Transnational Organized Crime
Meeting of
government experts to consider the advisability of developing a
hemispheric Plan of Action against Transnational Organized Crime - April
18-19, 2005
Notice of
corr. 1
rev. 1
components of a hemispheric plan of action against transnational organized
proposal for a possible hemispheric plan of action against transnational
organized crime
Summary of
recommendations for the proposed plan of action against transnational
organized crime
and recommendations
List of participants
List of documents
Introductory speech by the Chair of the
Committee on Hemispheric Security
Model Agreement on Transnational Organized
Report of the Chair of the Meeting
First Meeting of the Technical Group on Transnational Organized Crime of the
OAS - July 26-27, 2007
Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico
transmitting the agenda for the First Meeting of the Technical Group on
Transnational Organized Crime of the OAS
rev. 1
Plan for the first meeting of the OAS
technical group on Transnational Organized Crime
Draft Agenda
National Points of Contact of the Hemispheric
Plan of Action Against Transnational Organized Crime.GT/DOT-I/doc.
List of Participants
GT/DOT-I/doc. 4/07 rev. 1
List of Documents
GT/DOT-I/doc. 5/07rev.
Conclusions and Recommendations Proposed by
the Chair of the First Meeting of the Technical Group on Transnational
Organized Crime of the OAS
6/07 rev. 1
Rapporteur’s Report (Submitted by Oscar Rosas
Bahamonde, B.Sc. in Criminal Investigation, Commissioner of the
Investigations Police, Delegate of Chile to the Technical Group
GT/DOT-I/doc. 7/07
corr. 1
Presentation by the Delegation of Canada.
GT/DOT-I/INF. 1/07
Presentation given by the Head of Mexico’s
Specialized Unit for Crimes against Health, Mr. Mario Alberto Arzave,
at the First Plenary Session of the First Meeting of the OAS Technical
Group on Transnational Organized Crime
GT/DOT-I/INF. 4/07
Remarks by Dr. Karen KRAMER - Project
Coordinator Global Project against Transnational Organized Crime United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
GT/DOT-I/INF. 10/07
Second Meeting of
the OAS Technical Group on Transnational Organized Crime October 7, 2009
Lista de Documentos
GT/DOT-II/doc. 1/09
Draft Agenda
GT/DOT-II/doc. 2/08 rev. 1
Draft Schedule
3/09 rev. 1
Observations on the Document “Components of
the Work Program of the Technical Group on Transnational Organized Crime”
(CP/CSH-1045/08) (Presented by the delegation of the Argentine Republic)
GT/DOT-II/doc. 4/09
Observations on the document “Components of the Work Program of the
Technical Group on Transnational Organized Crime” (CP/CSH-1045/08)
(Presented by the delegation of Peru)
GT/DOT-II/doc. 4/09 add. 1
Signatories and Ratifications to the United
Nations Convention Against Transnational Crime and its Protocols
GT/DOT-II/doc. 5/09
Presentation of the Analysis of Technical
Cooperation Needs
GT/DOT-II/doc. 6/09
Directorio de Puntos Únicos de Contacto
Directory of National Points of Contact
GT/DOT-II/doc. 9/09
Lista de Participantes/ List of Participants
GT/DOT-II/doc. 10/09
Report of the Second Meeting of the OAS
Technical Group on Transnational Organized Crime
GT/DOT-II/doc. 12/09
Trans-Pacific Symposium on Dismantling
Transnational Illicit Networks
GT/DOT-II/INF. 1/09 rev. 1
Background of the Second Meeting of the OAS
Technical Group on Transnational Organized Crime
Reminder - UNCTOC
Third Meeting of the
OAS Technical Group on Transnational Organized Crime November 16, 2011
Draft Agenda (Presented by the Government of
Trinidad and Tobago and approved at the meeting of the Committee on
Hemispheric Security held on October 6, 2011)
CP/CSH-1350/11 rev. 2
Notice of Convocation
GT/DOT-III/doc. 1/11
Directory of National Points of Contact
GT/DOT-III/doc. 2/11 rev. 1
GT/DOT-III/doc. 3/11
Draft Agenda
GT/DOT-III/doc. 4/11
Concept Paper Roundtable Discussion:
-Transnational Organized Crime as a Multidimensional Threat: Promoting
Full Implementation of the Hemispheric Plan of Action against
Transnational Organized Crime- (Presented by the Secretariat for
Multidimensional Security)
GT/DOT-III/doc. 5/11
Signatories and Ratifications to the United
Nations convention Against Transnational Organized Crime and its
GT/DOT-III/doc. 6/11
Draft Schedule (Presented by the Chair)
GT/DOT-III/doc. 7/11 rev. 1
Components of the Work Program of the
Technical Group on Transnational Organized Crime (Approved at the meeting
of the Committee on Hemispheric Security on November 3, 2011)
Draft work schedule (Presented by the Chair)
Report of the Secretariat for Multidimensional
Security on progress in implementation of the Hemispheric Plan of Action
against Transnational Organized Crime
Specific actions undertaken
by the office of the Attorney General of the Republic Pursuant to the
Hemispheric Plan of Action Against Transnational Organized Crime (PAHDOT)
Period: October 2009 - November 2011 (Presented by the delegation of Mexico)
Lista de
Participantes / Participants List
GT/DOT-III/doc. 13/11
Final Report
(Presented by the Technical Secretariat)
GT/DOT-III/doc. 14/11
Intervention by the
Secretary of Multidimensional Security of the Organization of
American States, Adam Blackwell, during the Inaugural Ceremony of
the Third Meeting of the working group on Transnational Organized
Statement by Mrs
Jennifer Boucaud-Blake, Permanent Secretary Ministry of National
Security at the opening of the Third Meeting of the working group on
Transnational Organized Crime
Presentación de
Antonio L. Mazzitelli, Representate Regional para América Latina y
