasting on August 4-5, 2005. This important event marks a step forward in the country´s progress towards the implementation of the new digital technology.

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  What's happening in the region?
Venezuela: Five years after the opening of telecommunications: more access to services

On November 27, five years of the opening of the telecommunications were reached. This event has allowed to advance on the planned goals related to the access of citizens to more and better telecommunication services and its provision by news players. (CONATEL, 27 November 2005)

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Brazil: Anatel Provides Information on the Use of VoIP for Voice Service

The National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) wishes to indicate that no regulatory restrictions are in place to prevent providers of multimedia telecommunication services from using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to provide voice communications.(ANATEL, 9 November 2005)

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Colombia: Mobile Telephony Users Now Number 18.3 Million 

Mobile telephony users in Colombia now number 18.3 million, according to a July-September quarterly report issued today by the Ministry of Communications.(Ministry of Communications, 9 November 2005)

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Venezuela: CONATEL Launches General Electronic Forum on a Draft Technical Standard on Environmental Conditions for Telecommunication Equipment

The National Telecommunication Commission (CONATEL) reports the launch of the General Electronic Forum “Draft Technical Standard on Environmental Conditions for Telecommunication Equipment,” which will be open from November 8 to December 30, 2005. (CONATEL, 8 November 2005)

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Venezuela: All Telecommunication Market Sectors Grew in Third Quarter 2005

The preliminary third quarter 2005 results presented by the National Telecommunication Commission (CONATEL) point to the telecommunication sector’s continuous growth this year. Operating revenue in that quarter was USS2,526.34 billion bolivars, with private investment of 434.335 billion bolivars, equivalent, at the official exchange rate, to US$1.175 million and US$202 million respectively. (CONATEL, 8 November 2005)

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Brazil: Anatel Pays Tribute to Servers as Part of the Celebrations to Mark its Eighth Anniversary 

The National Telecommunication Agency (Anatel) has moved forward the celebrations to mark its eighth anniversary to 4 p.m. today, to be held in Brasilia, in Anatel’s Cultural Auditorium.  Tribute will be paid, to include certificates of appreciation for services rendered, to 108 servers that have completed five years with the Agency.(ANATEL, 3 November 2005)

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Colombia: Fixed Wireless Access

The Ministry of Communications is publishing the results of licensing for use of the radio spectrum to provide fixed wireless access, pursuant to the provisions of Resolution 001671 of August 4, 2005. (Ministry of Communications, 3 November 2005)

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Colombia: One More Step in Broadband Promotion Policy

"We are facilitating broadband service development with the aim of spurring Colombia’s extremely low rates of broadband penetration. Attribution of the 3.5 GHz band is just one more step in policy to promote broadband,” said Martha Pinto, Minister of Communications, in a forum organized by ASONET[KRL2] on access to the 3.5 GHz band.(Ministry of Communications, 3 November 2005)

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Unless otherwise indicated, the materials published on this web site, including opinions expressed therein, are the responsibility of the individual authors/compilers and not those of the Organization of American States (“OAS”), GS/OAS, CITEL and the OAS Member States or its member countries.


Activities of CITEL on December 2005
The Brazilian process for certification and the implementation of CITEL MRA
Canadian Experience with MRA Implementation
Homologation and certification of telecommunications equipment in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Fraud in Telecommunication
GSM on 450 MHz – bringing wireless services to the rural parts of our globe
The Dominican Republic holds its first national forum on the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting

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  Schedule of events

Meeting of Working Group on Preparation for the World Conference on International Telecommunications of PCC.I
Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 5, 2005
IX Meeting of Conference Preparatory Working Group
Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 5 to 9, 2005
XVI Meeting of COM/CITEL
Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 6 to 9, 2005
IV Meeting of the CITEL Assembly
San José, Costa Rica, February 20 to 23, 2006


Electronic Forum
Connectivity Agenda


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