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Permanent Observers


Report on granting the Kingdom of Denmark the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-1679/00 rev. 1

Report on granting the Kingdom of Norway the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-1704/00 corr. 1


Report of the Chair of the CAJP on granting the Republic of Azerbaijan the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-1771/01

Report of the CAJP on granting the Republic of Armenia the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-1850/01


Draft resolution on granting the Republic of Estonia the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-1867/02

Report of the CAJP on granting the Republic of Estonia the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-1873/02

Draft resolution on granting Georgia the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-1904/02

Draft resolution on granting the Republic of Slovakia the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-1905/02

Remarks by Ambassador Tedo Japaridze of Georgia, before the CAJP at its meeting held on April 11, 2002 CP/CAJP-1914/02 corr. 1

Remarks by Ambassador Martin Butora of the Republic of Slovakia, before the CAJP at its meeting held on April 11, 2002 CP/CAJP-1915/02

Report of the Chair of the CAJP on granting Georgia the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-1922/02

Report of the CAJP on granting the Republic of Slovakia the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-1924/02

Draft resolution on granting the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-1969/02

Address by Mr. Ivan Zivkovic, Charge d'Affairs of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, to the CAJP CP/CAJP-1971/02

Report of the Chair of the CAJP on the request of the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the OAS CP/CAJP-1973/02

Draft resolution on granting the State of Qatar  the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-1976/02

Report of the Chair of the CAJP on the request of the Government of the State of Qatar to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the OAS CP/CAJP-1983/02

Address by the Ambassador of Qatar, Mr. Bader Omar Al-Dafa, at the meeting of the CAJP CP/CAJP-1986/02


Draft resolution on granting the Republic of Slovenia the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-2086/03

Draft resolution on granting the Federal Republic of Nigeria the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-2087/03

Report of the Chair of the CAJP on the request of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the OAS CP/CAJP-2090/03

Report of the Chair of the CAJP on the request of the Government of the Republic of Nigeria to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the OAS CP/CAJP-2091/03


Draft resolution:  Granting the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization (For consideration by the CAJP on January 29, 2004) CP/CAJP-2114/03

Report of the Chair of the CAJP on the request by the Government of the Gran Duchy of Luxembourg to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-2123/04 corr.1

Note from the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs forwarding a note from the delegations of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile CP/CAJP/INF.13/04

Report of the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs on consideration of the request of the Government of the People’s Republic of China to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization CP/CAJP-2192/04


Report of the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs on the request by the Government of Iceland to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States CP/CAJP-2618/08

Report of the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs on the request by the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States CP/CAJP-2662/08

Report of the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs on the request by the Government of the Republic of Benin to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States CP/CAJP-2663/08


Report of the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs on the request by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania  to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States (Request considered by the Committee at its meeting of December 10, 2009) CP/CAJP- 2795/09


Report of the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs on the request by the Principality of Monaco to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States (Request considered at the meeting of the Committee on September 9, 2010) CP/CAJP-2901/10


Report of the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs on the request by the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States (Request considered at the Committee meeting of May 3,  2011)  CP/CAJP- 2984/11

Report of the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs on the application by the Republic of Albania to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States (Application considered at the meeting of the Committee on September 8, 2011) CP/CAJP- 3015/11

Report of the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs on the Request by the Government of Malta to be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States (Request considered at the meeting of the Committee on Thursday, September 8, 2011) CP/CAJP- 3016/11 corr. 1


Request by Montenegro to be granted Permanent Observer Status to the Organization of American States (CP/doc.4852/13) (Remarks of Mr. Jorge Sanin, Director of the Department of International Affairs, at the meeting of the CAJP of May 2, 2013) CP/CAJP/INF. 195/13

Request by Liechtenstein to be granted Permanent Observer Status to the Organization of American States (CP/doc.4934/13) (Remarks of Mr. Jorge Sanin, Director of the Department of International Affairs, at the meeting of the CAJP of August 28, 2013) CP/CAJP/INF. 199/13

Request by the Sovereign Order of Malta to be granted Permanent Observer Status to the Organization of American States (CP/doc.4921/13) (Remarks of Mr. Jorge Sanin, Director of the Department of International Affairs, at the meeting of the CAJP of August 28, 2013) CP/CAJP/INF. 200/13 rev. 1

Report on the Participation Mechanisms and Contributions of Permanent Observer to the OAS (Issued by the Department of International Affairs) CP/CAJP/INF. 203/13

Report on the request from Montenegro be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States and draft resolution of the Permanent Council (Presented by the Chair of the CAJP) CP/CAJP- 3196/13

Report on the application by the Sovereign Order of Malta to be granted Permanent Observer Status to the Organization of American States and draft resolution of the Permanent Council (Presented by the Chair of the CAJP) CP/CAJP- 3197/13

Report on the request from the Principality of Liechtenstein be granted the status of Permanent Observer to the Organization of American States and draft resolution of the Permanent Council (Presented by the Chair of the CAJP) CP/CAJP- 3198/13

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