el Caribe de la oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el
Délito (Presentada en la tercera sesión plenaria celebrada el 16 de
noviembre de 2011)
Presentación por
Amando López Hernández, Fiscal especial de la Subprocuradoría de
Investigación Especializada en Delincuencia Organizada (Presentada
en la tercera sesión plenaria celebrada el 16 de noviembre de 2011)
Presentation by Dr. Marco Alma, Judge and
Consultant of Italian Foreign Ministry (Presented at the third plenary
session held on November 16, 2011)
Conclusions of the High Level Hemispheric
Meeting Against Transnational Organized Crime Mexico City, March 2nd of
Fourth Meeting of the
OAS Technical Group on Transnational Organized Crime - 2013
Draft Agenda (Presented by the Government of
Trinidad and Tobago)
GT/DOT-IV/doc.1/13 rev. 1
Directorio de Puntos Únicos de Contacto /
Directory of National Points of Contact
Signatories and Ratifications to the United
Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its
Draft recommendations of the Technical Group
on Transnational Organized Crime (GTDOT) (Considered at the informal
meeting held on February 22, 2013)
Meeting of National Authorities on Transnational
Organized Crime - 24-25 April 2014
Draft Agenda
Draft Schedule
Other documents
Summary of recommendations for the
proposed Plan of Action against Transnational Organized Crime
Comments by member states on the summary
of recommendations for the proposed plan of action against
transnational organized crime (Argentina)
Proposed components of a hemispheric
plan of action against transnational organized crime
rev. 2
Preliminary proposal for a possible
hemispheric plan of action against transnational organized crime
Draft resolution: Fighting
transnational organized crime in the Hemisphere
rev. 2
Draft Resolution Promotion of
Hemispheric Cooperation in Dealing with Gangs involved in Criminal
Activities (Presented by the delegation of El Salvador)
rev. 9
Draft Resolution Implementation of the
Hemispheric Plan of Action Against Transnational Organized Crime
(Presented by the delegation of Mexico)
rev. 3
Observations of the Government of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on the Draft Resolution: Promotion
of Hemispheric Cooperation in Dealing with Gangs Involved in
Criminal Activities
Draft Resolution Execution of the Hemispheric Plan of Action against
Transnational Organized Crime and strengthening of hemispheric
cooperation in the area (Presented by the delegation of Mexico)
rev. 2
Draft Components of the work program of
the Technical Group on Transnational Organized Crime (Considered at
the meeting of the Technical Group on October 7, 2009, at the
informal meeting of the Technical Group on April 19, 2010, and at
the meeting of the Committee on Hemispheric Security on October 6,
rev. 3
Note from the Permanent Mission of
Trinidad and Tobago proposing venue and date for the Second Meeting
of the Technical Group on Transnational Organized Crime
Draft Agenda (Presented by the General
Draft Resolution Execution of the Hemispheric
Plan of Action Against Transnational Organized Crime and Strengthening of
Hemispheric Cooperation
(Presented by the delegations of the Republic of
Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico, and approved at the meeting held on May
14, 2009) CP/CSH-1097/09 rev. 2
Draft resolution Execution of the Hemispheric
Plan of Action against Transnational Organized Crime and Strengthening
of Hemispheric Cooperation (Presented by the delegation of Trinidad and
Tobago and cosponsored by Mexico, and approved at the meeting of May 18,
CP/CSH-1220/10 rev. 3
Draft resolution Place and Date of the meeting of the Fourth meeting
of the technical group on Transnational Organized Crime (Presented by
Trinidad and Tobago and approved at the meeting held on December 6,
CP/CSH-1442/12 rev. 1
Report of the Secretariat for Multidimensional
Security relating to the process adopted in the First informal meeting
about the IV Meeting of the Technical Group on Transnational Organized
Functions, legal framework, structure, activities, and costs associated
with the possible modalities the Technical Group on Transnational
Organized Crime of the Committee on Hemispheric Security may adopt
(Presented by the Secretariat for Multidimensional Security at the
request of the Technical Group)
CP/CSH/INF-349/13 rev. 1
Assessment of the Secretariat for Administration and Finance of the
costs of meetings during 2009-2012 relating to transnational organized
crime and the possible expense reductions with the creation of an
Inter-American Commission against Transnational Organized Crime (CIDOT)
Draft recommendations of the Technical Group on Transnational Organized
Crime (GTDOT) (Considered at the informal meeting held on February 22,
CP/CSH/INF-352/13 rev. 1
Draft Agenda Meeting of National Authorities
on Transnational Organized Crime April 24-25, 2014 (Approved by the
Committee at its meeting of March 13, 2014 and modified on March 20,
CP/CSH-1529/13 rev. 5
Draft Annotated Agenda Meeting of National Authorities
on Transnational Organized Crime (Presented by the Chair)
CP/CSH-1543/14 rev. 2
Draft Work Schedule Meeting of National Authorities
on Transnational Organized Crime (Approved by the Committee at its
meeting of March 20, 2014)
CP/CSH-1544/14 rev. 1
Signatories and Ratifications to the United
Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its
Report of the Secretariat for Multidimensional
Security on its implementation of the Hemispheric Plan of Action against
Transnational Organized
CP/CSH 1625/13